EDGE OF THE WORLD [✦] figfeather

Dec 12, 2022

When she had first been rescued from the shelter, it had seemed an obvious choice. Stay here in SkyClan, be close to Figfeather, be a part of a community, something greater than herself. She finally felt purpose outside of just staring out a window into a garden all day, watching her twolegs leave and the sun make an arc across the sky. The only thing she looked forward to was when her twolegs would come home, they would serenade her with love and food, toys and treats, but still there had been a hole she had not known about. One that Figfeather had quickly filled. She knows her twolegs miss her, the red tabby that used to come to their house. For a long while they had continued to put a bowl out for her, going outside and shaking the kibble with a worried look on their face, calling the name they had given her. She wishes she could tell them that she is okay but the most she can do is wrap herself around their legs and purr, a small comfort but one nonetheless. They would sigh and go back inside, the food bowl untouched.

Every day, Fantastream pushed her way through the flap that allowed her into the garden and jumped over the fence that separated her from the outside world. From SkyClan. She would look back at her home, her nest, and for a moment she would feel a pang of guilt. If something happened to her and she never came back would they call her name with that sad look in her eyes? Theres not a doubt in her mind that her loss would be mourned and yet still she goes.

For a while, Figfeather had been avoiding her. At first, Fantastream had only assumed that it was because she was mourning her own loss. The chocolate coated she cat had never been close to her own mother, so she can only imagine. She had given her friend space but as the days dragged on it became increasingly more obvious that it was not grief keeping the once familiar she cat away, it was something else. She cannot recall what she had done wrong, but today she is determined to fix it, to make things better and so she sets out with this goal in mind, her lips pressed into a thin line as her golden eyes scans SkyClan's camp for the she cat she had come to know so well but who felt like a stranger to her now. "Figfeather?" she calls softly when she sees her, the name feeling foreign on her tongue "Could we speak for a moment?" she asks, tail flicking nervously and ears back.