camp DYNASTY ;; checkups.

Fireflypaw had taken kindly to his job as a medicine cat apprentice, taking it as seriously as he possibly could. He rummages through the herb store to gather a few herbs, waving his tail to the inhabitants of the medicine den before he steps out and stretches his limbs. Joints pop as he extends his paws forwards, claws digging into the grassy floor below. Once finished, Fireflypaw makes his way to the center of camp.

"Checkup time, everyone! Anyone who had injuries recently, or need a wellness checkup, please come over. Kits and Queens included." Fireflypaw calls out loudly, his mew never wavering as he waits for cats to join him. Hopefully, hopefully it was just minor injuries like scratches.. The kits had been losing their teeth recently, so this was the perfect time to check them out and properly get a handle on how to deal with them.

// This is before the bee attack!​
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Check ups? How lame! Though it was needed and important, even if many suggested they were fine or whatever. They had seemed so busy lately with injuries, it’s the season for falling out of trees or something. Regardless, she had seen a lot of cats come in and out of the den with different ailments and what not. Different concerns, so she was sitting in her nest idly watching the medicine cats work. She was more than likely going to ask for a check up herself, but she asked that at least once a day if not more. Being antsy to leave the den was terrible.

What do you think will be the most common thing you’ll get today?” She asked the medicine cat apprentice with a small head tilt, before rolling onto her side dramatically, “I’m say cracked paws! OR fevers! Maybe aches?” She rambled about the different thing that could occur, that she has heard them say or seen in her time in here.

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 24 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


With how busy both he and his best friend are these days, Greeneyes isn’t able to spend as much time with Fireflypaw as he used to be able to. So, when the medicine apprentice calls for check-ups, the ginger tom can’t help but use it as an opportunity to see his friend — even if he has a reason to approach him.

The young lead pads over to the healer, a nudge to the tom’s side in greeting shared before ginger ears pick up Honeysplash’s words. “ Stars, I hope no one’s walking around with a fever, “ he meows to his other friend, though he wears a smile on his face still, “ We don’t need any sicknesses spreading around. But I’ll give one point to bruises — “ Greeneyes shifts his shoulder, looking back to Fireflypaw as dulled pain makes a reminder of its presence.

It shouldn’t be anything serious, but you mind checking out my shoulder, Fi? “ he asks, “ It’s better than it was before, but I just want to make sure it’s okay. “​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
"Honeysplash! It's always good to hear your voice." Fireflypaw chirps as the other cat arrives, rolling onto her side though he cannot see it, he knows she's about as relaxed as a fox cub in its nest. She guesses on the types of injuries he'll have to deal with today, and Fireflypaw snorts in amusement at her enthusiasm. "I'd bet cracked pads and kitten teeth falling out. The kits of the Clan have been losing their teeth and complaining about them for a bit, so I'd assume that'll be an issue for a short while." He hums, lowering his head to his herb pile as he feels a nudge to his side.

He's not startled by the sudden touch against him, knows who the nudge belongs to by the scent of the cat. His best friend voices his own opinion- he agreed, fevers wouldn't be too fun to deal with. "I sure hope nobody has a fever.." He mumbles softly, turning to face his friend as he talks about his shoulder. That's right, he has some bruising on his shoulder. "Sure!" Fi chirps happily as he leans forward, nose pressing against the limb momentarily before his paws gently press and prod at the injury. "Any tenderness? Can you put weight on this side?" He asks curiously, his tail gently tapping the ground behind him.​
  • Love
Reactions: wolfie

Slowly and carefully Coffeekit prowled behind his prey. Tufted paws easing against the ground as a grin split their maw. Almost... Almoooost. Fireflypaw's call halts the round little tabbies attempt to bite his sister's tail. Dang it! Ears drooping with dismay the tempting serpent disappears. Sitting back he groaned loudly to any of the nearby Queens and Warriors. Tone high-pitched and whiny. "Do I really gotta?" Bright greens widen as his nose quivers with dismay. He didn't like getting poked and prodded by the Medicine Cat's.

Fireflypaw was pretty nice and all but Dawnglare gave him the heebie jeebies. Plus the wide arrange of herb scents mingling always felt nauseating.
[penned by tasmagoric]

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*✧・゚ Fireflypaw’s checkups couldn’t have come at a better time, could they? Riiight after her tooth finally fell out just yesterday! Sangriakit bats lightly at her brother’s ear when he whines and asks if he’s really gotta see the medicine cat for a checkup. "Come on…. It’s just Fireflypaw!" Bright green eyes scan the surroundings, narrowed and super-serious. She doesn’t see weird Dawnglare anywhere, so it seems the coast is truly clear. "And see? Uncle Greeneyes is getting his checkup, too," she says, bounding over to the older SkyClanners with a wave of her white-tipped tail.

Fireflypaw is in the middle of checking up Greeneyes, asking questions about his shoulder, but the cinnamon torbie just can’t wait any longer. She’s tried to be patient, but she’s too excited!

"Fireflypaw! Fireflypaw! Look," that’s a bad choice of words, she thinks, "my tooth! It’s gone now! Coffeekit, are any of your teeth gone yet? Did you keep them?" Orangestar said they would all fall out, and that it’s normal, but if Coffeekit’s teeth aren’t falling out then does that make him normaler than her? And did he keep any of the teeth that he’s lost—her collection has to be bigger than his, right?

SO WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS? — Though not so reckless that she was a frequent visitor to the medicine den, Pollenpaw could admit that she had gone through her fair share of scrapes and bumps. Usually during her almost habitual training sessions, when she pushed herself just the slightest bit too far. Her last incident had been a case of tree climbing, the apprentice so eager to check all of her skills before her warrior assessment that she hadn't really been thinking. It had only taken one slip of the claw for her to go tumbling down, although admittedly thankfully not that far of a distance. Just enough that it had hurt when she had fallen down on her rump, huffing and puffing about the ache that had settled in her flank from then on.

So far she had avoided getting such a minor thing checked on, not wanting to bother Fireflypaw or Dawnglare and especially not wanting to waste any resources that they might need. However, with her fellow - significantly older - apprentice directly asking them all to report in for a checkup, Pollenpaw found herself unable to simply lie to him. She came padding up slowly after both Coffeekit and Sangriakit, long and fluffy tail twitching behind her with each little shock of soreness that plagued her. "It's not anything real important... but I did fall down the other day from a tree. Not too far, but it does hurt a bit where I landed on. I'm sure it's just a bruise." She was still trying to somehow wriggle her way out of being looked over, even if she knew admitting it meant that a checkup was inevitable. Maybe if she had just stayed quiet, Fireflypaw's nose would've somehow failed him and he wouldn't have noticed her being nearby...

  • shorthaired cream tabby with low white and green eyes flecked with brown
    11 moons old; ages the 25th every month
    lesbian; currently not looking but open to crushes
    daughter of mottledove and beetleback
    littermate to aspenpaw and pipitpaw
    currently being mentored by dewcatcher
    easy to befriend and laidback; quick to childish anger
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed