Eggman! Eggface! Egg p- ☆ Intro


Hot headed!!!!
Nov 2, 2023
*+:。.。 //rough intro ;w;; forgive me
Singekit was bored. Shadowclan was a very boring place, actually. The most exciting thing that had happened recently was Halfkit and Tanglekit going missing, but even that stopped being fun a while ago when his clanmates couldn't find their hiding spots (and also wouldn't let Singekit help look outside of camp). So now the ruby-tailed tom kit waited, quite impatiently actually, for something new and exciting to happen. When he counted enough clouds to rival the number of toes on his paws, he knew he'd hit rock bottom! With a huff and a puff, he whirled his sharp blue gaze around camp, hungry for a victim, and instantly set his eyes on the camp entrance. Pointy ears snap to attention when he hears the sound of rustling, a clear indication of a patrol returning, and with that, he finds his source of entertainment for the day!
"Did you catch a bird?! I wanna bird!" Singekit shouts, tail shooting for the sky as he scampers as quickly as his little socked paws will let him. A bit over-eager and a bit still fawn-like in the ways of controlling his chubby little limbs, Singekit very nearly trips on his own paws, and though he manages to catch himself before making a very impressive face-plant, he does still tumble into the first warrior that makes their way into camp. His cheeks are immediately alight with flusters, but that doesn't stop him from shouting, "Mom says birds eat bugs so I want a bird! You gotta have one!" and rises onto his back paws to press his front ones into the chest of the warrior he bumped into, looking all around for any sign of a winged pest-controller. Although he wasn't quite ready for solid foods yet, he figured that if he ate a bird, or maybe wore its feathers, then he could scare off all the bugs that dared come near him! Then Yellowkit won't ever be able to scare him with another centipede again! Maybe the bird's powers can scare Yellowkit off too!

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    1 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    NPCx NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently

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Smogmaw has, in fact, caught a bird.

In precise terms, it was a pigeon caught in the clasp of his bite, and a relatively rotund one at that. Fattened up by whatever gunk and garbage pigeons took as nourishment from Carrionplace. Featherbrained, too. It's frankly astonishing how their flagrant stupidity hasn't yet spelled out an early extinction for them. Pigeons invite their capture with open wings, all too eager to flaunt their plump bodies within pouncing distance. The deputy is willing to wager there were more flickers of brain activity in this freshly-spawned kit dawdling on over than in the fowl's foul existence.

Well, he'd held that line of thought until the kit topples gracelessly into his chest. Then, mere moments later, the newborn's paws rise up to knead into him, movements accompanied by shrill demands. Who'd let this one out of his enclosure? "Okay," Smogmaw accedes, and as his mouth parts to speak, the bird plunges pathetically onto Singekit's cranium, before rolling off onto the muddy ground. Limp, and now kit-stained.

"Why're you all antsy about a bird?" he dares to ask. Shoulders recede somewhat so as to withdraw from the young one's grasp. He then steps rearward, which ends up with his haunches to meet whoever was behind him head-on. "Ack, sorry," is all he can offer to the unfortunate victim. Kudos to the scrawny bundle of fur for setting off a chain reaction.

Victimhood stretched itself thin across ShadowClan's ranks. Smogmaw, was indeed a victim of grubby, kitten paws kneading and shrill, squealed demands. The kit was a loser, the way he likely had no idea this may be the last piece of good prey he'd see for some moons. The true loser is Sharpshadow, who finds her former mentor's slimy backside crashing into him. Call him a ShadowClan cat, through and through, with how much time he spent digging through garbage, there was likely a second plague waiting to happen for any cat who made contact. Condolences to the kit, that had made contact. Condolences to the bird, who now has both Smogmaw and kitten germs.

he thinks this, but of course Smogmaw would recieve no punishment. In fact, there was a higher chance of her lashing out at a non - disease - ridden clanmate. Instead she just blinks, eyes maintaining intense contact with the space between nothing and nowhere. " Uh. S'fine. " He sidesteps. Hopes it's not as awkward as it feels.

She is not a fan of kits, so perhaps it is a small blessing that they had latched onto Smogmaw, and not the cat directly behind him. They hid behind pebble - brains and nonsense questions when really, they knew more about you than you even did. Soul - starers. Even though they had no right to do such a thing, when they're more adept at eating their own tails than, uh, anything useful.

What's this about again? Her gaze flickers to the side, before it lands on the tiny mongrel. " Birds can't eat when they're dead, you know, " Kits are just tiny idiots, that's all there is to it.

  • 6jDzawf.png

  • ( OF THE THINGS I'VE GOT IN MY BRAIN ) SHARPSHADOW: Formerly mentored by Smogmaw
    ♱ he / she , no pref , dislikes gender neutral language ; fine with gendered terms
    ♱ currently 17 moons old as of 11.12.23 / ages every 8th

    dark smoke feline that stands at an above average height. Easily identifiable by her namesake – an unruly mat of fur, destined to be cluttered by inconsistencies between chimera halves. Burdened with a broken tail, often lying dead behind her in the dirt.

    Anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharpshadow has not known peace for a single time in his life, and lives anticipating inevitable dangers to the detriment of herself and others. scraping together some higher purpose— making somewhat of an effort to be " likeable "
    heavy ic opinions! he's irrational and mean </3