embrace me tenderly | mallowpaw




Mallowkit Mallowpaw; Mallow, the flower that often symbolizes; romantic interest, healing, and survival in tough conditions. Mallow was named after the flower that lives in the most harshest of conditions, a reminder to overcome and thrive even through the hardest of times. It also represents the color of her eyes (a bright amber)

Paw represents her standing as an apprentice in the clan
─ windclan apprentice; moor runner
─ female, she/her; closeted bisexual, monogamist
─ 5 moons / ages the 1st of each month
↳ penned by @Ruin

↳ ( Appearance ) ╭──╯ . . . .
A wiry blue silver tabby with bright amber eyes / reference

Inheriting her parents small and slender frame, Mallowpaw has the makings to be a wonderful tunneler. Skinny and flexible she's able to fit through the smallest of crevices, but her long and limber legs make her born for the wide expansive fields of Windclans territory. Her silvery coat is unblemished with scars, all aside from the small knick in her ear she received during a spar. Her features, whilst triangular in nature, look worn with unease -- plagued with a restlessness that never seems to leave her.
↳ genetics stuff. gen / carrying / whatever

↳ ( Mentality ) ╭──╯ . . . .
Intelligence ●●●●●●●○○○
Confidence ●●●●●●●●●○
Charisma ●●●●●○○○○○
Creativity ●●○○○○○○○○
Empathy ●●●●●●●●○○
Humor ●○○○○○○○○○
alightment, mbti ❝ the whatever ❞

(+) compassionate, earnest, protective (/) paternalistic, strict, obedient (-) assertive, scornful, steely
Mallowpaw often tries to present herself as a very outgoing individual, a cat who makes an effort to approach anyone and everyone no matter the background. She's kind and earnest toward her fellow clanmates, ready to praise and support them for their rights and unafraid to correct them in their wrongs. She prides herself in being a cat who's warm to approach, but while she loves to goof off when the time calls for it she takes her duties as a moor runners apprentice very seriously. Especially her siblings tunneler responsibilities.

Mallowpaw tends to be very protective of her siblings, coddling and more often than not making them rehearse what their training entails under the ground. The loss of their parents have made her paranoid of death, too afraid to loose another person she loves to preventable (or unpreventable) measures, so she does the only thing she knows how to do; train. Despite her own limited knowledge of the world, she tries her best to be a support system her siblings could go to. Often going through hell or high water to make sure their needs and wants are met, regardless of her own.

↳ mannerisms Mallowpaw always tries to make herself know to unsuspecting cats by chuffing, she herself spooks easily so she tries to be courteous to those with a similar skittishness. During stressful conversations or situations, Mallowpaw has the tendency to smile -- a smile that strains her jaw and doesnt quite reach her eyes in a way that's warm or compassionate

↳ ( Relationships ) ╭──╯ . . . .
GORSERUNNER x HEATHERFOOT sibling to petalpaw & peonypaw | mentoring no one, mentored by no one
Mate to x | Parent to x | Other kin
— Admires sootstar
— Friends with petalpaw, peonypaw
— Likes petalpaw, peonypaw
— Dislikes
— Loathes

↳ ( Interaction ) ╭──╯ . . . .
strength ●●●○○○○○○○
stamina ●●●●●●●●○○
agility ●●●●●●●●○○
hunting ●●●●●○○○○○
swimming ●○○○○○○○○○
climbing ●●○○○○○○○○
grace ●●●●●○○○○○
single; bisexual, monogamist / crushing on x, looking/not looking
— physical health: [ 100% ] | mental health: [ 100% ]
— (will) start fights | (will) end fights | (will not) flee | (will) show mercy
(will) excels at hunting, tracking, long distance chases
poor at skill swimming, climbing, fighting
sounds like blah blah / voice claim if applicable
smells like fresh grass and dew
— healing & peaceful powerplay allowed
— speech is #AED386

( Posting Format )

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