
It is one of those new-leaf days. The kind where the wind just won't let up, the skies are gray and clouds fill the sky threatening to open up at any given moment and release a torrent down upon the cats of RiverClan. He wants nothing more than to go right into the nursery and sleep the day away but the adults are nothing if not persistent that he play outside, the other kits too. At first, he had protested, whined, complained, even tried sneaking back into the nursery. All to no avail. Finally, he finds himself caving to the pleas of the other children. 'Just one game' they had said and he had rolled his eyes and said "Fine, just one game." but then they declare him "it" and his heart sinks. Hide and seek was no fun if you were it! You closed your eyes and everyone disappeared and tried their best not to let you find them. He would much rather be one of the cats who were hiding than the cat who was "it". Perhaps he could play another round after this one, a round where he could run away squealing with the others rather than be the one who was being ran from.

"1 2 3..." he starts counting just like he had been taught, head bowed so he couldn't see where the others were running off too. Except, he could. He opens his eyes just enough so that at a brief glance they appeared closed, but he can see tails disappearing behind trees, heads ducking under rocks, and he knows exactly where everyone had hid. "Okay, ready or not here I come!" he announces, injecting a false elation into his voice. He took no joy in this part of the game, but he had to pretend. Make believe so that the other kits wouldn't want to stop playing with him.

For a long moment, he meanders around camp, acting as if he had no idea where the other kits were. He peeks around corners where he knows no one is hiding, he even lifts up stones in a comical fashion, as if he actually believes they could be hiding under a rock. "Hmmmm" he humms softy to himself, as if he has no clue where they could be and then he turns to the willow tree, where he knows someone is hiding and he calls out "Gathcha! I found you!" and this continues on and on until finally there is only one kit left to be found. Twinklekit.

He had seen where Twinklekit had hidden, and he had to admit it was a pretty good spot, but he was tired of this game, tired of being it and he doesn't bother to make-believe that he is searching for her, he goes straight to where she was hiding and reaches out with a gray forepaw to poke her in the side. "Game over" he says to her, to the other kits "Now someone else has to be it."

// please wait for @TWINKLEKIT

  • 5RlyhZs.jpeg

  • KXcjaby.png
    A plush coated kitten with a pelt marbled in varying shades of gray and white. He has dull green eyes and a tall stature. Most of his personality can be described as carefree though some also say that unmotivated is a more than apt term. His trust and love is easily won through praise but he will do little work to receive it.
    easy in battle + no formal training