pafp edelweiss & holly 〰 parenting praise

It had caught them off guard how quickly time had flown through the harshest winter months... maybe some of that came from the luxury of having a warm place to sleep at night and a promised dinner but they didn't want to dwell on the suffering of their peers. They'd done their best to catch up in the areas they'd been lacking, finding their success in hunting when the snow was a better terrain for camouflage... they hoped that squirrel had tasted like victory when one of the queens had eaten it.

It's that same hope that carries them to the edge of the nursery today, approaching the dappled form of one of the softest hearts they'd ever known. She looks after her kits with such rapt attention and gentleness it's hard not to take inspiration from her kindness. Plopping down beside her, spring-bloom eyes scan the clearing for the eldest of the nursery's members, bumping a shoulder gently against Butterflytuft in a warning for their incoming ramblings.

"Heyyy look at that! They're so big already.... gonna be apprentices soon huh?" They glance at the queen out of the corner of their eye before noticing one of Bobbie's kits wandering about too, "You did great with them I think... Promise I'll keep an eye out for them when they get out there." Especially that little Fluffykit... Edenberry would not deny having a soft spot for her!

"Heard a rumor you'd be staying back to help other queens.... I'm happy for you." It definitely seemed like her calling, especially given how often she talked about how she felt like she had four left paws when it came to hunting... or fighting... or doing anything really.

  • @butterflytuft
  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 12 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69​
Butterflytuft is so focused on her kits’ hyperactive playing that she doesn’t even notice the approach of one of the nursery’s most frequent visitors. The bump against her shoulder causes her to jump slightly, a small squeak leaving her maw before she realizes who it is and immediately relaxes. “Oh, Edenberry! I’m sorry, I didn’t see you,” She mews a sincere apology, a bashful smile offered to them. She purrs as the new warrior lays at her side and begins to ramble, her attention on the queen’s kits. “I know, I can hardly believe it,” She admits, shaking her head as if in doubt that day is truly coming. Her cheeks burn as Edenberry praises her, chin ducking so she can lick at her chest fur in embarrassment. “Oh…thank you, I…I did my best.” She blinks at him graciously, eyes shining and genuine. “Thank you…sorry, I already said that, but, um. Thank you for looking out for them. That makes me feel better,” The confession comes half-stammered, her ears falling back against her head but she means it. Edenberry had always been a welcome presence in the nursery through their apprenticeship; they’d watched her kits grow up, and she wholeheartedly believes them when they said they’ll look out for them.

She pricks her ears in surprise when Edenberry brings up that she’ll be staying in the nursery. Word certainly does travel fast, doesn’t it? She hasn’t even told many cats yet! She smiles bashfully and mews, “I think I’d be more useful here than out there. Never been much of a warrior…”

Figfeather is smacked with confusion as she passes by, ’heard a rumor you’re staying back to help other queens’. She stops in her tracks and turns to face Butterflytuft and the newly named warrior.

”What do you mean?” Figfeather is confused, but not angry. ”You’re not coming back to the warrior’s den? I thought we’d finally be patrolling together again!” The red tabby whines, her whiskers twitching as her brain scrambles to decide what she thinks about this.

On one paw, Figfeather was a proud warrior. She’s never understood how Butterflytuft didn’t enjoy the thrill of a hunt, the adrenaline of a fight, the pride you feel afterwards of feeding and protecting your clan. Had she been the best warrior…? No… maybe not, but Figfeather had always had hopes that would change. That her sister just needed more time.

On another paw… Figfeather has never seen Butterflytuft happier. When she was in the nursery whether it was raising her own kits or looking after others, she glowed. It made it difficult for Figfeather to argue against this decision when it clearly made Butterflytuft so happy. After everything her kin has gone through, their losses, their hardships, Figfeather doesn’t want to take away the one thing the queen finds happiness in.

So, she relents. Slowly her facial features soften, ”I suppose, it never had been for you.” Figfeather leans in and gives her sister an affectionate lick between the ears. ”I’m glad you’ve found a way to serve SkyClan that makes you happy. Daisyflight would be proud.”
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Like Figfeather, Howlfire is surprised when she hears Edenberry mention they had heard a rumour about Butterflytuft staying back in the nursery once her kits were apprenticed, something which Butterflytuft herself confirms. "It'll be a shame not to see you in the warrior's den again, Butterflytuft," Howlfire admits, padding over to join the four cats. "Still, helping in the nursery certainly seems to suit you better than being a warrior did."

Howlfire's gaze shifts to Butterflytuft's kits nearby and she smiles. Despite the odd hiccup the queen had, her kits seemed to be turning out well enough and Howlfire was certain they'd make fine apprentices one day.

"Maybe one day we'll get to nurse kits again together," Howlfire mused, looking back to Butterflytuft. Though she had no plans for another litter just yet, she had always hoped she and Coyotecrest might have another litter once they were older. "Perhaps we might both be a little more experienced then!" Howlfire laughed, thinking of all the little uncertainties the two of them had face being young, first time mothers.
"I guess that a more permanent welcome is in order," comes a purr from the other queen, overhearing the conversation going on between their four clanmates. She offers a gentle smile towards Butterflytuft, an expression meant to be reassuring. "I'm glad you've found what suits you. I suppose I'll continue to see a lot more of you," she says as acknowledgement. She draws her tongue over her paw, beginning to groom her fur by dragging it over her ear, smoothing it down.​

( ) stormkit sits not far away from the conversation, a pile of shorn tall grass at her paws from where she's been attempting to braid it. her attempts have not been fruitful, as evidenced by the knotted blade currently wrapped around one of her snow white paws. a soft pink tongue sticks gently out from between pearly fangs as the girl focuses her attention on removing the grass from her paw, shaking the limb until the stalk flies a few pawsteps away. bright dual-hued eyes follow it, ears forward as her instincts tell her to chase it. instead, she finds a small group of adults conversing with pleasant smiles on their faces. deciding she has nothing better to do, the kitten pads over. she will offer a shy head dip, gaze flicking between the grown ups as they talk. stormkit's pink nose twitches in confusion as she encounters the topic of conversation.

"you can do that?" she asks, before slapping a paw over her mouth. "sorry for interrupting," she will apologize. "that's so cool, butterflytuft. i think you're a good mom, so you'll probably be very good at your new job." her tone is matter of fact and sweet, eyes sparkling with conviction. snow dappled paws knead the earth as the girl glances between the other adults, wondering if they wish they could be like butterflytuft too. stormkit can't imagine not wanting to be a warrior (even if it does sound kind of scary... and okay, maybe she would rather do what the dappled ginger and black feline is doing, but still!) she supposes whatever makes her clanmate happy is a good thing, so she will offer a smile, showing off pearly whites.

  • // "#758ba4"

  • 81166334_Nm1jdszqp4yzGgg.png

    blue tabby with low white and blue/green heterochromia a long-furred blue feline with darker blue curling stripes that splash across her chest, flanks and tail. white floods the fur around her neck, the tip of her tail, her stomach, and paws. dual hued eyes of sky and forest make her pretty in an innocent way, and her body is small and lithe, although her fluffy fur makes her look larger.

*+:。.。 Glitchkit dozed lightly beside her mamma, nuzzling her face into Statichaze's fluffy side. Her mismatched ears flicker two and fro as she listens to the conversation. She much prefers listening without seeing, she can practically imagine anyone or anything to be talking. She imagines a butterfly speaking to a spider...before her ears snap up. Not much of a warrior? Blinking, she pulls her cheek away from her mom, lifting her head over Static's shoulder instead to peer at the conversing adults. Helping in the nursery...? She feels her mom rumble beneath her paws as she speaks, but her eyes are unfocused. Wait, so does that mean..?
Stormkit interrupts suddenly with her own question, and Itty glances from her denmate to the adults, eager for an answer. She fumbles suddenly when Stormkit apologizes - suddenly wondering if eavesdropping is bad. Quickly, she scuttles back down, pressing into Static's fluff and hoping no one saw her.

    DFAB— She/Her
    3 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Daughter to Statichaze, sister to Radiokit
    Skyclan — Kit

    Physically worm | mentally tadpole
    Attack in bold #3a3a3a
    injuries: None currently

✧ . Greeneyes catches the news — or, rather, confirmation of a rumor he’s also been hearing — as he’s entering the nursery with a mouse between his maw. Malachite eyes dart toward one sister’s voice, and then the other, before he sets down the catch for a nearby queen.

Guess I’m still going to be visiting the nursery for some time, then! “ he chirps, a smile growing on his face as he pads over to the group, though unease toward the nursery’s tree-forged iteration still lingers — lessened and dull, but a reminder still ever-present. “ And here I was, thinking I was going to get to hunt with you soon!

A playful nudge is given to a dark-furred shoulder. Storm-ridden memories aside, Greeneyes is happy for his eldest sister for her recent promotion. Nothing could change that.

Congratulations, Butterflytuft — I’m glad you’ve found what you do best, “ the lead warrior meows. She’s always seemed happier here, even before the birth of her kits, a shelter only found in brief visits. Daisyflight would be proud, Figfeather says, and Greeneyes nods in agreement. “ I’m proud of you too. " He always has been, and always will be.​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    GREENEYES AMAB. He / Him. Lead Warrior of SkyClan.
    ✧ . A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ✧ . Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ✧ . Mentored by Sheepcurl ; Former mentor to Falcongaze
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack
𓆝 . ° ✦ It isn't very often that the nursery sees such an influx of visitors. Sure, it's a busy den- there are always lots of growing families and kits of all ages bouncing around with their parents- but usually the warriors and apprentices who haven't been given a task to complete here steer clear. Even Weedkit as he grows towards being apprentice-sized finds himself wanting to stuff his ears at the squealing sometimes.

Edenberry appears first, and he listens half-heartedly to them talking about him and his siblings growing up. He's dozing in and out of conversation. He misses what Butterflytuft says about staying in the nursery, and the surprise from clanmates regarding her sudden change in position. However, as the volume in the nursery increases and Weedkit is stirred from his intermittent nap, he realizes that many are offering support and congratulations to Butterflytuft. "Yeah, mom is the best mommy ever," Weedkit declares with a puff of pride for his family. He hasn't yet understood why so many are supporting her.

"Wait," Weedkit deflates when he realizes what the warriors and apprentices here are saying "You won't be a warrior with me and Daisykit and Fluffykit?" Something distressing and unfamiliar tugs at Weedkit's heart, and he nearly feels tears begin to well up in his little eyes. Though he would never admit it aloud, the uncertainty of not having his mother holding his paw through training and into warriorhood is terrifying. "Who's supposed to teach us? How will we learn?" the questions tumble from Weedkit's mouth as they pop up in his head. He tries not to appear hysterical- he needs to be the strong brother for Daisykit and Fluffykit- but the prospect of the future is daunting.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

    longhaired black tomcat with low white spotting. born 11/9/23 and ages realistically 1 week every Thursday. Follow along with his growth here!
She jumps slightly when she hears her sister’s surprised voice coming from behind her and immediately looks over her shoulder at her. Her ears flatten, hating to see her sibling so disappointed, so she meekly offers, “W-well, we can still take walks!” But Figfeather seems to accept the news easily enough, her features softening before she licks the queen between her ears and Butterflytuft offers her a grateful smile. Daisyflight would be proud. Stars, she sure hopes so. Her mother had been strong, fierce, a leader. But she’d also been a wonderful mother, and deep down the tortoiseshell knows Figfeather is right. She looks to Howlfire next and tips her head to the side with a chuckle. “I’d like that. You’ve helped me quite a bit, you know.” She recalls the day when the other she-cat stumbled upon Fluffykit still nursing despite being long past the age she should be eating solely fresh-kill and smiles bittersweetly. She misses those days. Her kits had been so tiny then.

She looks over to Statichaze and beams back at her bashfully. Glitchkit snoozes against the other queen peacefully, so she doesn’t want to disrupt too much, but she does mew, “I’ll be able to help you out with your little ones more soon.” Without her children in the den with her, her job will solely be to help out her denmates with their kits. Stormkit draws an amused giggle from Butterflytuft and she shakes her head gently, “It’s alright, Stormkit. Thank you very much. I’m excited to play with you some more.” She aims to touch the kit on the nose with her tail playfully. Hearing Weedkit confirm that she is indeed the best mommy ever nearly makes her cry as she purrs and swipes a tongue across her son’s ears.

Her little brother’s arrival catches the tortoiseshell off-guard, but her expression melts into a gentle smile as he nudges her kindly. Her kin’s support means the world to her and she can feel her grin grow wider when he tells her he’s proud of her. “Thank you, Greeneyes,” She mews quietly, feeling tears prick at her eyes after everyone has been so understanding and compassionate.

But then Weedkit’s sniffly words draw her attention back to him. It seems he just grasped what they were talking about, and her heart shatters when she sees tears well up in the tom-kit’s eyes. She hesitates, a look of guilt crossing her face. “No, sweetheart, I won’t be,” She mews gently, a frown pulling hard at her lips as ears fall back against her head. Her eyes begin to water even more now. “You’ll have your mentors to teach you. A-and your aunt and uncle here. And your father. And everyday, I’ll be right here in camp waiting to hear all about your day,” The queen assures, trying her best to keep her wavering voice steady for the sake of her son.