How long had he been away from the camp? Too long, if he was frank with himself. The smell of Cinderfrost still lingered upon his golden fur despite his efforts to rid himself of it before slinking back to the familiarity of ThunderClan's lands. He knew he would have to conjure up a lie in order to cover up the truth behind their meeting, something that would likely stoke feelings of panic or anger depending on who listened to his tale and believed. In order to give himself something to help justify the story he had even gone as far as to cut his cheek on the pointed end of a broken branch and to roll in dirt in order to make it seem like he had been in a fight. Naturally he had done it all after parting ways with the exiled she-cat, not wishing to have her bare witness to his desperate actions.

Still, despite his sorry appearance, he had managed to catch a pigeon. It certainly wasn't as plump as the ones seen earlier in the year but it would likely still provide a decent meal among a couple cats. "And fulfil my promise to Salamander", he thought to himself as he made his way over to the nursery so he could deposit the catch outside the den entrance. His muscles by this point were screaming in agony and he found himself hobbling towards one of the few patches of sunlight that had filtered down into the camp. Sunnyday sat back on his haunches with a wheeze and he let his head hang low as exhaustion threatened to claim him then and there. ​


nightbird was also just returning to camp. the higher the sun climbed, the more cats lounged about in it. her way of escaping the inevitable small talk with other thunderclanner's was simply just leaving. she would much rather hone her skills than make friends anyways.

as she stalked through camp, the molly carefully avoided eye contact with anyone. she didn't want to give off the vibe that she was in any mood to be approached. instead she practically made a beeline towards the warriors den. in that case, she could likely get a nap in before dusk patrols were sent out.

that was until a dirt covered warrior caught her attention. she stopped for just a moment to observe him. to put it frankly, he looked like shit. ground clung to his fur and half asleep, she could even spot a slightly fresh wound. silver eyes narrowed slightly. what had he been up to? surely if a patrol was attacked or something, she would have heard of it by now. usually she would never, but nightbird's curiosity had her approaching sunnyday.

"you look awful," she uttered blankly. there was no malice in her voice as it wasn't intended to be a rude statement, just an honest one. she hoped the bluntness of her words would be overlooked. night wasn't usually too worried about the consequences of her words, but she didn't want to make the older warrior's seemingly bad day worse. the smoke probably would have asked if he was okay, if she knew how in a way that didn't make her nauseous.

The young apprentice has steeped himself in his learnings that he'd missed a lot of things at camp but he feels like it was worth it. He's a little faster and knows a little more and is maybe even a tiny bit stronger now as he stretches toward the middle of his 7th moon. That said, he had caught enough glimpses to realize that he hadn't seen some clanmates in a while and one of those was Sunnyday. Maybe he was busy training too? As Jaypaw squeezes from the queen's den however, he's not sure that's the case. The apprentice approaches the two warriors and before he can remark something of the same effect, Nightbird says it for him and he nods in agreement with the shecat. Maybe it's not as polite as he'd said it but it's true. "Are you okay, Sunny?" Any scent markers are lost on him as he'd only met Cinderfrost once or twice before her forced departure and the soil is too strong for his novice senses. To the young tom, it looks like Sunnyday took a tumble from somewhere but it's good that he's likely okay!
With newfound kin in the nursery, Wolf- Wolfwind (stars, it's badass) tries her best to peek into the nursery from time to time... and one of her FIRST orders of business as a warrior had been to guard the place (and let her cousins know how cool she and her new name is). So naturally, she (smart, quick-witted, quick-literal, full of knowledge, number one guard) is gonna notice when a SUSPICIOUS FIGURE shows up. Okay like, it's Sunnyday but he's SUPER SUSPICIOUS right now.

Wolfwind jumps to her feet the moment it looks like he's nearing, and he's soon bombarded with a bunch of, 'you look awfuls' (not incorrect) and 'are you okays? Wolfwind makes a show of sniffing in his direction. There was something about his scent that she didn't like. She couldn't really put her paw on it— (someone STUPID would tell you she's a bad tracker but its all lies and slander, actually) regardless, it puts a bad taste in her mouth, and a bad hair-day magically manifesting along her hackles. And because she's a good, attentive warrior, of course she's going to follow him to his sad little pity-zone to keep pestering him. "Who cares! What happened? Where were you? Did you run into somethin— someone nasty, or what? You tryna' stink up the nursery?!" Pretty much the only other clan in this forest she could stand to smell was Skyclan, and even they were on thin ice. Still, the scent wasn't really anythin... like them?
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'Stay awake', he scolded himself as he became aware that others were approaching. The tom dared to have a quick stretch before he addressed the trio. "I feel awful too." Sunnyday replied, and he was about to explain what had gone down when Wolfwind approached and dropped a spew of words. The tom took a moment to process what she had said, blinking back the feelings of confusion. "I was taking a walk and ended up by the border. It was there that I ran into a certain former medicine cat. I... I chased her off, after a brief punch up." He managed to keep his voice level as he told his lie.

"I'll be okay after I have a rest." He went on to add before he shot Wolfwind a brief glare. "And what do you mean by 'stink up the nursery'? I don't smell that bad!" Did he? The paranoia crept into his mind and he couldn't help but give himself a sniff. Okay, maybe he was a little ripe. Plus he could imagine that Cinderfrost's scent would be enough to upset some in the clan. ​

Aha...AHA! THAT'S WHY HE SMELLED SO SUSPICIOUS! Because he WAS suspicious! Or at least hanging out with suspicious characters. At the implication, Wolfwind narrows her eyes. They flit to and fro, as if expecting Cinderfrost to POP UP RIGHT BEHIND HIM WITH AN EVIL LAUGH AND POISON THE ENTIRE CAMP (WHICH SHE DOESN'T THINK OF COURSE...) but she can stop her shiftiness once she actually hears him out. Chased her off, huh? "GOOD!" loudly, she approves with a firm nod of her head. Though, for a second, she raises a brow at him. "Is she a bad fighter, or what? Did she just push you into the mud???" And she'd snort at the assertion that he doesn't smell that bad. "Yea, ya do!" she huffs.

"She's not as strong these days, she didn't look like she's eaten well at all." Sunnyday explained with a shrug. "Fighting is rough, you'd know that if you ever got into one." The tom couldn't resist the jab, now curious to see how the young warrior would react, if at all. "If I had the energy I would go for a swim, but oh well. I'll groom myself later, after a snooze."