emberstar heartchart

I want to add a heartchart to Ember's bio, so I grabbed this code from Floppa! Reply with your character(s) to see how Ember feels about them!

Haven't properly met yet
Fearful of
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love

Cinderfrost /
"Right, her." Emberstar replies almost immediately, it is an effort to hide the feeling that bubbles up within her. One she can't describe and doesn't want to. Her smile is forced. "The stars chose her, and that's all I need to know. I have faith in them."

Starling /
Ember beams ear to ear. "Starling is the greatest! Did you know she brought me a squirrel? It was so nice of her! Oh, and we're going to go hunting later! Maybe I can even show her a few things when we do!" She goes on like this for a while. It's somewhere between endearing and annoying.

Quail /
"Oh, Quail is wonderful!" Emberstar states with an eager nod. "She was the one who said we could all stay! She just really nice." She doesn't mention the family that the older molly reminds her of.

Flicker /
A long gap of silence follows the utterance of the name, during which Emberstar is very still. For once, her smile fades. "I thought were friends." She began simply, opening her mouth as if to say more. But nothing came. She shook her head instead. "I don't know. I don't know. I guess I was wrong." Her voice is tinged with uncertainty and regret.

"Star didn't tell you about the time he beat me, did he?" Emberstar asks with faux concern, then laughs. "I didn't go down easy though! It was a close one! Still, he's one of the best fighters I've met." Her smile flickers for a moment. "Or, uh, was. He'll bounce back soon though, I know it." She ends the statement with a determined nod.

Ember nods. "Oh yeah, me and Howling fought in the battle. We're friends now though!" she is quick to reassure. "That's all behind us now, and a good thing too! She was the one who gave me this nasty thing!" she shows off her shoulder scar.

At the mention of the name, Emberstar laughs. "Oh, Berry? He's kinda funny, always so serious. I don't really get him. I mean, we're friends - obviously - but we, or I mean, he doesn't really talk much." She explains, her words tangling with each other. Everything is less clear than when she began.

A wistful fondness gleams in Emberstar's eyes. "Yeah, I remember Tugger." She says simply, with a grin that seems more unconscious than usual. "We didn't get to talk much before the battle, but the times we did... He's nice." She concludes simply.

"I'm sure Tybalt will fit in just fine!" Emberstar reassures with a nod and a grin. "I know he was a bit... combative when we first met, but still! Just give him some time to get used to the clan, and I'm sure we'll be great friends!"

Cottontail /
Emberstar nods. "Yeah, I know Cottontail! She quiet, so we haven't talked much, but I'm sure we would get along great!" she stated confidently. "I want to make sure she knows this clan is a safe place for her and ker kits."

Wildflower /
"Oh, Wildflower?" Emberstar asks eagerly, her grin is bright. "Yeah, we're great friends! She's easy to get along with. Lotsa fun to spend time with!"

write your character's opinion on them <3
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