backwritten EL ALMA SE ME FUE / falconpaw

₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ The kingsblood is attentive of her surroundings and her mind thinks of the journeying cats wondering what they were going through or what they had to overcome to even get a chance at obtaining lungwort. Her father deciding that they would stop here to try catching fish and tells her to stay focused, she nods to him before making sure that her shadow isn't seen over the river and realizes that this is a lot harder than the small pools where she had caught her first minnow, there was more space and places that the fish could flee from her a lot easily. A soft frustrated growl leaving her but it does not dishearten her determination in the slightest as she swipes at the shadow of a fish and misses, Beepaw's eyes narrowing as she says with a shake of her head "Aw fishguts. She curses only to twitch her whiskers and hears the sounds of pawsteps from across the river, she had been shown the scent of Thunderclan and Windclan when she was on the patrol with Starlightpaw and their mentor plus her own. Bicolored gaze lifting from her previous task of hunting only to see a familiar face from across the river does she perk up but slightly ducks into the foliage near her.

The smoke furred molly hadn't spoken to either members of the patrol from Windclan and Thunderclan due to them being unfamiliar to her and they weren't worth her breath or even let alone her words, they were moor rats and drypaws. Windclan harbored Weaselclaw (or had anyways) who had been a known enemy to Smokethroat and the reason her father was marred, she recalls the story that had been told to her and her littermates before they fell asleep and Thunderclan had taken Sunningrocks from Riverclan when it was rightfully theirs. Perhaps they would reattempt to gain it once more but her attention was focused on the new scent and the face she had seen at the gathering, it was that Skyclan apprentice that she had greeted. Skyclan was an ally. She throws a quick glance over to her mentor who seemed preoccupied and decides to head down the river foliage before she speaks up with a small toothy grin "It's you!" Her tone eager and she lets her front paws step into the shallow water of the river, she dares not to go further though her eyes focus on the first stepping stone and glances over her shoulder once more before leaping on it. Her claws digging into the small crevices of the rock and managed to pull herself forth so she stood there for a heartbeat before sitting down and tucking her tail close "Falconpaw right?" She waves a snowy paw beckoning him closer so they could speak and catch up.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Compared to that of the descendants of a king, Falconpaw was akin to a maggot. Or a rat, he could consider himself. He was born and rose for two moons in a sewer. Cherrypaw swore up and down she could still smell the rot of it in his skin, his fur. She often complained about the den stinking- a soft sigh left him as he tilted his head, vision tilting away from his temporary mentor lead them to the border. She was kind enough- he wasn't sure what her name really was, but he didn't care.

A soft rumble left him as the water's gurgling caught his attention. He padded to the edge, lowering his nose to the water for a sip when Beepaw's movements caught his attention. A slight dip away, hiding from his eyes before poking her head back out. A soft snort left him- she was excited to see him. He was less so, perhaps not out of disinterest but he felt awfully tired. His paws and joints ached, but he mustered the energy to dip his head in meeting. But her next movements caused him to gasp, stepping closer to the lapping water.

The cool liquid brushed at his paws as he watched on, seeing her climb onto the rock safely. A breath left him. "Yes- yeah, it's me." Falconpaw responded, vision shifting downriver to where Beepaw may have come from. He looked back towards her, nodding in confirmation as his name was stated. "Correct- and you're Beepaw, right?" He asked for clarification, perhaps to make her feel better about possibly near-forgetting his name. He remembered, though. The apprentice often made effort to remember those he found a friend in, but may find on the battle field.

Those would be given a warrior's death, not a coward's death.

The somber thought was fleeting, though. He sat down, a hair away from the water, his tail behind him so it wouldn't become damp. He was shaped better for climbing trees, not swimming. "What are you up to?" Falconpaw asked, blue eyes wide with curiosity. Despite how serious and nonchalant he may seem, he was truly curious as to what she was doing.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ She cannot help the falter of the smile that had spread across her face realizing that he seemed tired and she ponders if it's from climbing so many trees or dealing with kittypets. Beepaw recalls how her father had deemed Pikesplash as kittypet dust and wonders if the tom had been from Skyclan once but she shoves the memory aside along with the question not wanting to repel Falconpaw from her. No, she had managed to get his attention and wished to learn more about the tom that rested across the river and she was determined to learn about him even if just by a bit before her mentor ended up catching her or his patrol moving along. "Yes! That's correct," A wide, toothy grin present on her maw and couldn't help but let a giggle slip from her hearing his little gasp when she had leapt forward onto the first stepping stone. "Don't worry, Falconpaw. I know how to swim," She reassures with a bob of her curly fur but she wanted to avoid going for a dip at the moment not wanting to potentially scare away the fish and make Smokethroat wonder why she had gone for a dip.

"I'm fishing! Or... I was fishing before I saw you come along," She admits with a wave of her paw to the waters near her and bears a sheepish grin as she glances to the side momentarily for any sign of fish. Beepaw tilts her head slightly at the Skyclan apprentice as she asks with her bicolored gaze focused on the waters around her "Is on land hunting easier? What about climbing trees?" Maybe she could catch a fish and show Falconpaw how easy it could be, sometimes, to catch a fish and she steals another glance at him before paying attention once more wanting to bring in a catch or two for her clanmates back at home especially the sick that rest in the medicine den. "Have you ever had fish before? It's really good... I enjoy picking the scales off and pushing them into a pool, the way they glisten in the sunlight is breathtaking. My father showed me," She leaves out the fact that Cicadastar had said anything ill hearted about kittypets or specifically Pikesplash deciding to focus on the positive.

She falls silent when the shadow of a fish draws near and with a quick swipe of her snowy paw would hook its gill with her claws and brought it forth before delivering a killing bite. Beepaw taking a moment to pick a scale off and retreated to her side of the river with fish in tow only to hide it behind a few reeds. It was a decently sized fish and she returns to where she had been sitting before and held up the little scale so it glistened in the sunlight "See? Isn't it lovely? The river's treasure and gift to us," She muses. If Beepaw had a bit more swimming experience to be confident in herself to cross over to Falconpaw to show him more closely, she would but it was also caution that she stays on her side. Ally or not, she wants to remain careful and she doubts Falconpaw would do anything out of malice. Next time she would show him is what she thinks to herself.

She had spoke a little much about her home is what she realizes and then tilts her head to the side as she speaks once more "What about you? What's Skyclan like?" Her whiskers twitch with curiosity as her bicolored gaze focuses on his own for a heartbeat or two before turning her eyes to the river once more, the Riverclan princess would provide his attention to him once he answered her but for now, she could focus on trying to get more fish.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Falconpaw warily eyed the river between them. Blue eyes lifted back towards Beepaw, looking on deftly as she made herself known. He couldn't trust the water. It was far more clean-smelling then that of the sewer that he had nearly fallen in once, but he wasn't sure he'd ever be able to make it through the tides. Definitely not a me thing. He thought to himself.

Her words caught his attention again. He cocked his head gently in wonder at the act of fishing, let alone getting in the water. But, he'd see soon enough, if her excitement would get the best of her. And her curiosity was there first, pinning a question to him. He looked mock surprised for a brief moment, grin slipping onto his features as he relaxed slightly backwards. Settled in a sitting position, he opened his mouth to respond. "I don't know if it's easier, per say. But I like it. Climbing trees is like... flying with the birds." Falconpaw's vision lifted overheard, where the sky was clear between the two territories.

A small bird swooped overhead as if it made a point to him, and he snorted softly. Vision returned to Beepaw. "No, I've never had fish... though, y'know, it doesn't smell too good." Falconpaw responded, ears twitching. Well, that wasn't entirely true. Food from cans in the sewer had smelled sort of like what Riverclan's prey smelled of, but he wasn't too sure, really. He offered her a tiny smile as she explained, bursting with energy he couldn't muster to match at this instant. He really did feel achingly tired, and he couldn't discern for what reason. Maybe Greeneyes being gone was getting to him.

However, her hunting made him sit forward a bit- paws were still dipped in the water, and it seemed he didn't truly realize while Beepaw went to work. He adverted his eyes when she popped back up, but watched as she retreated to the other shore again. A hum left him, quiet and under his breath where she couldn't hear it. Then she was back again, the scale in her claws. "Pretty." Falconpaw replied softly.

And then she was asking him about himself. His chest tingled softly, and his head turned back towards the towering pines behind him. "Skyclan can be... testing, at times." He replied, vision looking back towards Beepaw. "Kittypets are known to slack, but Blazestar is putting rules in place to prevent that." Falconpaw's voice was notably in distaste when he speaks about the kittypets. He didn't want to go around telling every cat his backstory, now. Being a sewer cat was almost as bad as being a kittypet to some cats. ".. But I'm happy with some of the cats that are there. They make me feel welcomed." He answered honestly, ears twitching.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Climbing is like flying with the birds? The thought itself makes her snout scrunch up slightly in thought as she tries to picture herself climbing the branches of a tree and being able to be on the same level as an avian even for a mere heartbeat. A bird swooping overhead makes her duck her head for a heartbeat before sheepishly grinning at Falconpaw and she nods slowly in understanding only to mew "It sounds... Magnificent. Although, I'd probably like to keep my paws on the ground or in the river. Swimming feels like floating in the clouds and part of a small group of fish... It's wonderful I think." At least, it does to her. The way her body moved throughout the water like she belonged and letting herself fall briefly before resurfacing, it was her favorite part of swimming.

She snorts at what he says next about never trying fish before and how it smelled which she would not deny, fish did oftentimes stink especially if they were under the sun for too long. Beepaw hums quietly to herself thoughtfully then tilts her head to the side "Maybe I'll catch a fish for you one day so you could try it. It didn't stink as much when its freshly caught," She states with a matter-of-factly nod of her head and feels content when he calls the fish scale that she had retrieved was pretty, of course, it was. It just simply made her happy that he agreed. "I think... You should trade me a feather one day for a fish scale, it would be fair. I'll get you the prettiest fish scale I can find," A grin present on her maw to show that she meant it, she had gotten a feather once from Chicorypaw and it had been lovely.

Maybe she'd show Falconpaw next time they met but her attention shifts when he starts speaking about Skyclan once more mentioning how the kittypets are slacking and it makes her frown as nonexistent eyebrows knot together. "Is it hard having to live with kittypets? I've heard they're rather... lazy." She says carefully not wanting to say anything that may offend the Skyclan tom or deter him from leaving her alone after she had successfully engaged him in conversation. Blazestar was putting rules to prevent that... That's good is what she thinks though she has never met the Skyclan leader. "I'm glad to hear that they make you feel welcomed. It would suck not to fit in," A nod of her head and she couldn't imagine herself not fitting into Riverclan when she had been born into it.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 4 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokethroat
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed