elevation | weaselclaw

Life doesn't discriminate
Addervenom. He repeats the name like a mantra within his mind. Adoring the sense of strength that seemed to ooze from its very utterance. Everyone shied away from an adder's strike, fearing the sting of death laced within its bite. Sootstar chose a fine name for him, one that truly put his acidic nature into perspective. There was only one issue. Weaselclaw was not there to witness his ascension into warriorhood and he desired for his father to hear of his new name now rather than later.

He departed soon after the ceremony, leaving Harrierstripe to converse with the others alone. Much like his namesake Addervenom weaves through the mooreland grass until he reaches the old badger set. The scent of sickness weighs over the area like a heavy blanket the closer he treads. Amber eyes skim over lethargic and coughing bodies until he picks out the tabby hide of his father. "Weaselclaw." The tom called out from afar with hidden notes of worry dotting his tongue. Why did he look worse than when he last saw him? Surely there had to be more Wolfsong could do to alleviate the symptoms plaguing the withering tabby. "Cottonpaw would know more about his condition than any of us." Hardened eyes narrow in thought. He would need to seek out the blue grey apprentice later.

Slowly he comes to a halt at an appropriate distance, remembering the image of his Weaselclaw's paw shooting forth to create a healthy space. "My warrior ceremony was today. Sootstar named me Addervenom." He voiced proudly, searching tired blue eyes. (@WEASELCLAW)
Between the sinners and the saints
  • Love
Reactions: Marquette
StarClan has stolen a moment he had been looking forward to since his sons were babes suckling at their mother’s flank. Weaselclaw used to dream of the day he could race the moors with his kits, both long of limb and sharp of claw like their father, unencumbered by mentors and fierce as the fire that burns within their mother’s heart. He had yearned for the day he could see the two of them rise as warriors, knighted by Sootstar.

His blue eyes are milky with sickness, but they are otherwise clear as water. He is lucid, having forced some herb left by Wolfsong and Cottonpaw down his throat that had minimized the worst of his fevered dreams. His son is hulking, the fur hanging from his wiry frame thick as a wolf’s and silver, but for the rippling earthen stripes hatched across. His eyes burn with copper flame. “My warrior ceremony was today. Sootstar named me Addervenom.”

The lead warrior’s smile is a ghost of what it once was, tremulous and broken up by a rippling cough, but it is genuine. “Addervenom.” He observes the necessary distance between them, blinking appreciatively. “A fierce name for what I hope to be a fierce warrior. Someday, cats will tremble upon hearing that name… someday…” He shudders, feeling shivers crawl through his fur like insects, “…someday you will make RiverClan cower in the face of your fury.” He rests his chin on his paws, weary.

…we both will, together.” He says this with no conviction.

  • weasel . weaselclaw
    — he/him ; lead warrior of windclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Sootstar
    — short-haired chocolate tabby with white and blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Oliver
  • Love
Reactions: Addervenom
Life doesn't discriminate
His father's approval. It warmed the tabby more than Weasleclaw could ever come to know. He would be sure to live up to his new namesake. To be that venomous viper sent to cripple the likes of riverclan and beyond. Trembling would only be the beginning. "They they will." He remarks with cool confidence, his mind's eye envisioning droves of riverclanners fleeing from his presence. Screaming and calling for retreat as he leads the charge of a battle hardened patrol to storm their borders. Someday, one day.

A blink of his eyes has him focus on the present once more. Muscular hinds flex and fold to lower him into a sit the thick plume of his tail coming to rest over mismatched paws. "Yes, together. You and I. Perhaps we'll even tear a life from Cicadastar's wretched body. That will give Smokethroat something to really seethe over." He jests, if only to seek another weakened smile from the tom. It was hard to see his father like this, reduced to a husk of his former glory. But he had faith that starclan would see him through and bless the lead with much needed strength until the journeyers returned.
Between the sinners and the saints
His oldest son lowers himself into a sitting position. Weaselclaw feels scrutinized, pinned under that gaze. Addervenom tells a tale that once would have his father’s blood roaring, leaping to his paws and whipping across the moor in anticipation. Now he only smiles, tired but proud. “Why stop at one? The kittypet king too… and Chilledstar, that wretched fool…” He yawns, but unfortunately, the wide-open position of his jaws irritates his throat, and a coughing fit storms over him.

Every inhale hurts, even after the last of them fade. Weaselclaw’s exhales are raspy, his inhales whispery. “WindClan needs strong warriors now more than ever. You will make Sootstar proud… and that will make me proud.” He gives his son a long look. Weaselclaw’s expectation is clear. Whatever it takes, you will do.

  • weasel . weaselclaw
    — he/him ; lead warrior of windclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Sootstar
    — short-haired chocolate tabby with white and blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Oliver