Elephant crossing 🖤 return


// So sorry for disappearing!! I got really busy with work and my dog training college. 😅

Petalnose had been gone for about a moon or two. The tabby patterned feline had quite frankly not kept track of time, she had been lost. Memory was still a hard thing for her mind to get a grasp of since her incident of poisoning herself. Directions were even harder for her to grasp. After she went hunting by herself she had wandered far beyond the territory, she had realized she was lost but figured she might as well find her way back slowly. She didn't want to go down by starving or dehydration, that was a cruel and slow death. Plus she had others who obviously cared for her, she wasn't going to let them down.

Petalnose might've had some hostile interactions with aggressive loners as she asked for directions back home, a few old scratches littering her body on the verge of being completely healed or near that mark. However, some neutral and friendly loners had caused her to make her journey back safely with a mouse dangling from her jaws.

"I made it!" Meowed the female, her tail high and proud and a loud purr eruppting from her chest. She was.. happy, even excited and she didn't remember when she last felt that way. Maybe she was in the right place. Maybe this was her family. Even though she didn't consider it, she figured out loner life wasn't for her. There was too many unfriendly faces and it was too.. lonely. Maybe she did want interaction, a family, somewhere where she felt safe.

Now, did she remember to pronounce her identity? She didn't. Neither did she think if it was required or not. She wasn't aware clan scent would fade, but maybe there was a thang of scent they could pick up from her.

His duties are monotonous, mostly hunting patrols that he doesn’t have the heart for. He could try fishing—but let’s be real, he isn’t the best at it, and he doesn’t have the heart to practice it now. Not when his first fishing lesson had been…

His head snaps up at the scent of another cat, and he spots her not too far away. A stranger, smelling not of the river territory or any RiverClan cat he can think of. His mind jumps to one conclusion: she’s a spy. A WindClan spy, an enemy of RiverClan. Has she come to finish what the rest of the moorland cats started? Is this a second raid? He’s prepared for a fight—but then she announces herself, a purr in her voice. He stops in his tracks.

Recognition comes slowly, but now that he’s closer he realizes who he’s looking at. "Petalnose," he greets her dully, tilting his head to the side. "You’re back. What were you gone so long for?" Surely she isn’t any sort of enemy, any traitor to the clan. Maybe she, like Quiet, will simply return to the clan, seamlessly blend right back in with the rest of them. How fitting, that they would lose a good warrior and gain another so soon.

// welcome back, no worries about being gone!!! also sorry clay is sad rn
"Yes," Ravenpaw quipped, raising his scarred face up to see the return of the warrior. Soured by the battle, he could not help but think that Petalnose was lucky enough to have gotten lost before the fight. "What were you gone for?" The elder apprentice asked, brows knitted together as he sniffed Petalnose warily.

The black cat slipped over close to Clayfur but not touching, perhaps out of awkwardness, perhaps out of respect for what he had lost. He marveled at how the tabby was able to greet Petalnose in a friendly way. "A good adventure, I hope." His large ear twitched.


Petalnose awkwardly lowered her tail at the questions, embarrassment meeting her expression. She dropped the mouse at her paws so she could speak properly, clearing her throat, "I went on a hunting trip.. On my own.. and realized my memory still isn't in the best shape after I thought I got better. My body did... Just not my brain." She explained in a sheepish way, her gaze drifting off to the mouse she captured. She shrugged her shoulders at ravenpaws comment, "Not particularly, some few scuffles with loners here and there- not happy I approached them, but some few neutral ones gave me some directions I managed to remember somewhat." She added, giving a deep sigh and then looking at the two. "I guess I should accompany someone for awhile until my memory gets straight."

"It's seems like my mind decieved me on how long this hunting trip was. Did a battle happen? It seems you both are... beaten down."
She could tell by sensing their demeanor that they were low spirits and seemed a bit tense at first when approaching afar. She couldn't help but be honest, curiousity always got the best of her and she had a lot of questions since she lost her memory of her identity and how to properly function in clan life. She felt guilty she couldn't help them, but even if she did she would probably get in a lot of trouble. She hadn't sparred and prepared so she doubted a fight to the death she wouldn't get out of. She fled some of the loners after a couple of stubborn swats, so she felt as if she shouldn't be guilty at the same time.

quietstream had padded along behind both clayfur and ravenpaw, ears twitching slightly. the same had happened to her... except... they didn't wanna think about it. they didn't want to even acknowledge it. as their stump of a tail flicked behind them, they looked over at petalnose, brows furrowing slightly before they nodded their head. she was friendly, and she was back. she said she had gotten lost, her sense of direction not being the greatest. they understood, somewhat. either way, they made their way closer to petalnose and offered a bump of their head against her shoulder as a greeting. a welcome back. hopefully this meant good things for riverclan.
She… got lost. In their own territory, or beyond. Clay’s brow twitches, but he recalls Petalnose’s memory problems. It would explain why she was gone for so long, but it doesn’t discount her being a spy of some sort. He glances to Raven, an attempt to discern how the younger tom feels about the she-cat. Quietstream seems to accept her return easily, at least. He agrees that the warrior should have someone at her side until her memory becomes more reliable.

She asks what’s happened to make them seem defeated, beaten down—and his eyes narrow the slightest amount. He isn’t ready to explain the raid to anyone. He isn’t ready to explain to Petalnose how, in the time she’s been gone, he managed to both gain and lose the most treasured thing in his life. "Uh," he swallows around the lump in his throat. Hazel eyes flicker to Raven for a moment, as if he’ll say anything to help, before shifting to Quiet. "Maybe Cicadastar should talk to you about what happened." Or someone else. Anyone other than Clay.
  • Crying