EMBRACE IT ALL - herb patrol

She is not used to an escort on these patrols. Usually they are solitary things, long days spent alone while she wanders about the territory, digging in the dirt for roots, checking bushes for new flowers or leaves, always being careful to only take what she needed. She was nervous. How was she going to tell this many cats what to take and what not to take? How was she supposed to be in charge of so many adults? Her green eyes flicker to each patrol member in turn. Finally, she speaks. "D-do any do any of you kn-know what chervil looks like?" she asks, trying her best to keep her voice from shaking but the nerves are starting to wrap their icy fingers around her brain, making her thoughts feel sluggish, as if a fog had settled over her mind. She forces herself to take a deep breath and adverts her gaze from her entourage, but her ears stay alert for any answers. Chervil was not something she was particularly looking for but it was easy enough to find. Easier than looking for roots that was. Perhaps she could even send some to find some garlic and go hunting. Wouldn't that be something? If they were sent out for herbs and instead of coming home with a bundle of leaves they came home with prey instead! She still had yet to catch anything herself but perhaps one day when she wasn't so busy.

// sorry this is so late and so short im terrible at starters! @SHARPPAW. @RIBBITLEAP @Halfshade @Crowpaw. @loampaw


Change your mind

Crowpaw bounded eagerly after the medicine cat, their ears perked and tail swaying excitedly, another chance to be outside of camp and to explore the territory more! Though they would pause when Starlingheart brought up a question and a dumbfounded look appear in their copper gaze.

"is chervil a flower?" they asked before glancing at the others before turning to focus on the timid medicine cat once more, hoping they were perchance right about something but... Crowpaw as a kit never went into the medicine den, mostly focusing on keeping their siblings entertained or...off bothering some warriors, and since they're still somewhat new as an apprentice...there was no way he'd known right off the bat, of course... there was the factor of...why would he know in the first place too but, Crowpaw would like to say it was because he was only new when it came to apprentice...stuff, they were just happy to be out and about exploring the territory even more.
To be a medicine cat was to be well beyond the understanding of Loampaw. There had been a reason Loampaw was a cat and not a rabbit — he wasn't meant to be hunched over piles of whatever plant happened to be in season, worrying about the damage bugs too small for notice caused. Starlingheart had given Loampaw herbs before, something strong scented that had eased a stomach ache, so it wasn't that Loampaw doubted the usefulness of herbs or Starlingheart's burgeoning skills.

It was far more that Loampaw doubted his own place in this.

"Chervil," Loampaw drawls, and then glances about as if one such plant may be in sight, "Is it uh-a t-tuh-tall plant? Looks like gr-gruh-grass with a brown th-theh-thing on t-tuh-top? Is it also cuh-cuh-called a bulrush? That's th-thuh-the only herb I-ee-uh know." ​
tags ∘ shadowclan apprentice ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 10 moons

Though the brown tabby once had family within the medicine cat rank, such knowledge had never been passed down to him. Brief check-ins at the clans' earliest gatherings were now long gone from the warrior's routine, the blue smoke had since been marked as yet another loss in Ribbitleap's young life.

And, maybe it's for the better, that Ribbitleap's path followed the one his brother had forged for them, rather than the one the stars bestowed upon his aunt. Because, even though the warrior's seen plenty of herbs while being treated, as soon as Starlingheart asks the patrol what chervil looks like, the tom's mind goes blank.

"Uh..." he starts, looking around as Loampaw does, as if either of them would be so quick to find it. "It's... green and leafy...?" It's a guess vague enough to capture most of the herbs - he'd seen - but, really, how different in appearance could most herbs be?

"I'm sure if you show us, we can figure it out," he offers, still scanning the area for the herb in question.