end of the dream & sibling thread

Moonpaw isn't actively trying to avoid her SkyClan siblings, she had broken away from Raccoonstripe's side to wander and look around at the other clans; a careful eye gauging how they're doing by counting prominently displayed ribs. ThunderClan is struggling, but she has noted ShadowClan cats more frail and pelts clinging tight. It worries her, all the clans except RiverClan make her wary now and even then she finds their leader a terrifying visage of mottled chiaroscuro like shadows dancing in a lit field; very scary. The announcement that Fireflypaw was now a medicine cat in training, like Berryheart had been for all of five seconds, is a strange thing to her. The tortie point is not sure how she feels but gradually it becomes apparent there is a seering jealousy rearing inside her at the prospect, that it is he who can speak to the stars and see their sister once more before any other. A rare flicker of resentment bubbles in her chest, a sharp demand screaming in her head: it should be her. It is the moment she feels this she decides to return back to her uncle's side but to her surprise she nearly stumbles headlong into Howlpaw in the process, having almost completely missed her burnet fire pelt despite its boldness.
Moonpaw's ears flatten and she utters a curt, "Oh-hello.", but her gaze is drifting listlessly, hoping Burnpaw was nearby where she last saw him. "How are things?" Her tone is flat, almost dismissive, she doesn't want to know how things are-she doesn't want to be having this discussion at all.

@Howlpaw & @BURNPAW ! & @Fireflypaw

Fresh from her words with Snailpaw and Chrysalispaw, Howlpaw had stalked away to find somewhere quiet to sit. She might have sought out Fireflypaw if he had not gone and sat with the medicine cats. Not really paying much attention to where she is going, she doesn't realise Moonpaw is there until the two almost collide. "Hey watch -- Moonpaw?" The warning for the other to watch where they are going falls flat when she realises she is looking at her sister. "I'm alright," Howlpaw responds awkwardly, not quite feeling up to speaking suddenly. "How about you?"

Burnpaw himself had been talking to two cats from River Clan and Shadow Clan respectively, Tornadopaw and Ravenpaw, two ebony-colored felines such as himself. But out of the corner of his eye, he sees his sister whisk past him and politely he excuses himself from the conversation to follow her, interested in where she was going and wanting to catch up so that maybe they could joke about how riverclan reeked of fish or shadow of rotted prey.

Before any words can leave his mouth though he catches sight of his other sister, Howlpaw. When he comes to stand by Moonpaw's side he narrows his eyes at the chocolate tabby in front of him. "You're lucky there's a truce here, traitor" he grumbles under his breath, flicking his tail irritably behind him while he scans the crowd for Fireflypaw. He had heard the news. His brother was to train under Dawnglare to become Sky Clan's next medicine cat. He should've stayed and trained with their uncle. He thinks to himself. He could've stayed but he had chosen a clan where Burn and Moon were not in, a clan outside of the territory their own sister was buried in.

He did not want to see them right now.
"Watch how you speak to our sister, Burnpaw." A voice of wariness, soft and gentle despite the evidential distance in his body language. Given time to separate from the medicine cats, Fireflypaw trudges over to the inevitable gathering of his siblings with an air of gloom around him. He'd forgotten all about the issues with his family, shoved the guilt down and moved on- what else could he do, other than that? Burnpaw had put them at a distance, and Moonpaw never really spoke her opinion anymore. Stoic distance, cold atmosphere was the twin of Morningpaw; seeing her makes his heart ache. "Moonie, it's good to see you again." He huffs out softly, a breath of fresh air he didn't know he was holding. He can't see their features, merely their outlines cast in shadows- but nonetheless, Fireflypaw takes his place beside Howlpaw to join the conversation.

He didn't like catching up, didn't like to be reminded that he had chosen their father over the rest of his family. But it had happened, and Firefly wouldn't beat himself up over the past. Not when it could chase him another time. His paw taps the ground; one, two, three, four. A reminder. Always reminded. A count of heads shows four siblings including himself, but there's a void next to him. Morningpaw is dead, and the reluctance to talk about her floats in the air. It's obvious, he thinks.

"We can't continue like this, with this tension. This may be the only time we can have a genuine talk about everything that's happened." He meows, speaking to nobody in particular- but it's a true statement, one that he won't back down from. Even with all the attitude in the world that Burnpaw could give him, all the disgusted looks from Moonpaw. He couldn't do this anymore. "We were born ThunderClan and SkyClan. We can't deny who our father is. To deny that would be to deny mom and pa's love for each other." He finds his voice catching, choking on his own sorrow. He misses Burnpaw and Moonpaw, misses curling up in Little Wolf's nest together with Howlpaw. But things weren't the same anymore. It never would be. "Ma and pa, they.. Had to give up everything because they made us. Because Morningpaw, she-" He expects a tongue-lashing, for the topic to be shot down. But he needs to say it. "Morningpaw died, and a law was made to prevent it from happening again. And everyone moves on, life goes on normal. But we shouldn't have to move on so quickly! And Mornie, she's- she's in StarClan. She w-wouldn't want us to.. Be like this with each other."

The sight of his brother only sends the shade colored tom into further turmoil. He digs his claws into the ground to keep them from flying in the seal points direction, a growl forming in his throat that escapes only a little as Fireflypaw talks. "Why you always gotta act like you’re better than the rest of us" he asks, his tail lashing furiously behind him. "Like all this shit is above you." he is tired of it. Tired of his brother acting like he had been put on a pedestal. Who knew? Maybe becoming the medicine cat had only inflated his ego. Either way Burnpaw is annoyed by the holier than though attitude.

"Don’t pretend you know what Morningpaw would have wanted because I guarantee you’re just talking out your ass right now, brother. Do you really think she would have wanted us to split up? For you to betray your blood for a band of fox hearts who won’t even help another clan when they are suffering? I doubt it." he says with a scoff. He cannot say he is a fan of Wind Clan or that he even cares that Sky Clan withheld herbs from them, what he wants to do right now is hurt like he is hurting. His yellow eyes stare into them for a moment, wanting their reactions wanting their anger and their pain. It’s a bad feeling that makes his heart twist with guilt but he cannot help it.

"Mom told me I’m not supposed to talk to strangers. I’ll be going now. Try not to choke on all the mouse dung that comes out your mouth." and with that, before anyone can say another word, he stalks off, tail swishing angrily behind him and head held low, ears pinned back as he seethes in his own anger and rage. It took every ounce of self control for him to do so but he has no plans on disappointing Little Wolf or Howling Wind or even his mentor, Emberstar. He would not break the sacred truce of the gathering because he was not a traitor to his clan like they were.

// out I’m so sorry for him everything of course is an IC opinion though I doubt I have to say it dhdhdhf


The word 'traitor' rings in her ears. Her eyes widen, her ears feel hot, and she can feel her fur begin to prickle. It's a mercy Fireflypaw finally arrives and attempts to diffuse the situation, advocating for peace between the four of them. Howlpaw thinks if he hadn't have come she might have launched herself at Burnpaw in a fit of fury.

Any hope of Fireflypaw aiding the situation is quickly dashed when Burnpaw snaps back at him.He calls SkyClan foxhearts, he calls her and Fireflypaw strangers. And before Howlpaw can snap back at him he stalks away. "I can't believe you'd say that! Dad would be ashamed to hear you say that. Morningpaw would be ashamed to hear you say that," Howlpaw yells, a low grumble forming in her throat. "Don't walk away you coward. You don't get to say that and just walk away."
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The tortie point stands there quietly, ears pinned back as Burnpaw's dark pelt appears beside her like a shadow forming. She doesn't know what to say to his accusations, in a way she feels the same hurt. They were not meant to be seperated, they should have all stayed together but her light blue gaze flits from Fireflypaw's face at the nickname uttered so gently to the gathering still ongoing near where they stood shrouded in dappled shadows and moonlight; the vision of their father among the other leaders makes her feel sick, ill. She wants to retch as the anxiety tightened into a knot within her chest but she remains firm. Burnpaw's words are cruel, harsh, she does little to actually soften them nor does she protest them being spoken; her eyes remain averted, counting cats in the crowd meticulously in distraction. The sound of her twins name uttered so casually makes her heart stop and she turns back doe-eyed and in disbelief as if a sacred vow had just been broken. Morningpaw wouldn't want this. Morningpaw wouldn't want that.
"...we'll never know what she wants anymore." The small molly says, voice airy and soft and only slightly wavering as her sentence petters out into a strained sound like the wind through branches. Her brother spits flames further, his namesake wild as the fire they were told of prior to their births; Howlpaw roars after him thunderous and angry as he slips away and leaves her standing there with their sky born kin alone. Moonpaw wants to be made he left her, but she steels herself instead. Glossy eyed and head tilted up, pushes her feelings down to face them with an expression of neutrality and indifference.
"It must be easy to say...she's in StarClan and to feel no sadness when you can see her when you wish. Isn't it?" Her tone clips, she wants to be cruel like Burnpaw, but she doesn't have the heart for it. Instead, her words are what she believes true and not what she believes will hurt the most though the two may be the same.
"Our father chose his clan over our mother. If only you both were not so selfish."