camp eat your young — return w/ kits


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
/ nothing graphic ! just some mentions of blood ( and a dead body ), but nothing warranting the sensitive topic tag ^^ but this takes place a couple days before the meeting !

Unavoidably, Duskpool would be the topic of curious gazes, alarmed at the sight of splattered ichor across the dark hue of his chest fur and the coppery ichor that trickled down his ear to collect at the base of his chin, staining the white of his muzzle a pinkish tinge. He breathed steadily through the familiar coppery scent to the dull smell of milk invading his nose — an interesting combination. With a flick of his mangled ear, the battered warrior emerged from the tunnel bathed in the dew of fresh morning light, guiding the other warrior toward the nursery where Pineberry stood, expression unwavering.

He rumbled in greeting, soothing the new kit now placed beside her paw, letting the rasp of his tongue lick up the specks of blood that got on its pelt. Without another word exchanged, the older queen scooped up the kit with a nod, turning and vanishing into the nursery to bring to a freshly made nest that Duskpool had helped build. He blinked tiredly, helm turning heavily toward Beetleback with a quiet sigh, tilting his helm to place the kit down once Pineberry returned to fetch him. With scrutinizing hues, Duskpool scanned Beetleback’s frame for surface injuries, unsure if the rogue landed a blow. “Are ya alright, kiddo? No injuries?” He rumbled, brow raised in question.

It’d been brief. The fight that led to Chi’s unfortunate death. Duskpool would say it’d been fortunate. His mouth tasted sour, thoughts collecting to a life he no longer lived. Her death had been necessary to ensure the safety of his kin, questionable as life is, Duskpool wouldn’t change the outcome, but he sure as hell hadn’t wanted Mason ( of all beings ) to witness the gruesome display. His heart gave a painful squeeze, tongue peeking out to rasp against bloodied lips, ridding himself of some of the stains that was sure to remain for several days. “If yer alright, kiddo then go about seeing Fireflypaw, best be getting the kits looked at if he ain’t here already.” He muttered, glancing around the clearing with a deadpan gaze.

He wasn’t about to showcase what he was feelin’ when he had things to do. Not yet. He’d figure himself out once he knew Mason was alright ( as fine as someone can be after witnessin’ that mess ).

He glanced at the nursery where Pineberry lay, curled around his grandkids. He hummed, timbre rattling his chest cavity. They’ll be fine, eh, Sakura? He thought, glancing at the rising sun in bittersweet mirth. “Thank ya for helpin’ out, ain’t got much to offer, but ya did good kid.” He added after a brief pause, glancing at the warrior idly, dark lips drawn in a deadpan smirk that hadn’t quite reached his eyes. Hell of a way to be brought into the clan. He thought, molten hues shifting — for a split second — to the nursery. “Best I get a walkin’ if I want to make it back before patrols end.” He muttered, injured ear flickering in thought, biting back a wince at the sharp, familiar pain it brought. Damn thing. He thought, annoyed. Ain’t nothin’ but another reminder on this body. Duskpool would take any injury over protectin’ another’s life. He’d bare ‘em all if it meant keepin’ them alive and it was as self-destructive as his tendency to withdraw when his emotions were at their highest. At least he was self-aware enough, but it ain’t done much to stop him till that there promise he made to see another hundred moons ( unrealistic as it’d been, but Duskpool would make damn sure on seeing a few more moons with his kids till he kicked the bucket ).

Large paws pivoted toward the camp’s entrance, wooly tail flickering with the intentions of headin’ out, if he got stopped was up to anyone.

thought speech

"Duskpool!" Her brother's name rolls off her tongue like a song. She hadn't seen the tom in.... geez, since I had that old name!
Tail held high, the molly picks up her freshkill - a small bird - and trotts over to him, eyes wide, drinking in everything about him, a silent check in. She frowns slightly at the iron that hangs in the air around him, the ichor on his chest. Her eyes fly to the kit he had depositied, and back to his flank searching for more scars. The sight of blood does not scare her anymore, not after the foxes, but the fact that it's on him.. She knows the tom well enough to know checking up on him bald-faced was something he would only tolerate from her while they were alone, and the last thing she wants is to embarrass the proud tom. Instead, she playfully butts his shoulder with her head and attempts to sneak a lick that the blood on his chest as a discret way to seeing if it's his, and as a way to show him she cares.
"Where have you been?" She mews, placing the prey at his paws, "Have some! It's really good." I caught it myself! She wants to tell him - oh theres so much she wants to tell him, but she will wait so as to not overwhelm him.


  • pagedoll-png.1774

    — A chocolate point tabby molly with icy blue eyes and a slightly uneven pelt. She has small scars on her back, her shoulders and a slightly crocked tail.

    — 54 moons old; ages the 1st of every month

    — aro/ace. ; currently not looking

    — child of NPC and NPC :: sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang

    — Mentoring Flora

    — Sky Clan; warrior since 3/11/24 ; loyal to Orangestar, Flora, and Duskpool

    — Not hard to befriend ; trusts easily

    "speech", thoughts, attacking

    — peaceful powerplay allowed
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Reactions: DUSKPOOL
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
Body going rigid, Duskpool peeled his gaze away to stare at his sister’s approaching figure, mangled ear swerving in subtle acknowledgment despite molten optics veering away to stare at the nursery where two bundles lay, nestled beside their milk dam. He breathed unevenly, bloodied, but relatively uninjured ( for once ). He offered a rumbled greeting, chest rattling with the reverberating sound — deep and warm. “It ain’t mine.” Barely a whisper at the tentative lick she offered at the matted blood on his chest. His ripped ear flickered, sending bursts of sharp pain throughout his system. The only thing that was injured. The injury was unnoticeable, but the blood that trickled down his ear and pooled to collect at his cheeks sure was eye-catching. “Most of it.” He muttered afterward, brow furrowed doubtfully.

“Near the unclaimed border.” Blunt and to the point. Duskpool always had a knack for that and never elaborating, cryptic and deadpan. A skill the older warrior possessed that’d kill him in the end or save him. He ain’t all that sure. The scale was always tipping, never staying on one side for long. He breathed, gaze shifting to the prey at his enormous paws, expression numb. “Maybe later, kiddo.” He muttered after a pregnant pause, offering the molly a worn-out quirk of his lips ( really, he could barely call it a smile, but it was something to reassure her ). “Have some things I need to take care of before settlin’ down.” He sighed,bumping his helm against her shoulder, molten optics crinkling around the edges. “I’ll be back, ya hear? Won’t be gone for long.” He promised.

If only he could rest. Chi’s body was somewhere along the border, bloodied and sure to attract unwanted visitors. He couldn’t ignore it, even if he wanted to. It ain’t possible.

His gaze wavered, staring at the nursery with a complicated expression. Foxdung. He was gettin’ too old for this. A selfish part of him hoped Chi wouldn’t have cared about the missin’ kits, but she proved him wrong, leaping out of nowhere to kill the things she brought into the world. It didn’t sit right with him. Crazy foxheart. He cursed, molten edges darkening murderously. She’d gone for blood and Duskpool ain’t about to sit back and watch it happen, not when he had the power to do somethin’ about it. Not this time. He huffed, nostrils flaring, helm jerking toward the warrior’s den. “How about ya wait for me beside the den and we’ll catch up, eh?” A compromise. Not after I get this blood off of me before it becomes a pain.
thought speech
"Not your blood? That's good... But... whose kit was that?" Their attention drags towards the nursery where one of the queens disappears with an expression oozing with curiosity and confusion. That most definitely was not one of the many little tornados that rolled around here regularly and Edenberry could say they were quite familiar with their tiniest residents! Between Butterflytuft being a friend (they hoped the gentle molly felt the same) and Lupinesong's baby siblings being in there, they had plenty of excuses to know the nursery well.

But Duskpool was already trying to head off somewhere! Without explaining anything! Which.. wasn't entirely unlike him but stars was it annoying sometimes. Now being.. one of such times. Their face screws up in irritation, lunging to try to get between him and the entrance if only to pause his escape a bit longer. "What even happened? You're not gonna run off without tellin' us are you?"

Even if it wasn't his blood, it had to belong to someone... and with no milk-scented molly following after him, that raised some questions!

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 12 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69​
"No, no he will not." Orangestar's meow is close to a snap as she emerges from her den, hauled to three paws and surveying the scene before her with a hardened determination to get to the bottom of why. Beetleback, scruffy. Duskpool, bloodied. The two have clearly emerged from a fight with ... something. Then there's the matter of the unfamiliar kit, passed to Pineberry and tucked safely within the nursery, with no attached queen in sight.

Her tail flicks, hobbling across the bisected clearing to join Edenberry in blocking the entrance of camp. She is certain that Duskpool is above stealing kits (at least, she wants to be; she thinks him more noble than that). There would have to be a reason for it. "Explain. Now."

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
He paused mid-step, staring at Edenberry with deadpan hues, paws falling slack with a rumble, breath coming out in short quiet puffs. “Ain’t runnin’ kid.” He rumbled, baritone timbre rumbling. With molten-honey hues, Duskpool’s helm tilted, staring at the nursery in his peripheral. A series of emotions flickered across bland features — an answer Duskpool couldn’t give. Not here. Chi was dead. A choice the battered warrior would make again in a heartbeat if it came down to protecting his family. She had made her choice and so did Duskpool.

He breathed, subtle against parted jaws, shoulders rising and falling with a rumbled grunt. At Orangestar’s appearance, Duskpool sighed. “Not here.” He murmured, glancing at Sorrelsong’s form, if she padded off, Duskpool would veer away from the camp’s entrance and somewhere secluded, wooly tail skimming the ground. “My grandkids.” He started, glancing at the nursery where both kits lived, nestled at Pineberry’s flank. “I killed their mother.” His voice leveled without a hit of remorse, Duskpool sighed, eyes fluttering close briefly. “She would have killed ‘em if I hadn’t stepped in.”

Words weighing heavy on a sandpaper tongue, Duskpool shifted, muscles rippling beneath marred flesh, nostrils flaring outward. “She ain’t right in the head — crueler than a fox she wanted ‘em to suffer.” Duskpool breathed, deadpan. “Promised my son I’d take ‘em in to give ‘em a fightin’ chance.” He completed with a slow sweep of his tail. The warrior remained still, gazing at Orangestar with contemplative hues, waitin’ till he could venture back out to drag her body away from the border.
thought speech
  • Crying
Reactions: Sorrelsong