camp dusty toy box ✿ hiding

Nov 29, 2022
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Daisypaw wanted to go home.

Home just wasn't... home anymore.

She wanted to be playing with her siblings again. She wanted to sleep with Echolight again. She wanted to play with Dandelionwish again. She wanted to see them all smile again. She wanted to see them be happy again. She wanted to be happy again.

Dawnglare had shooed her away for what felt to be the umpteeth time, but all she wanted was to be by Dandelionwish's side, to feel comforted and to will him awake and okay again.

With her tail nearly tucked between her legs and ears tilted back, the WindClanner scurried away from the medicine cat den. She didn't like him anyway.

Daisypaw offered the lingering SkyClanners little more than a sidelong glance as she crept off to a far corner of camp, stopping only once she reached the arching, woven wall of brambles and winter-bitten ferns. There was a single stone jutting from the earth, smooth and barely enough to even consider concealing herself with, but she wedged herself behind it regardless, face pressed into its chilled surface.

Maybe, if she stayed here long enough, she would wake up, and everything would have been nothing but a bad dream. Drawing herself closer, she trembled with barely suppressed tears.

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Digesting the news of Blazestar’s pardoning of a pair of Windclan refugees earned little more than a lift of pensive fictional brow. Thistleback trusted the ragdoll’s every move, so it’s this that lets his hackles lie flat. Though, he had been more focused on his time with Coyotepaw and then training Quillpaw and Snowpaw. He hardly had a moment to spare thought.

Only now, as steam rolls off his spine and a workhorse settle on his side to peel out a few nettles and sap that clung to his snow-dusted fur did he spot the tiniest bit of movement from the medicine den. The knowledge of Windclanner’s presence made him alert to such movement and his steely sights pierce toward it like a coonhound. Creeping along the edge of camp, the terror of a squirrel facing a nest of hawks on it’s tiny muzzle.

" Windclanners have always looked small, but I can't imagine her taking down a rabbit. " he comments hoarsely, turning his chin toward Coyotepaw. " why don’t you go talk to her, yeah? " Thistleback pulls himself to a stand, scowling as he waits to prowl behind Coyotepaw.

  • @Coyotepaw

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring quillpaw & Snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

Angry at all the things I can't change
Salmon pink tongue rasps over creamy fur in an act of self soothing. Grooming was not something he did terribly often. But with the clan's anxieties spiking to all new heights with its latest refugees, he's found their cold eyes plunging into subzero temperatures. What little ground he may have gained is instantly dashed as whispers and rumors bounce back into rotation. It feels like day one all over again. The familiar guttural voice of his father rings within his ears, allowing mint hued eyes to skim over Daisypaw's general direction. That was something he had come to realize himself during his time in the moors. They were relatively small, there were only a handful that rivaled his height and stature beyond Juniperfrost. "You should have seen their tunnelers..." It was no wonder why the rest of the clans referred to them as rats.

Another rasp over the flaxen fur of his chest and he pauses at Thistleback's suggestion to go speak with the quivering apprentice. Mint eyes grow wide as he looks up at the lead warrior. Surely he was joking? It would only breed more skepticism, although he assumed he would receive that either way. A soft sigh pulls from his lips, limbs shuffling beneath him as he moves from laying upon the ground to stand. "Alright." Cautiously he looks over his shoulder before walking over to where the monochrome apprentice lay hunkered down. "Hey Daisypaw," Coyotepaw greets as he pokes his head around the rock. "It's good to see you again, nice to see you made it out windclan okay. I think you'll like it here, skyclan is a good place." He murmurs, a bundle of nerves but he continues on. "Oh, and this is Thistleback, my dad."
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
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A hiccup shook her shoulders, still acutely aware of the murmuring of SkyClanners as they went about their business. Or were they talking about her? For a brief moment, the thought of shouting at them crossed her mind, telling them to shut up. Her jaw remained clenched shut.

Pawsteps drew closer, but Daisypaw refused to lift her head. A semi-familiar voice greeted her and, impossibly, the she-cat drew herself even smaller. Good to see her again, he said.

The cream-colored tom had already finished speaking, but she hadn't lifted her head to so much as look at him. Silence stretched out for several moments before she half-heartedly lifted her head, misty eyes turning up to meet his. Oh, it was Coyotepaw. She remembered him. The rumors were true, then. He had run away to SkyClan.

Daisypaw didn't immediately reply, pale gaze instead flickering past him to the spiky tom beyond, who he introduced as Thistleback, his dad. She looked back down at the ground. "I wanna go home," she uttered pathetically, quietly. "But I don't wanna be near them anymore." Home, to the moors and open sky. To the stars that weren't blotted out by towering trees.

A thin whine escaped her then, expression crinkling and cheeks further dampening with tears. "I want my mama." Mama was still there. Sparkpaw was still there. Larkpaw was still there. "I don't wanna be in SkyClan, I want my mom!" she cried, voice raising.

She didn't want cats to stare at her with judging looks, with pitying looks. She didn't want to be stuck on her own all the time. Daisypaw stuffed her face into her paws.

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you should have seen their tunnelers, the term makes Thistleback’s silver eyes gleam but hardly in wonder, tedious enough was having to donate thought to the thieving scumbags. Learning about their quirks would only be necessary upon another war. God willing. " tunnelers? … like rabbits?, heh- you truly are what you eat "

Wide green eyes translate a certain uncertainty earning a lifted brow. Thistleback looks through the slits of his halflidded eyes. Jaws rotating as Coyotepaw finally moves.

The valve of his attention is twisted upon the cowering child. Coyotepaw isn’t moving in with too much confidence, it narrowly tickles the stony lead warrior as he sidles up yet keeps his slight distance. The piebald well aware of his visual deviations from the orthodox, to put lightly.

Thistleback, my dad, if a seething dragon he was then a gentle gecko he is in that moment hearing those words. A smile daring the edges of his lips. Only for a pensive frown to return as the small voice raises, tales of the woe. A soul yearning for home but deeply knowing it cannot be. " your friend Dandelionwish, needs you here for now. You don’t want to leave him alone in Skyclan, do you? " he wishes his hoarse tone gentle but its like laying grass over gravel. " your mum would want you to be brave, wouldn’t she? " he uses the tone he used on his own kits.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring quillpaw & Snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png