empty fields | death

Sep 13, 2022
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
The rare sight of a rabbit lay within his sight, plump and untouched by the nefarious rouges plaguing the clans. It would be a welcomed addition to the prey pile back at camp and he was sure to make that very thought a reality. Silver toes flex with anticipation, watching the fluffy creature stiffen briefly at the round of something distant. Hoping to use its frozen stance to his advantage, the warrior leapt from his hiding place. Claws flex, forearms butterflying open to grasp his prey, but he misses by a whisker. As gravity pulls him down his paws collide with something other than the ground. The all too familiar touch of something cool and slick under paw, an adder. With movement as swift as his name sake Silverlightning aimed to kick off with his hind legs and pivot to evade the serpent. His action follows through, but not without the startled snake following up with a speedy lunge.

Venom. Searing and white hot floods his bloodstream, coursing like fire through his veins. The stone faced warrior emits a low hiss whilst swatting claws against the reptile's face. As fangs unhinge from his tender leg, Silverlightning stumbles backwards before inevitably tumbling over. The snake long gone after suffering a second blow. His vision clouds and his hearing dulls, every breath an uphill battle that never seems to ease. The pain is unyielding as foreign toxins continue to ravage his body, stiffening his limbs and cooling his core. Through slow shallow breaths grey eyes drift closed for the last time and then, he's gone.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

XXXXXShe’s always known Silverlightning to have a taste for adders. Even during her warrior’s assessment, he’d sent her through a winding pass through their territory, only to end up at Snakerocks. He’d hailed from mountainous places, far from ThunderClan, and the cats he’d grown up with had sustained themselves on adderflesh and other strange things. She’d been hunting elsewhere in the forest, but her mentor’s scent is faint on the air, toward the snake-scattered stones, and she follows, her whiskers twitching as she picks up on another strange scent.

XXXXXIt’s metallic, not quite like blood, but similar. Colder, more bitter. It’s like an adder’s skin, but—but it’s different, though she can’t place it.

XXXXXShe moves swiftly and quietly through the undergrowth, her paws crunching lightly against forest debris and autumn-crisped leaves. Snakerocks’ air is tainted, too, though the scent is again too bitter for her to decipher properly. She’s not scented this since Skypaw’s mentor—the memory is as awful as the scent. His mentor had collapsed after an adder had unhinged its jaws and sank its fangs into—

XXXXXHer heart stills. Mousenose’s paws, too, slow to a halt. She sees no sign of the adder who’d bitten him, but the silver pile of fur has ceased to move, flanks stilled for eternity. Mousenose lets out a garbled shriek. “S-Silverlightning? HEY!” She breaks into a run, forgetting well-learned caution. She skids to a stop right before him, the smell of his death and of snakes causing her to gag. “NO! Hey—hey! You h-hunt adders, you—you eat them, they don’t—they don’t hurt you, not you! You’re fast, you’re too fast!

XXXXXMousenose’s breath hitches in a hiccup. They lean to press their nose into chilled fur, but the moment it grazes that still flesh she throws her head back and keens her pain. “NO!

  • Crying
Reactions: Nazali and dejavu

The keening of Mousenose draws Flycatcher over in a wild panic. With the noise she makes, he half expects to find her or some other cat in the throes of death or caught in battle with one of the many serpents that make their home at Snakerocks. Unfortunately, it seems that it is already too late, and another ThunderClan cat now walks with StarClan.

"Mousenose?" He mews quietly to alert the warrior to his presences, before slowly walking to get a better look. His eyes widen in surprise when he recognises Silverlightning's silver form lying still and lifeless on the ground. "Silverlightning..." He speaks the warrior's name quietly, before bowing his head. Whilst he and Silverlightning hadn't been overly close, Flycatcher had liked the tom, finding him to be a calm and reliable presence around camp and on patrols. "We should move him," Flycatcher said after a moment. "He can't stay here."

The forest has only known loss lately. He thinks this as his golden colored eyes settle on the silver furred tom who lays breathless before them. Watching his last struggles had been terrible, hearing Mousenose's cry was gut-wrenching, and yet Burnstorm cannot bring himself to look away. If he was anyone else, anything else, it would be so easy to turn away, to not acknowledge this dark part of life and to pretend like such a thing was not possible. No cat ever expects to die in such a gruesome painful manner. He certainly had not expected it. Silverlightning had been such a strong warrior, to be taken out by something such as this felt wrong to him. It just goes to show, no one is invincible in the eyes of fate.

He closes his own eyes for a moment, takes a deep breath and comes to stand next to Mousenose. A show of comfort through presence. His gaze rests on the form of the thunderclan warrior at his paws and he finds his breath hitching in his throat. He wants to say something, to comment on how it was not his time or that ThunderClan would mourn his loss but he finds that he cannot muster up the words.

When Flycatcher speaks up and says that they should move him he feels a sick relief. He had never been good at goodbyes. Solemnly he nods "I'll help, just tell me what to do" he says, his voice quiet.

  • ooc : — apprentice tag @FALCONPAW.

  • he / him
    thunderclan lead warrior
    single ; crushing on roeflame

    - - Burnstorm is a hot headed tom who, above all, loves his clan and his family. He cares deeply and passionately for those closest to him and is one of the most loyal friends a cat could have. Because of his half-kitttypet heritage, Burnstorm is always hard at work, believing that he has to put in twice the amount of effort a normal cat does in order to prove himself as a worthy clan member
    ISTJ-T 'the logistican'

    - - a large, black furred tom with golden eyes
    toyhouse [ ]

    skilled fighter and decent hunter
    LITTLE WOLF X BLAZESTAR ; sibling to Fireflypaw, Howlfire, Morningpaw, Moonwhisper, Duskpaw and Skypaw