ENCROACHING WATERS \ headcounting + search patrol

Ferngill's heart still pounded- for once, he was not grateful to be glistening with the kiss of the river. He thought nothing of his looks, or the feeling of swimming- in fact, swimming had never felt worse. In his memory, his siblings' terrified faces as water had risen in the apprentice's den burned bright- and slowly, those visions morphed into the visages of Crabpaw, Cragpaw and Pinepaw. His dear kin ... sickness pushed to the front of his chest, beat strongly with the pump of his heart. A green eye searched for Iciclefang, firstly- then, saddened, swept over the rest.

It was a habit he'd picked up on the Journey. Those who had slowly fallen away from them- it'd become unbearable, and he'd started keeping count. Missing, apart- the crashing of the cave, the plunging into complete darkness. The baying of hounds in the distance, their group severed in two not long after. Rising, rising floodwater - cats who couldn't swim plunging into a rushing river. His legs ached, but he dwelled not on it, vision sweeping over the rest.

Taking names, the oppressive shadow of dread began to loom over him. The lump in his throat swelled, and it began to feel as if he'd swallowed an apple whole. "There's..." he began, his breath hitching. Ferngill resolved to steel himself- he straightened, watching over the lot of them. "There are- m-many missing. Lilacbird, Bugbite, Loonpaw, Thornskip, Blackwater, Cranekit, Sandpelt, Apricotflower, Paleroot, Nightfish, Eaglepaw, Dappleleaf..." It was a long list, but Ferngill pronounced each name clearly, despite his emotional breathlessness. A kit among them made his heart twist with vertigo.

A hardy eye found some of those whom Beefang hadn't already employed. "We- we have to act quickly. Salmonshade, Carawaysong, Streamsong, Blackfish ..." He looked over them, resolution in verdant depths. "Get together a search patrol, please- I won't be long a-after you. Be careful."

He felt ill, blood beating, dizzying rush. "A-anyone else who doesn't have a job ... join me. We have to cover as much ground as possible."

\ employing specifically @salmonshade, @carawaysong, @STREAMSONG and @BLACKFISH for a search party , and inviting anyone else who isn't preoccupied to join him in a second patrol.
penned by pin
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"I'll help," Sunpaw announces, for once not begrudgingly. It's... weird. She doesn't have any particularly strong feelings for any individual cats in RiverClan - save maybe a pawful of ones she's really gotten to know - but there's something really... humbling, if that's the right word, about a list of names that are supposed to be attached to faces that aren't present. Warriors, apprentices, kits - if anything had gone wrong, her name could be on that list too.

RiverClan has become her home. She owes it to them, to say thanks for letting her live as a free cat and not a kittypet, to make sure this home stays together. What's worse is that even if she never particularly employed friendship with any of the list, she... knows them. At least by name. Lilacbird, Cranekit-

Sunpaw sits, for now, her mouth shut in resolve. They have work to do.

Ferngill's single emerald eye meets the gulf of her blue gaze, and for a moment, even across the Beech Copse clearing, they share the sorrows clumped upon their shoulders. Her littermate wastes no time — like her, duty is thrust upon them. He assembles a patrol of cats to take with him to scour the riverbanks.

"Lilacbird, Bugbite, Loonpaw, Thornskip, Blackwater, Cranekit, Sandpelt, Apricotflower, Paleroot, Nightfish, Eaglepaw, Dappleleaf..."

Iciclefang's heart clenches at the mention of Apricotflower. And Eaglepaw — Lilybloom's kit — how could he have evaded her grasp? She closes her eyes, a silent prayer fizzing from her maw: I will find them, and I will bring them home. She will not let her sister down — and, stars willing, she will see all of her Clanmates to safety.

"I will go as well. We have too many missing for idle paws." Her voice is steely. She flicks her blue gaze over their soaked, huddled Clanmates and pinpoints her daughter's patchwork pelt. "Pinepaw, you will accompany us." Her tone offers no room for disagreement.

  • ooc: mentioning @Pinepaw ⭒
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 28 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Pinepaw ; previously mentored Cicadaflight
    — riverclan lead warrior. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


Anxiety was radiating off of Streamsong as she stood with the group, scanning what little remnants were left of Riverclan's camp. Her mate was out here somewhere, and she had no idea if he (or the others who had been swept away) were still alive. Merlinpaw was back at their temporary camp safe and sound much to her relief. She'd decided it was best that her apprentice remain behind, as she couldn't bear the thought of her apprentice being harmed or going missing during the search patrol in addition to her mate. Looking to her side, she scanned the faces of Salmonshade, Carawaysong, and Blackfish as she shifted uneasily on her paws.

Are they anxious too? Are they worried about those close to them? Did any of them too have a mate swept away? "Let's start looking. We.... we have to find them..." Her meow breaks, her voice trembling as she addresses the patrol, wanting to add that they had to find him. How selfish of her was it that all she was worried about was her mate, when there was a child missing? Walking away without waiting for the patrol to follow (even though she wasn't exactly a leader of the patrol) she vowed that she would be having a serious discussion with her mate when he was located.

  • ooc. —​
    ↪ streamsong / cisgender female (she/her)
    ↪ 27 moons / ages realistically on the 4th
    ↪ warrior of riverclan / mentoring merlinpaw
    ↪ lh silver ticked tabby w/ low white (carrying non-ticked)
    ↪ "speech" / thoughts
    ↪ peaceful/healing actions may be powerplayed / attack in underline & @/account
    ↪ note: all thoughts/actions are based off ic opinions only !!
    ↪ penned by halimede
Alabaster fur clung to her skin like wet mud, chilling her to the bone and making her paws tremble like leaves in the wind. It had been a long night, the longest she had experienced in her life. And the worst was not yet over. Cloudpaw had spent every second since arriving at the beech copse desperately searching for Eagelpaw amongst the throng drenched and drowned Riverclanners, to no avail. She had called for him until her voice gave out but he had not answered. She couldn't find his warm tabby figure anywhere. He had broken his promise. He had not come back.

The soaked ivory apprentice limped forward at Ferngill's call, ignoring the ache that was now stiffening her over-used limbs. Scratches and bruises littered her body, earned by fighting the debris during her escape from the flood. She didnt care, though. A soul-deep weight blanketed her like a shadow and all she felt was despair. A lingering certainty in the back of her mind that her best friend had been swept away, along with countless others. The girl bristled visibly when the lead warrior listed off those missing, and hearing his name amongst them stung like nettles in her heart.

"Eaglepaw is missing…" she repeated hoarsely, unshed tears threatening to close her already-sore throat. "I'm going to look for him." Steely determination glimmered in her mint green gaze, uncharacteristic for the naturally gentle molly. It was a statement, not a request. She didn't care whether or not she was invited for the other search parties. She genuinely hoped that they would be able to find all of their stolen clanmates, but they had other cats looking for them. Cloudpaw would find Eaglepaw, no matter how long it took. He was still alive out there, somewhere, she was sure of it. And he would come for her, if the situation were reversed.

  • CLOUDPAW she / her, apprentice of riverclan, 10 moons
    long-hair white and cinnamon chimera with pale green eyes. petite and sleek-furred
    npc x npc // younger sister to moonbeam and rowan // littermate to crawfishpaw
    single, crushing on no one // mentored by no one // mentor to no one
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted // underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots

"I'll join you," Hemlockshine murmurs, his usual icy demeanor swept clumsily across his true feelings. His composure is a lie; anyone peering close enough could see it in the tension of his jaw and the empty look in his eyes. The knowledge that, despite his training, he could've been swept away gnaws at him, leaves a sick jittery feeling in his blood that he can't quite shake. His pelt feels full of grit. He can't wait to settle down and clean himself thoroughly, but the responsibility to his Clanmates comes first.

"Owlpaw. Come here." He'd been so eager to go back last night, all in a tizzy, so Hemlockshine assumes he would prefer to be out and about on search patrols than stuck here in camp, waiting, unsure if his missing Clanmates are alive or dead. "If you want closure, now is the time to find it. Unless you would rather wait here."

  • mentioning @owlpaw.
  • HEMLOCKSHINE he/him, warrior of riverclan, 21 moons
    a tall, lithe black smoke tom with blue eyes and low white. he is cold, composed, and willing to resort to manipulation to get what he wants. he is incredibly vain, to the point that anyone who mars his pretty face is in for a world of pain. please note that hemlockshine will be prone to saying and doing awful things that i, as his roleplayer, do not condone. all of his opinions are ic only.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by solaire@funeralscythe on discord, feel free to ping for plots.

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Foxtail's paws tremble as he approaches his fellow lead warrior, and much like his clanmate, his heart pounds in his chest. He pads alongside his apprentice, whom to his relief, wasn't swept away from the flash flood. Flash floods are absolutely no joke— even the most experienced swimmer could've gotten overpowered by the sudden rush of water. Ferngill begins to list the missing, and Foxtail can feel his blood running cold as the list only grows. His heart twists with guilt at the mention of Blackwater— the two had been together.... trudging through the rushing water. But they quickly got separated, amidst the chaos... Blackwater said he was going to get Blackpaw, right? He feels guilt that he and Sunpaw made it to safety, but they didn't.

"I'll join y-you," Foxtail mews, briefly glancing over to his apprentice as she volunteers herself as well. She says it without an ounce of envy, without resentment; just like how she acted during the flood. In this sudden period of stress, panic, and mayhem, his heart feels comfort at Sunpaw's act of selflessness. "....S-Sunpaw will come with us as w-well." He confirms with a flick of an ear. I'm proud of you. He wishes he could tell her, but he knows this isn't the time or place to do so. Not when everyone is worrying about their missing loved ones, and are fearing the worst happened to them. He knows his stomach is up in twists just at the thought of Blackwater and Blackpaw. Without another word, the lead warrior's legs tremble as he awaits for Ferngill's patrol to begin.

  • 82418929_FoLQDUUK9zQigyb.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    lead warrior
    23 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to trops for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)


He still wasn't happy. He still felt like he was missing a huge part of himself. He felt anger in his bones as he was forced to wait here, no one knowing anything about the missing cats, or knowing when their camp would be okay again.

Fern gill spoke up about putting together two search parties, and his ears flattened. Only two? There should be more out looking! But .. they needed to hunt and prepare now more than ever... Mismatched eyes turned to Hemlockshine as he beckoned him over, the bulky apprentice following his mentors request with impatience.

"There will be no closure needed. Our clanmates will be found, Hemlockshine." He breathed, though his teeth clamped shut from speaking more. His voice was as respectful as it could be, but he was just a bit annoyed. His shell was gone, he wouldn't be able to find the pieces if he wanted to. But his clanmates? He'd do everything in his power to find them.


Anger replaced fear and grief in the heart of the point cat, threatening to turn blue eyes blind to the suffering of others. His brother's wails were not as recent as the moon's events but all the same, they rushed into his tufted ears like water, finding it inevitable that at least one would end up like him. At Ferngill's call, the tom prowled forward, listening to Owlpaw's words as he passed the apprentice. "Well... with any luck they've found some deadweight to cling to." He went over the name of each cat missing in his head, the white stripe across his back bristling on instinct. Bugbite. Thornskip. "Oh, there's definitely deadweight. They'll be fine." Still, should even one of those missing be found with water in their lungs and the Drypaws lived... he did not know what he would do. It would be history repeating itself and Blackfish should've been too young for such a thing to happen.

"I am ready whenever you are," he mewed, his tone almost bored, as if this was somehow routine. All the same, a black paw tapped against the sodden ground impatiently, his pupils flickered around nervously in search of any evidence of life in the distance.


There wasn't time to take it all in, to think- maybe his squirming urgency found its way around to everyone else. The thought of it as a contagion nearly made him shudder, but within Ferngill was thankful that so many leapt at the opportunity to volunteer. A quick nod moved him, following every words, every volunteer- his legs trembled a little, but he kept himself as steady as he could. A verdant eye moved to find Iciclefang; and maybe it was a wobble of bias that made him open his mouth, but he said, "Iciclefang- you, can you lead another patrol?" He was sure his sister wouldn't say no. This panic was, between them, familiar.

"T-Take Foxtail, Hemlockshine, Cloudpaw, Sunpaw and Owlpaw. Go along the WindClan and ThunderClan border, and I'll go from Sunningrocks. We've gotta cover as much ground as we can." Stammering reminiscent of childhood was fought from his tongue- he tried his best to keep his tone as steady as possible.

He lashed a silken tail, trying to lash any worry out from beneath his muscles. "Let's go, quickly," he urged his own patrol, a nod offered to each of them, an affirmative look cast to his last remaining sibling.
penned by pin