( 🐝 ) Beekit had decided to split from her siblings, she was curious to what she would find outside of their den and couldn't help but notice a slightly bigger kitten standing by the nursery and tilted her head to the side in curiosity. He looked like her, well, kinda did and they had a stark dipped paw just like her so maybe they could play or something. Large ear would twitch as she stumbled on her first few steps before having a smoother steps as she made a beeline for the older kitten, Beekit approaching with a little confidence to her as she would call out "Hey! What's your name? I'm Beekit," A toothy grin present on her maw and looked him over with her mismatched gaze trying to figure out what else she wanted to say, admittedly, she lacked the bossy attitude that Starlightkit but did not struggle to speak words like Cicadakit. Her snout would scrunch in a thoughtful manner, a habit of hers, and then mews "Do you wanna play? Maybe moss ball oooooor..." She tries thinking of a game that they could potentially play if this small tomcat even accepted in playing with her but Beekit was already going through several possibilities in her brain.

It was frustrating not being able to think of anything immediately, she was confined in camp and had barely learned to swim today with the rest of her siblings. The river princess mulling over her thoughts further until the movement of something small and green from the corner of her eye caught her attention, she turned her head around to look at it and let out a giggle. It was ugly but in a cute way. "What does it taste like?" She thinks quietly to herself only having been familiar with one food source and that being the milk of Smokethroat, Beekit couldn't imagine anything that could be better but the more she stared at the frog... Perhaps it tasted better. Beekit turning to Rowankit as she spoke up once more "We should catch that cute ugly green thing!" A declaration and not much of an invitation as the river princess began to make her way over with tail in the air, she only briefly glanced at the older kitten before crouching down.

The fur along her spine prickling in excitement at the thought of possibly catching the frog and bringing it home to her family, they would be so proud of her. The bottom half of her body beginning to wriggle before launching herself forward and letting out a soft grunt as she hit the ground missing the smaller creature seeing as her claws were empty but now her dark coat had mud splattered all over it, she blinked her eyes seeing that the frog had hopped a little ways from her. She pushed herself upward once more with mud caking her paws, chest, and belly "C'mon! We're gonna lose it!" Beekit calls more urgently beginning to crouch once more stalking over to the frog hoping that the second time would succeed and it did not. It only resulted in the small kitten becoming more and more muddy. A huff of frustration left her and she had half the mind to simply chase after the damn thing.

/please wait for @Rowankit