dynasties & dystopia


: ̗̀➛ lilith
Feb 16, 2024

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    VIOLETKIT ; named by snakehiss for her small size and dark colors.
    a boisterous, loud kitten with a mouth that loves to run and an ego a bit too big for her. she walks with her head held high in pride and loves to be the center of everyone's attention, not caring what she has to do to get it. prone to jealousy and a bit too painfully honest at times, violetkit is a spitting image of a spoiled kit without being outright rotten.
    — afab she / her


    — kitten of windclan
    — born 02.17.24, currently 2 moons old ; ages every 17th
    — penned by izanami; reach out on discord (nullmoons) for plots
    toyhouse & playlist
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    petite and wisplike, violetkit is a small tortoiseshell with a personality much larger than she is. she will remain small her whole life, head likely hitting her father's shoulders at adulthood, and puffs her chest out proud and holds her head high to gain whatever extra height she can. violetkit's pelt is a sleek, solid black that absorbs almost all light that touches it while it's thick with kitten down, making her appear almost as a small void of light. deep red speckles dot across her pelt, thicker along her haunches and shoulders in dark lines. the markings can be hard to spot, almost invisible unless she's turning to face you. a dark red dorsal runs down her back, her largest identifiable marking. white touches her appendages ever so lightly, coloring her toes and the tip of her tail. violetkit bears a small white splotch on her chest, a striking resemblance to snakehiss' own. her eyes are a glittering orange, like the low-sitting sun.
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    violetkit, like her father in his youth, has an ego that's a bit too big for her. although she does not latch onto the nationalism snakehiss himself was raised with, she cares for him extremely greatly as her only parent, and for that matter flaunts him as her father. she's proud of snakehiss, proud of being his kin, and loves to show him off to any who would listen much to their own chagrin. violetkit thinks snakehiss is the center of the world as a kit, shadowing his steps and pestering him whenever she gets the chance. her reactions to things hinge largely on what snakehiss himself does, or what she thinks he would feel. in her youth, this will likely have violetkit offering more mild reactions to things, as when left entirely to her own devices she can be quite dramatic and loud in matters. violetkit will inflate things to be bigger problems than they really are, hunting for a sense of superiority or potentially even attention out of something as simple as losing a kit-fight. depending on how she's raised by snakehiss himself, or if she finds another parental figure to attach to, violetkit will either do little things for their validation - or, if snakehiss' attention is elsewhere far more often than his kittens, violetkit will lash out and act out for attention. consequences be damned, she will want her father's eyes. a lack of approval is no problem for violetkit, as long as eyes are on her.

    despite her storms for attention, violetkit is not a rotten child. she is not malicious or particularly hateful, and being "right" doesn't always matter to violetkit. in fact, she has little issue accepting her own wrongdoing once her temper has cooled off a day later - but her temper in itself can be quite the problem. when things don't go her way, even as simple as missing the goal in mossball, frustration absolutely overtakes the tiny tortoiseshell. attempts to quell her anger will result in a tongue lashing much unbecoming someone so young. hopefully, as she grows, she will be offered tools and tutorage on how to redirect her anger and quash her vile thoughts. when someone themselves is the source of her ire, she is less sharp than she would be if someone was stepping in on her own failure, typically speaking with blatant exasperation, dramatic sighs, and a dose of needless sass. harmless, but annoying. violetkit can be hard to get along with because of how quickly she views something as being unfavorable to her, and her reactions to them make her unappealing to spend time with. violetkit is quite the sore loser, and can be prone to ill-hidden jealousy.

    violetkit is a loyal friend to those that are able to tolerate her temper tantrums, however. violetkit, unafraid of punishment or apologizing, might even fall into a friendship with a troublemaker where she regularly takes the fall and offers lies and apologies to cover as though she had done actions herself. she thrives off of attention, after all, so if someone gives her a wealth of it and all she has to do is stretch the truth a bit and sit in the nursery for a few days... hardly a price to pay. while she doesn't mind stretching the truth in an instance of being reprimanded, violetkit is much more brutally honest toward other cats. she'll openly tell you why she doesn't think you're very funny, that she thinks you smell, that you're actually kind of ugly. violetkit doesn't understand how these things can be hurtful at first. as she ages, this will likely dampen down significantly, and violetkit will become much kinder with her words; but she will be unafraid to speak her mind, what she views as the truth, whether about another cat or about a situation. violetkit is incredibly brave, almost viewing herself as invincible - this is a large driver in what makes violetkit step in the way of a bullet, so to speak.
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    it can be hard to befriend someone seemingly so self-serving as violetkit, but her intentions normally mean well despite her mouth running ahead and of her thoughts. violetkit does not make friends quickly, and likely won't befriend someone she perceives as "better" than her, but if one can snag her attention she's loyal to a fault in her friendships. she would do anything for those she cares about.
    SOUNDS LIKE: running your finger on the rim of a wine glass, a high pitched but tonal hum
    SMELLS LIKE: heather and faint milk scent, heavy of the nursery
    speech is #9b7143

    SNAKEHISS xx BERRYSNAP ; sister to privetkit, waspkit, and cricketkit

    snakehiss text here
    berrysnap text here
    privetkit text here
    waspkit text here
    cricketkit text here
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    PLAY FIGHTING: poor.
    she puts up her best fight but her size works against her in every way.
    POUNCING: adequate. her size makes her pawsteps very quiet, and she can move in quick with kitten teeth and claws.
    MOSS BALL: poor.
    while she's good at playing, she's a terribly sore loser.
    WEAVING: woeful.
    violetkit's paws are small enough to do well, but she hates something so tedious.
    KITCLAN: proficient.
    violetkit loves being in charge and playing pretend, this game has both.
    LISTENING: woeful.
    violetkit never follows the spirit of the rules, and scoldings pass right through her ears.

    ○○○○○○○○○○ HUNTING: untrained. violetpaw has yet to be taught hunting.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ TRACKING: untrained. violetpaw has yet to be taught tracking.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ COMBAT: untrained. violetpaw has yet to be taught combat.

    ○○○○○○○○○○ RUNNING: untrained. violetpaw has yet to be taught moor-racing.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ CLIMBING: untrained. violetpaw has yet to be taught climbing.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ TUNNELING: untrained. violetpaw will not be taught tunneling.
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    IMPORTANT THREADS / ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development

    02.17.2024 — present ; their time as violetkit
    ★ 00.00.2024 THREAD NAME
    ⤷ brief thread description
    ☆ 00.00.2024 THREAD NAME
    ⤷ brief thread description
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    1. egoist - jenna holiday
    i see myself in you, i've always been an egoist / i want the best for you, you show me where my ego is / and i'd light the room on fire just to frame you with it / you are my foreground, i am your background / you tilt the world and i lift it up

    3. mercy - king mala
    i've been getting tired starting so many fires / i always find a new way to burn / i've done more harm than i thought / my constant need for attention ruins the party once again / i wanna learn how to get along / is there any good inside of me? / losing sense of my morality / setting fire with my little white lies

    5. dynasties and dystopia - denzel curry
    oh yeah, he mad, i'm racking up white diamonds / throw me in the sky, you would swear the sun shining / i might just kick your butt, go run amok then paint my nails / never learned to raise my hand, was too busy raising hell / fear is never an option, so dying's not a real phobia / i'm beating the odds, rising to every occasion as if i defeated the gods / underground utopia, dynasties and dystopia

    2. lilith - halsey
    you got me thinkin' that i was too mean / well, everything i say, i believe / tuck a knife with my heart up my sleeve / change like a season, reason for nothin' / i am disruptive, i've been corrupted / by now, i don't need a fuckin' introduction / the more that you have, the more that they take

    4. cleopatra - nova twins
    i'm the type of girl who likes taking the lead / i don't give a fuck what they say about me / they say i'm scary, i'm not ladylike, i act like a queen / and i'll be wearing the crown whilst i'll be kissing my teeth, yeah / pharaohs and empresses, our bones made out of treasure / i'm a straight talker, fucking say what you mean

    6. sensitive - mothica
    push me, pull me, break me, can't let go / my hands around your throat, won't leave me alone / now i got my guard up, can't let go / don't mean to break the skin, i'm just sensitive / a vulnerable bitch / deadly but delicate, i'm just sensitive
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    she / her, 2 moon old kit of windclan
    a tiny black molly speckled with red and white with sundown eyes
    snakehiss x berrysnap, sister of rosekit, waspkit, and the estranged privetkit
    full length biography
    penned by izanami / @nullmoons

[slide=𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥][justify][/justify][/slide][slide=———  ✿  ———]no ref yet :([/slide]
[slide=𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙤𝙤 𝙗𝙪𝙨𝙮 𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙡][justify][fleft][bimg width=235px]https://i.ibb.co/D4XDFKc/violet.png[/bimg][/fleft][size=25px][height=20px][glow=black][color=#5f1f00]₊[/color] [color=#6a2201]⋆[/color] [color=#752503]*[/color] [color=#802804]⊹[/color] [color=#8b2b05]₊[/color] [color=#962e07]☾[/color] [/glow][/height][/size][height=20px][glow=black][size=35px][font=hello][b][i][color=#553677]v[/color][color=#5c3c7f]i[/color][color=#634288]o[/color][color=#694890]l[/color][color=#704e99]e[/color][color=#7753a1]t[/color][color=#7e59a9]k[/color][color=#845fb2]i[/color][color=#8b65ba]t[/color][/i][/b][/font][/size][/glow][/height]
[quote][color=#792800]—[/color] she / her, 2 moon old kit of windclan
[color=#792800]—[/color] a tiny black molly speckled with red and white with sundown eyes
[color=#792800]—[/color] snakehiss x berrysnap, sister of rosekit, waspkit, and the estranged privetkit
[color=#792800]—[/color] full length [b][color=#9367c7][url=https://tabbytales.net/threads/dynasties-dystopia.12305/]biography[/url][/color][/b]
[color=#792800]—[/color] penned by izanami / @nullmoons