camp En passant & injury

The curtains draw back, hush settles, snow on the marshland and soundless; the parting of the tall sharp grass shrouding the camp is the only indication the performance has begun and she is anything if not skilled in her art. One paw, two paw, stumble on queue; center stage.
Halfshade steps into the middle of the camp bloodied, white fur edging into pink further from the seeping red center of each widening gash and gives a cry of dismay; lets the stinging of claws carry her voice higher until she is spotlight drawn and so very visible.

“Please-!” Her words choke, a paw raised to his face to cover it as if shielding her from prying eyes when she has purposefully laid herself bare before the clan, “Betonyfrost-she just-attacked me!”
One meager little scratch above her eye would not have cut it, but something a little more dramatic would really make the scene; somewhere where white fur was the most expansive of canvases and where the color would catch the eye.

It would have been easy to goad a fight on it's own, had she met the other’s claws with hers in retaliation. But she did not just want to ruin Betonyfrost, cutting her apart and giving her the fight she wanted; no. She wanted her to be left gasping for air, cut off and left to flounder; she wanted her to get no satisfaction and be left wanting something to give. Halfshade would not fight her, because it would wound her more to be denied and it would lay any blame at her own paws as well for fueling the fire. She returned to camp bloodied and cut and Betonyfrost would walk in with Halfshade’s blood on her paws and their scents mingling and then who would the fool be then.

The torbie gives a hiccupy sob of a noise, tail twilring around herself. Scene.


Something was wearing thin in Frostbite. These cats....They were always trying to strike out at each other. He was getting tired of it.

In fact, he was already sick of it. But it seemed that even though Chilledgaze had warned everyone not to do such things..... They seemed to be ignoring it.

He watched Halfshade come into camp with her bloodied chest and face. Something stirred in him, causing him to flex his claws.

Betonyfrost certainly had an attitude. He didn't know what was with her. He couldn't judge.... He had an attitude too.

But she had struck his friend.

He strode over to Halfshade and looked at the wounds. They didn't look extremely bad..... But he still worried.

"Get yourself to Starlingheart...." He said calmly." Completely unrelated- Where is Betonyfrost?"

If you don't like me, that's your problem
Tornado watched from across the way as Halfshade stumbled into camp in a very convincing stupor, draping her paw across her face to somewhat hide the nick staining her ivory fur. A frown tugged at her lips as she stood to her paws, her tail shifting back and forth as she continued to study the warrior's features. "Why did she attack you?" Betonyfrost was already treading on thin ice for upsetting Pitchstar and while Halfshade was not a child, Tornado doubted Pitchstar would let this slide.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem
Betonyfrost is not far behind.

She had understood more and more of Halfshade's plan on the way back home, and had worried over her options. Sometimes she was on the edge of convincing herself that if one little scratch hadn't mattered, then the addition of another was nothing. Other times she was certain that this would be her undoing, that Halfshade could bring her down with a strange outburst and a story. Had Betonyfrost waited a little longer, she might have thought to give herself her own wounds and make it look like she'd been defending herself.

At first she comes into camp with her head low but seeing Halfshade in the center of camp looking meager and so innocent sparks something in Betonyfrost. She's reminded of her options, to confess or to deny, and wonders if it is that Betonyfrost needs to skirt the accusations or if Halfshade needs to convince the clan. She lifts her chin, thinks spitefully: better make it a good one! and then sits with her tail folded over her paws.​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 16 moons | tags
the deputy had been trying to sleep. they needed the rest, and they knew it. they couldn't have cats worrying about if they were gonna collapse... again. their head lay across their paws, tail sweeping behind them every few breaths in and out. they actually were able to get some sleep before it was ruined. the sound of tumbling into camp, and yelling, makes their eyes slowly peel open. it takes a moment, but within a few blinks they pushed themself up to a seated and then a standing position. they stretched out their body, with a groan, before their tongue clicked a few times against the roof of their mouth. they watched as halfshade said that betonyfrost had attacked her, and they only watched. a few moments later, betonyfrost came in but hadn't said a word to defend herself, or even justify what she'd done. there was something interesting here, because the halfshade that they knew would have just handled it herself, instead of crying. and betonyfrost being quiet for once was always a sight to behold– though they guessed betonyfrost had only recently been more opinionated. still, there isn't even a sense of urgency within the deputy as they stepped over, looking at both of them. dramatically rolling their eyes, and an even more dramatic groan-like sigh, they spoke up.

"absolutely not. pitchstar can deal with you."

they were not doing this. if these fuckers didn't want to listen to them, then pitchstar could handle them. they dont like their authority being questioned, so they could deal with the one cat in the clan with higher status. any punishment given, to either cat, would be justfied. maybe halfshade should have been punished for waking the deputy up with all that noise. with a snort, the shadow colored feline dipped out of camp. they weren't even interested in sticking around.

Starlingheart's paws are still shaking from grief. Loss. She knew she would have to deal with it sometime, but never had she imagined it would be so soon. When she had first set her paws upon this new path she never could've guessed that she would hold her clanmate's lives in her paws while she herself was still so young. She swallows back the tears that threaten to sting her eyes whenever she thinks about Vermillionskies, about the kits that were now gone. There had been nothing she could do, she knows this and yet, still...

She is broken from her thoughts by a clanmate coming into her den. "Betonyfrost attacked Halfshade!" they declare and Starlingheart blinks in surprise. This would be the second cat Betonyfrost had attacked in only a few short weeks, had she not learned her lesson from sleeping outside, from being forced to eat last? Starlingheart sighs loudly, exasperated but she grabs a small bundle of herbs, cobwebs to stop any bleeding she tells herself. Marigold to prevent infection and goldenrod to help the wounds heal. She is grateful for the small scraps of knowledge she had been able to gather from her aunt before she had left but there was still so much she didn't know, so much knowledge that could save her clanmates if only she possessed it.

She makes her way to the bicolored queen and frowns, her lips tugging downwards in a show of her disapproval. "W-w-weee we ca-ca-cant we can't afford to uh we cant afford t-t-toooo be fighting each o-other" she murmers quietly as she works, dabbing the wounds first with cobwebs then the poultice she creates from the chewed up marigold and goldenrod, covering the herbs with more cobwebs to keep them in place. "Tha-that that shuh-shuh-should heeelp" she informs Halfshade as she takes a step back to inspect her work. "Co-come to come to me if its uh if it bo-bothers you any" The wounds luckily, weren't too deep but still, leaf-bare was a dangerous time and she can't help but worry.
Flickerfire has never doled out discipline before. Why should she have to, when Geckoscreech and Chilledgaze and Pitchstar love doing it so much? They get to do all of the annoying stuff, and Flickerfire is free to laugh at whatever consequences her foolish Clanmates earn for themselves. Betonyfrost has already earned their leader's anger for attacking his sister; no doubt this is some strange revenge for all of them laughing at her.

The tortoiseshell's eyes are wide at the state of Halfshade. The dramatic cry, the warbling of her sobs -- she's never seen the oft-composed she-cat in such a state. Flickerfire doesn't have Chilledgaze's critical eye -- she only stares balefully at Betonyfrost, convinced again of the she-cat's strangeness.

"Who ya gonna claw next? You're sick in the head, huh?" Flickerfire pads beside Halfshade, her gaze burning into Betonyfrost. This is the closest the lead warrior has ever come to exacting any authority over a Clanmate not in jest. She is giving Betonyfrost a look that would wither a rose, that would set a dry field ablaze. "Graduated from kit-hitter, at least. You should be proud."
halfshade's dramatics do not go unheard, her high-pitched cry for attention brings forth a slow-growing crowd to bare witness to her wounds that were created by the antagonizer herself, betonyfrost. an off-white muzzle would wrinkle at the bridge as geckoscreech carried herself a little closer to observe the damage which didn't really seem like something to wail about but regardless it meant that starlingheart had to waste what little herbs she's got to heal scratches from infighting.

frostbite is the first to speak, instructing the bi-color molly to go to their medicine cat who was almost immediately on the scene while tornadopaw questions why in the world betonyfrost attacked in the first place. the brambles at the entrance would soon shudder as the culprit enters without a much of a peep which causes a brow to raise vaguely. geckoscreech can't seem to wrap her head around why the blue tabby keeps finding ways to dig herself an even deeper hole.

the deputy is here for a tick of a second before their gone, shouldering the situation over to pitchstar but what other punishment will he be able to dole out this time? betonyfrost is already eating last and forced to rest outside in the cold, maybe he'll send her to live among the rats at the carrionplace for a moon. ugh, what a headache.

"honestly betonyfrost, it's like you're trying to be a constant pain in the ass for us." the lead warrior shakes her head in exasperation, she doesn't even bother paying attention to flickerfire who for once in her life sort of says something that isn't dumb.

"She just attacked me unprompted!" Not entirely untrue, it was fully unprompted and a surprise to Halfshade herself but only looked so bad due to her own additions. While she would have loved nothing more than shredding the gray she-cats already hideous face into ribbons, she would not give her the satisfaction of the fight she so craved; though the single cut on the face was hadly anything to write home about-if you wanted something done you did it yourself. Simple as that. The torbie gave a muted sniffle, the theatrics slowly dying down as more cats appeared and turned their ire on the other and it was quite the restraint she had to hold to keep from smiling past them toward Betonyfrost; past Flickerfire's surprisingly mature response to Geckoscreech's annoyance.
Chilledgaze ignoring them was par for the course, she expected them to be as useless as ever since they couldn't even defend themselves let alone anyone else; another reason she both wanted and didn't want Pitchstar to just drop dead. The monochromatic deputy would be just as bad if not worse.
Starlingheart's worries and useage of herbs was her only real regret about the entire ordeal as she genuinely liked the little bird and wondered how such a family ended up with someone so normal when the rest of them were all quite insane (though she supposed Lilacpaw was fine).
"Do you see any wounds on her?" Emphasizing that she'd not struck, "This was not a fight this was an attack!" The bicolor she-cat settled down properly to avoid causing their medicine cat to have to struggle to tend to her; her own imposing height and Starlingheart's own apprehension already enough impedment in the way of fixing this mess, but she'd walk it off. Superficial scars to bleed, dye her fur, it looked far worse than it felt for a reason but did its job.