camp each day i grow some more >:) || surprise attack


Jan 20, 2023
she awaits her target, patient, quiet... because silverkit may be loud but she's also determined and that determination, above all, rules her behavior. she can be silent as a mouse when she wants to be. OR SHE CAN BE LOUD AS LIONCLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

the kitten grins a vicious grin, mere three moons plenty of time for claws to grow sharp and play to strengthen pouncing muscles. she'll be an apprentice soon, and though for now she's content to stay in camp and play, she'll be a fearsome little thing to contend with, come that appointment. actually, she's already a fearsome thing to contend with. for certain people.

like troutpaw.

"here i come," she hisses under her breath, blue eyes alight with glee. "here — i — COME!!!!!"

she leaps from her spot hidden in the reeds, aiming right for troutpaw, hoping to bowl the her right over. should she succeed she'll try to chomp on the apprentice's neck, though not nearly hard enough to injure. she's seen riverclan warriors train!!! she knows how it's s'posed to go. RIGHT FOR THE THROAT.

"TAKE THAT, WINDCLAN SCUM!" she'll scream whether or not she's successful, launching right into another attack. "THIS IS WHAT YOU GOTTA FACE! UH-HUH!! THIS IS MY WRATH!!!!!"

wrath: a very new word in the little girl's vocabulary. a desperately useful one. she's been saving it for just the right moment to debut, and she savors the feel of it. wrath. oh, yes. of this she has plenty.


// ooc: please wait for @troutpaw


  • • npc x npc kitten • 1.5 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, observant, opinionated • stuck in her own head a lot of the time • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •

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Wrath. That was something Troutpaw had been dealt by life, ever since she was young. The wrath and ire of those around her. Like that fox, who almost took her life as a kit. Those who had tossed her mean comments as a child, due to her ragged appearance. Or, apparently, a kit with a plan. Troutpaw had been minding her business, picking a twig or two out of her damp, long fur as she heard the battle cry of a child. Her ears twitched, and she was a fraction slow as she was leapt upon. Troutpaw, being a few moons older than Silverkit, wasn't easily bowled over- but she fell regardless, inhaling quietly.

Silverkit bit down on her, and her ears flattened. Windclan scum? Troutpaw growled beneath her breath as the child began to batter her, shifting into action as she attempted to kick Silverkit off (gently, it was a kit anyways,) and scoot back a few feet. A grin crossed her face, easing just a bit. "That was really good! Have you been working on that?" Troutpaw was, of course, oblivious to the fact that this was truly wrath, and not just practice. ​
troutpaw's counter is successful, sending silverkit tumbling backward, though unharmed. she bounces right back up and meets troutpaw's gaze with bright little blue eyes.

"oh, yeah!!" she nods vigorously, preening beneath the praise. "i'm gonna be a 'prentice soon so i gotta know how to battle. i been working SO hard."

she grins and bounces from foot to foot. gone is her wrath, the fickle child easily mollified, now content to jump around and talk troutpaw's ear off.

"you got TOTALLY shocked, huh?! you didn't see me coming AT ALL! you faced my wrath! i was AMAZING!!!! i'm gonna be the coolest prentice ever — hey, how come if you're a prentice already, you still got knocked down by me? are you a really bad one?"

she tilts her head and fixes troutpaw with a bright, unempathetically curious gaze. the question isn't ill-intentioned but really, silverkit, you're old enough to know a thing or two about tact.

oblivious, she chatters away. "well, when i'm a real prentice, i hope we spar for real, cause i wanna beat you."

it suddenly occurs to her she might not have to wait. without warning silverkit launches herself again at troutpaw. "DIE!" she screams, aiming to latch onto troutpaw's pelt and bite.


  • • abandoned by the border, sibling to otterkit, adoptive daughter to pikesplash • 3 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, attentive, opinionated, LOUD!! • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •

── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── Silverkit's first bout of shrieking sends Dogtrot's ears twisting back to tuck against his skull. Irritation doesn't darken his features; if anything, confusion writes itself into the long hollows of his face, watching the kit attack the apprentice with a gleeful abandon he puzzles over. Play is utility— survival. Enjoyment is secondary to the effect of experience on young muscles, though Dogtrot has never spent much time studying how children play. His own experiences weren' He knows they weren't meant to be.

If he were the philosophical type, he'd wonder about whether he was a child at all, if child describes age or innocence, if one takes precedence over the other. But he isn't.

Her volume fluctuates. Stays at the high-end, though; it's all loud, but slightly less loud starts to sound quiet when everything else carries. Dogtrot stands, pads over, and she's launching herself at Troutpaw with a war cry he answers instinctively by closing his jaws around her scruff mid-leap.

  • DOGTROT / / 45-50 moons old / / amab, doesn't concern himself with complex gender thoughts™ (masc pronouns)
    — a warrior of riverclan / / currently mentoring [n / a ] / / excels as a hunter and fighter, but greatly prefers the former
    — former "kittypet" (lived in a tannery before leaving shortly prior to riverclan's beginning) / / raised primarily by dogs
    — shares certain doglike mannerisms (b o n e s), but tends to keep to himself / / warm, and yet simultaneously distant

    — tall and not especially hefty / / sinewy and lean, with very little fat, though his thick fur provides the illusion of bulk
    — all warm, deep brown fur tones (reference) with creamy white / / eyes are a dark hickory, not unlike a puppy's eyes
    — demeanor is also somewhat puppy-esque. seems trusting and a bit simple; content with whatever he's assigned to

  • Wow
Reactions: silverpaw
Amusement was written on her face as she listened the kit- already moving to flatten her own fur, swiping a paw over her ear. She looked at the kit again as she continued to rumble on, grin on her face. But, it slowly fell as Silverkit asked her if she was a bad apprentice. "I'm not.. a bad one. I got you off of me, didn't I?" Troutpaw asked, his tail stilling and ears slowly falling. Silverkit was saying more, but thoughts started to jumble and cram into Troutpaw's head.

Silverkit's warcry knocked Troutpaw out of her thought pattern, moments before Silverkit was launching at her. It felt like slow motion, Dogtrot hovering behind. Regardless, the longhaired mollie pushed backwards, standing on all fours again, staring at Silverkit and Dogtrot. His ears flattened, turning her vision to her paws. She didn't say anything, not yet. ​

these aren't exactly silverkit's thoughts because she doesn't know those words yet, but they're definitely her FEELINGS as she is GRABBED BY THE SCRUFF!!! what the heckity heck? what in starclan's good name?!

she squeals her protest as dogtrot quite easily intercepts her attacks. momentum halted, she's jerked backward then dangles unceremoniously from his jaws. "hey! hey! HEY! what's the big IDEA?" she squeaks, twisting and writhing. "this is unbievable! this is ABOMINAL!"

she spits the butchered words with all the venom she's got in her, loud enough to almost miss troutpaw's response.

he's gone hesitant, uncertain. silverkit understands that the tone has shifted from play, and her face twists into a frown, unsure what to do. is this why she got grabbed by dogtrot? 'cause it isn't playtime?

i'm not... a bad one.

are you sure about that, silverkit thinks.

i got you off me, didn't I?

...well HECK. troutpaw is RIGHT. silverkit's mouth drops open and she resumes her fight against dogtrot. "LEMME GOOOOOO!" she hollers. "I GOTTA PROVE I'M COOLER AND STRONGER THAN TROUTPAW! I GOTTA BEAT HER UP! I'MA BE THE BEST PRENTICE IN THE WHOLE CLAN AND WAY BETTER THAN HE IS!!!!!!!"


  • • abandoned by the border, sibling to otterkit, adoptive daughter to pikesplash • 3 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, attentive, opinionated, LOUD!! • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •