eating out of doggy dishes .. edenpaw

May 16, 2023
They were practically shadows slipping out of SkyClan's camp, the overcast of clouds shielding them from the exposure of moonlight. Otterpaw preferred it, he wasn't known for being stealthy or quiet (entirely the exact opposite) to keep them from being followed or detected. By sheer dumb luck most of the rogues had kept their numbers focused on ransacking the elderberry bush than chasing after any stragglers. It looked like, for the most part, Blazestar's bargaining had remained true. Retreating would give them just enough time to beg at someone else's border.

Otterpaw didn't want to seek mercy in ShadowClan, though. The marsh dwellers were always so ugly to look at, and they smelled of rot and mud. Damp, but not like the handsome sleek pelts of a RiverClanner. More like a runt rolling in a shallow puddle. He wasn't going to turn like that, he refused!

"We're not going to ShadowClan, we have to do something better than that." His ranting and ravings had filled the quiet in the night. Ramblings of how his strengths weren't used properly in his Clan, how having the right mentor could have turned the tide of the fight. How hungry he felt. How much he missed home. Promises to make his dad proud and prove he was the better than the rest of his Clan. Edenpaw hadn't said much which he found to enjoy more since it let him boast and complain until he had nothing left. He didn't have much care for what the SkyClan apprentice might have been thinking, it was probably no different than his own thoughts when he had to retreat from RiverClan, so he didn't bother asking.

Still, his head wasn't able to wrack anything useful for him to act on his wants. He turned to his pale companion for the first time since they had left.

"So, what's your idea for somewhere safe so we can get back home?" Home meaning RiverClan of course, though he felt he didn't need to specify.

@edenpaw ?!
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The walk wasn't particularly long to Edenpaw, who'd passed this way back and forth for the last several moons on a regular basis. It wasn't like taking a trip around the entire outskirts of the territory (that was why they had multiple patrols to cover these things) and they were delighted, in part, that Otterpaw did not seem to mind and had enough faith in them to guide him further on.

He sang like a sweet songbird, little tweets and chirps about his frustrations, valiant melodies of his bravery, honor and what he stood to protect (mostly it seemed to be a sincere yearning to make his father proud... what a softie). If it wasn't for the fact it felt like a eulogy, praying farewell to the life they'd had in SkyClan-- and respectively, RiverClan-- they might've been more forthcoming with their own accolades and harmonies.

Green eyes glanced towards their friend, the fluttering in their chest never ceasing as they replayed it over and over again. He'd saved them... like some kind of hero... the sort of hero Edenpaw wanted to be when they were stronger, better at this warrior thing. Insecurity nagged at their too-big ears, crowing about their abysmal talents, general lack of skill... how they'd basically been a trapped mouse the moment things got bad. Would they ever be like Otterpaw... a hero?

At the very least... they could be his hero. The boy was adamant about not going to ShadowClan after cats had started haring towards the remaining clan territories... so... Edenpaw knew somewhere safe they could stay for now. It made the most sense, in their head, forgetful of the kind of toxic venom many clan-borns spat towards kittypets, to bring him here.

He finally catches on enough to ask what their idea is and Edenpaw stops just short of the gravel-path that leads towards the alleys into their garden. "Oh! We're almost there, don't worry Otterpaw. I promise we'll be safe here..." Glancing down the darkening road, the point their nose towards a dark-stained fence just inside the boundary to Twolegplace. "Just wait until you see it... You'll love it!" They give a small purr of excitement, hopeful and eager to share this side of their daily life with a friend for once.

Walking confidently down the crackling rocks, they turn to look back for a moment, offering a reassuring smile."Promise I won't let any Twolegs see you! Maybe I can get some extra food for you... It's not nearly as good as fresh kill but if you're hungry... at least it's something!"