nuestra canciĂłn
Jul 5, 2023
( 🏵 ) "Can I... Can I see you again?" He had blurt out watching the large tabby tom starting to leave after they had tag teamed a mutt, the dappled tomcat uncertain of why he had said what he did but maybe... He had been worried for the outside cat that was now carrying a new scar from their battle with the ugly mutt that had fled moments ago. The larger of the two offering a puzzled look that very same dumb expression that made something flutter inside of his chest and the very same that made Ducky want to lightly cuff the mousebrain over the ears yet... It was endearing in a sense. This stupidly heroic stranger (even if Ducky technically saved him too, so they were even) had risked himself for him and admittedly, Ducky was worried about the others eye even if he reassured him that his "medicine" cat would look over it. Whatever that meant.

"I... I don't know. That's up to you, if you can catch me on patrol." Houndwhisper had finally answered offering one last glance over his shoulder before disappearing out of Ducky's life. At least, for that night...

Ducky had returned home only to get fussed over by his twoleg mother and only moments later get scolded though he only understood half of what she said, he tried to protest as she put him into his little cat carrier which he deemed his prison but Ducky only knew a few instances that he got shoved into that thing which was either, they were going out for a drive or going to that weird twoleg in white that always had those cold sticks. The thought of it made him shiver but he figured that he would behave this once knowing that he'd needed to get his leg checked to make sure the dog hadn't passed on its fleas or diseases onto him. He was not happy about this arrangement nonetheless but in the end, his leg was checked and bandaged up. It made him think about Houndwhisper again. Did his "medicine" cat do this?

A lot of questions forming within his head as he was finally released into the living room where he hobbled away to his cat bed where he flipped onto it, a soft huff leaving his jaws as he took in his surroundings. He once thought this was luxury and perhaps it was to other housecats but to him at this very moment... It was bland. It wasn't living. His ears would perk up hearing the old twoleg woman shuffle around the house before settling onto her recliner, the flashing box in front of her, and could see her starting to make little motions with her hands beckoning for him along with that odd sound of pspspspsp. It reminded him. He was just a lap cat. But out there, he had been something else... Something more.

His body felt heavy as his paws pushed him upward and took him towards his old twoleg owner who picked him up gently, he laid there on her lap upon a woolen blanket with his mismatched gaze turning to the colorful box in front of the duo. He felt gentle fingers scratching behind his ears, a soft rumbling sound leaving his throat continuing to lay there eventually kneading at the blanket underneath him, his eyes felt heavy as he drifted into a nice sleep. She must've been more scared than he had when the small feline had returned home with blood and a bitten leg, he realizes. He cares for her just as she does him, after all, she had adopted him one day despite him being the kitten that struggled the most but she called him a little fighter. Ducky having been the runt of his litter and it explained for his stunted growth even as an adult cat. This is his home or that's what he had believed. His thoughts frustrating as they collided with one another... But sleep found him.

His eyes flutter open and squint at the rays of sunlight peeking through the curtain, the dappled tom jumping off from the recliner and immediately wincing at the small pain in his leg yet he pushes himself forward so he could sit on that windowsill of his. How he enjoyed looking through the world with this and now... He didn't want to watch anyone, he wanted to be the one out there having an adventure. His mismatched gaze focusing onto the squirrel running along a tree and jumping onto the next branch. "I could do that... I... I could catch a squirrel if I really tried. The thought must've been enough to kill his appetite when he heard his twoleg owner calling for him and setting down his dish of wet food. Normally, he'd scarf it down but staring at it now... It was... Unappetizing.

None of it felt right and he felt frustrated with himself... Why was he suddenly so discontent with his life? The sound of barking was enough to draw his attention to the windowsill once more, eyes focusing on the forms of a twoleg and his dog, soon straying from the both of them and landing onto the forest. Memory of the scuffle, the dog, and the wild outdoors cat flooding his mind filling him up with that odd feeling again. That was living this wasn't. Ducky hopped off after managing to tear off whatever was left of the bandages from his leg, his paws pounding onto the toy mouse that lay near his cat bed, and he walked through the house finding the room of his twoleg human who was sound asleep.

Normally, he would go to her and rest beside her. A part of him wanted to and try to be happy yet... It felt selfish and unfair. Shaking his head, the housecat carefully jumped onto the bed with the toy mouse still present within his jaws placing it near her hand recalling the times that she would toss it for him and he'd scramble after it. It had been fun. Maybe... He would go for a day in the woods and come back the next? He doubted it already knowing that this was likely goodbye. Whiskers twitched, Ducky feeling sad as he managed to mumble under his breath "Goodbye... You were good to me... And I hope... I was to you too," A saddened smile present on his maw, his paws taking him away and to the cat door to which he found locked.

He wasn't surprised, no, especially after yesterday but this was not his first time having the little door locked. Ducky jumping onto the counter of the kitchen and nudging the window open before glancing over his shoulder to look at everything that he was leaving behind...

The dappled tomcat was attentive walking over to where he had met the Skyclan cat, his ears perked forward trying to figure out what he was going to do now. Admittedly, he hadn't thought this far and he could feel his face growing warm with embarrassment feeling a tad bit stupid at the given moment, he shook his head remembering what Houndwhisper said about a patrol... Maybe there was a patrol around? Clearing his throat, he found his voice finally speaking up loudly and clearly enough for anybody passing by to hear "Hello?"

It was time to start a new chapter in his life.
"Hello." A cheery voice would sound from above, camouflaged behind a bundle of green nettles that overtook his form. It wasn't the tom that this stranger wanted to see, but perhaps an opportunity to his self-acclaimed chapter that was unbeknownst to the warrior hiding in the trees. A simple patrol it was, securing the border between SkyClan and the Two-Leg Place. He'd noticed the tom sitting atop of the terrace before hand, dropping onto their border whilst drawing in an apprehensive breath. Coming to unknown territory was a nerve-racking thing, but so often more kittypets would appear in hopes of making a shot of being a warrior. Auburnflame would always meet them with a tight-lipped grin, welcoming yet airing on the side of caution.
His body moves, the rustle of leaves evident as he drops down adjacent to the new tom, shaking bits of nettle from his tousled locks. "What brings you to SkyClan, my kittypet friend?" Ivory teeth would gleam from a warm smile, though glacial eyes raked over the soft tom with an unreadable gaze. "Or are we just enjoying the scenery, hm? What's your name? I'm Auburnflame, a warrior." His plumed tail sways freely behind him, mismatched ears pulled forth to show his interest in Ducky.

It’s odd, being on the opposite side of the boarder. Being the one to greet new cats, instead of himself being that new cat. Drizzlepelt can remember him joining the clan as if it were just yesterday, as it’s one of those days you just can’t forget. He wonders if it’s the same for all the others who have done the same as him, like the cat that’s approaching right now.

He looks as out of sorts as Drizzlepelt probably did three moons ago. He hopes that the tom isn’t too uncomfortable, as clan cats can certainly come off as intimidating. He’s glad he’s the one that caught him alongside Auburnflame, instead of someone like Slate or Quillstrike. It wasn’t easy leading a clan life, but first impressions also matter a lot, at least in his eyes.

“Are you looking to join us?” He asks bluntly, though it’s not a rude gesture. If it was, he’d probably also comment on the strong kittypet scent on the tortoiseshell that he’s trying his best to ignore. Well, if he is here to become a SkyClan cat, it would go away soon enough, even if only partially. “Oh, and I’m Drizzlepelt. I’m also a warrior of SkyClan.”
( 🏵 ) Ducky glances up to see a Skyclan cat above him realizing that it isn't the tomcat he had met the other day but he would be friendly and respectful, nonetheless, seeing as he was in their area and not his own. A part of him feeling as though he should be a bit intimidated but so far there was only two cats greeting him which he was grateful for even if he curiosity made him wonder on how many cats were actually in this so called Skyclan as Auburnflame calls it. His whiskers twitch as he offers a smile in return, he's about to speak until Drizzlepelt joins them asking if he's here to join.

His dappled paws shuffling slightly before speaking with a nod of his head "The scenery is admittedly nice, yes, but I'd like to join Skyclan." His ears perked up deciding that he should be forward with his intentions on being in Skyclan's territory, his mismatched gaze glancing around to take in the surroundings and something about it made his heart flutter. He tried not to get too distracted since he still needed to introduce himself, these warriors had interesting names. A lot more interesting than his own. "Houndwhisper. Auburnflame. Drizzlepelt. He went over the names in his head momentarily and found his voice once more "My name is Ducky,"

Putting his name and comparing it to the Skyclan warriors names made it seem like his name was lame. Brief embarrassment burning his pelt and wondering if he could later on get a cool name like the rest of them after earning it, of course, and he realized another thing that these two didn't have collars much like Houndwhisper didn't. "Maybe I'll be able to get rid of this thing and get a more warrior like name later in the future" He thought quietly only briefly glancing down at his collar. Ridiculous. He felt like the punchline of a really bad joke right about now but he hid that still offering a polite smile to both toms in front of him.

Like Ducky, Fanta had also come to the forest in search of someone she cared deeply for. Upon her arrival, though, she had been denied, told to go home back to her kittypet life. After being rescued from the shelter, though, returning had been proven to be a difficult venture. She had gotten a taste of freedom, of the wild, and though there were certain things that scared her there were more things that excited her. Still, every night she returns to her twolegs, unable to part herself from them entirely.

It is not hard to grow distracted in this environment. The sights and sounds are still a wonder to her, often the sheer amount of noise and life in the forest are enough to overwhelm her senses and send her head spinning. She had gotten separated from her patrol for a moment but quickly she recovers and catches up, moving faster when she hears a strange voice. The brown and white she cat parts the undergrowth sheepishly, an apology on her lips that stops short when she sees the other cat and when she hears the words uttered from his mouth.

Join. She smiles brightly and nods her head "Love yer bandana" she admonishes with a grin. The bright colors were reminiscent of one of the brightly colored pieces of cloth her own twolegs tied around her neck. "I'm Fantastream, nice to make yer acquaintance Ducky" the last part of her new name still took some getting used to but her new name truly is what had made her feel like she belonged here.


Another figure descended from the trees, snow and earth splashed, ears angled to the conversation. Auburnflame, Fantastream and Drizzlepelt stood already present, and- standing shorter than the vast majority, the scruffy tom surged forward, wide eyes scrutinising the border-bound kittpet with an odd spark of suspicion. It faded rather quickly once he'd witnessed the un-bristled pelts of his clanmates- still, his own fur refused to let flat, and the tenseness of his muscles and nerves were ill-hid.

"Do you-" he seized, interrupting himself. A trembling paw motioned to the tom- to Ducky, delayed. "Do you have- have Twolegs...?" A simple question, really, but... before they got Blazestar involved it was probably best to get as much information as possible. Was this one going to be a daylight warrior, or live full-time? Both roles came with different expectations, and... unless they'd been watched these past moons (the idea of which sent a shudder across his frame), he didn't imagine Ducky had done a great deal of research...
penned by pin ✧
( 🏵 ) Two other felines would approach immediately causing him to turn his head in their direction, he hadn't expected so many of them though he didn't mind it in the least. His expression would brighten ever so slightly when Fantastream complimented his collar, his paws shuffling for a moment before speaking "Thank you... I like yours," Ducky nodded to the bandana that was wrapped around the Skyclan cats throat only blink briefly. Was she a kittypet and a housecat? "It's nice to meet you too, Fantastream." The dappled tomcat said pushing aside the brief thought that lingered briefly then his mismatched gaze turned to the darker tomcat approached them asking who had also descended from the trees.

He definitely needed to learn how to do that. His ears rotating forward when the other spoke inquiring if he had twolegs, one of his ears flicking briefly to the side then shook his head at the warrior "I had a twoleg." Ducky said his smile faltering slightly thinking about her but he knew that after had had gotten a small taste of the outside, he likely wouldn't be happy staying with her now and he was certain if he had returned home, well, she would probably make sure that he didn't get out the next time. Moreso out of worry than anything else. "But not anymore so that's why I'm here," Another shuffle of his paws only to dip his head briefly "If you'll have me, of course."