private Edge of the water (Periwinklepaw)

The night was cool as Badgermoon trotted slowly along the moor, his yellow eyes round and bright as the moon he was named for. His mind was churning like a river swollen with snowmelt and he had been unable to sleep: thus, a nighttime stroll. Walking beneath the stars was always a comfort to him, even if tonight deep grayish clouds were turning the sky into a patchwork, and as his paws drummed against the soft grass and he inhaled the scents of heather and wildflowers he felt better. The deputy let out a long exhale as he crested a small hill and peered down at the gently-rippling sea of grass, a small smile softening his features. No matter what, I'm here, and that's what matters. The moor below and the stars above. that was enough, wasn't it?

periwinklepaw | 10 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
Night hunting has always been a favored pastime of the smoke furred feline. With his body and mind made as it was, if sleep refused to come he often found it easier to be productive rather than lie about idle. And if he was lucky, sometimes the physical exhaustion would wear him down enough he might get a few hours of sleep afterwards. With no ulterior motive to be had, he makes sure to get permission before leaving camp this time - a chaperone is... off somewhere, he thinks, unless they've fallen asleep on the job. But his paws carry him onwards without a single thought sparred. The cool night air is just what he needs, he thinks, as clear blue eyes glance overhead at the stars twinkling overhead.

Starclan is always watching him from up there - a soothing presence. Though he oft disagrees with windclans queen, he's never wavered in his trust of the stars. It is she who was flawed after all - overheard whispers of misinterpreted omens and visions etching the doubt into his mind. But dandy is dead, probably somewhere up there too, so it no longer matters. He gives a sigh, pace quickening as he goes to continue on, only to realize in his distraction that he'd missed the fact he is no longer alone. "Oh. h-h-hello," he manages, tired jaw working hard just to get the words out.
The large cat was surprised to hear pawsteps behind him, and he half-turned to see who it was: the tension which had sprung up as soon as he realized he had company disappeared once he realized it was Periwinklepaw. "Good evening, Peri," Badgermoon mrowed in greeting, a small smile unfolding on his tired face. He did not question why the slender cat was out late. He knew that the point tom was a somewhat contentious member of the Clan, like Snailstride, but that was no reason to be unkind. Dandelionwish's betrayal had surprised many of them, after all, and you couldn't help who your parents were. Badgermoon attempted to bump his shoulder against the apprentice's side in a friendly gesture before letting out a quiet sigh. "It's beautiful at night, don't you think? With our ancestors watching over us, and the moonlight on everything..."
periwinklepaw | 10 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
The friendly greeting catches the boy off guard for a moment, but he relaxes just as quickly. He's almost slipped into the same pattern as his clanmates - of judging based on others and not the cat themselves. He gives a dip of his head in greeting, jaw twitching for a moment before he hums in agreement. "I-it's nice," he starts, though he has to pause awkwardly as another pang shoots through his maw. "th-that we're so c-close to them" as much as he finds himself uncomfortable sleeping out under the stars, preferring instead to stay in the medicine den with sturdy walls giving protection from the outside, he cannot imagine ever living where he cannot glimpse the skies. He's not sure how the other clans do it - how shadow and thunder and sky can live without starclan shinning their guiding light over head. Guiding their pawsteps, watching over them. Its a comforting thought to the boy - especially in a world where danger is around every corner.