energy up, you can feel my surge [training/open]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022



Jaw clenched in irritation at the command, the fur along his neck and shoulders prickling up into little spikes from which his namesake was deriven. It was a subconcious habit of his, something the towering youth had little control over, and at this point it was probably a familiar sight to Thistleback. Despite his obvious agitation at being ordered around like he was some kind of dog, the blue and black tabby didn't argue. Seldom did he. Quill was very much aware of the fact that he never sounded particularly nice even when he was meaning to, and he was smart enough to know he lacked the discipline to curb his attitude when he was feeling like this. So, he usually said nothing at all, holding his tongue completely in favor of body languages. Often Thistles words were met with shrugs, nods, tail lashes, or spiked fur, physical answers and acknowledgements unspoken, but at least he was getting a response instead of being frozen out entirely, something Quill had considered doing several times since the first morning he was flipped out of his nest by the older tom.

So he simply nodded, the movement stiff with forced patience. He couldn't risk another fight, Blazestar would exile him for sure, and Deersong wouldn't forgive him for setting claws on her mate. Though, to be perfectly honest, Thistleback would likely tear him apart, so he wouldn't have to worry about exile or the shecats disgust.

His muscles and claws were already sore from having tried twice already, and as he stared up at Tallpine the crossed his mind that maybe Thistle was hoping he'd fall and break his neck, and the thought brought the ghost of a smirk to his lips in a moment of macabre humor.

The muscles in his hind legs tensed as he crouched, and he sprung up to hook his claws into the bark of the tree easily enough, pulling himself up to the first branch and steadying himself. Pushing all other thoughts aside to focus on the task at hand, Quill began the ascent.

From one branch to another the tom lept, claws sinking cleanly into bark with each jump. This low the branches were sturdy but spaced out, holding his weight easily but calling for more power and exertion. The cold air made his throat burn each time he pulled in a breath, heart thudding in his chest from the effort. He was tired, having already tried this multiple times before, but he kept going. Maybe he just wanted to get Thistle off his back by finally meeting his standards for this activity, or maybe he was grimly curious about weather he'd actually fall, but the tabby kept going, a sliver of satisfaction seeping into him as he surpassed the branch he'd made it to last time.

He didn't look down to see how high up he'd actually gotten, but the branches around him were beginning to grow closer together and thinner. It made jumping to them easy enough, but they swayed beneath him each time heavy paws caught them and hauled his weight up to balance atop them.

OOC- Okay, so for development stuff I needed to make a thread showing that Thistlebacks training these past few weeks has actually been helping to improve Quill balance and precision. As some of you know he was struggling hard with his growth spurt for a bit, feeling too big for his body and tripping/falling all the time. Well, I rolled for it earlier today and Quill got a 9/10 for overall improvement in those areas, so the boys finally starting to feel himself lol

Obligatory tag for @ThistleBack , since this takes place during training. Please wait for them to reply first! With a 9 out of 10 I imagine Quill managed to make it at least a decent way up, but Thistle can overall decide how far he got and weather its acceptable to their standards. Either way though, his technique has noticeably improved from when they first started training together. Yay! Development!

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
" again " Thistleback had barked simply, keeping a military tone with his apprentice since the day he was assigned to him. Quillpaw was too nonchalant and unconcerned for Thistleback’s liking at times but the warrior liked to play into the kid’s game with being more stern and harder to please. The standards at times, very difficult to achieve. Such as, a climb up the tall pine. Quillpaw’s attempts for his age thus far have been relatively good but he couldn’t let the tabby’s head get big. No, just a little push.

The boy’s fur danced in irritation with his order and it earned a dark chuckle from Thistleback once Quillpaw was far enough up not to hear it. His jaws open to taunt the boy as he expects him to stop where he had before but- he keeps going where the branches get more puzzling. It’s a warrior’s height it was. Thistleback’s brow lifts, impressed. The kid’s balance was improving too, no longer a staggering foal was he.

" alright lad! very good. Very well. Now, you can come down . Don’t drop all your weight onto those branches and stay close to the trunk " he intructs.

" You see that Skyclan! that's what a real cat can do " he hollers and growls boisterously.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. ・゚✧
  • bVBPWus.png

"He's getting there."Orangeblossom agrees, tree-bark eyes trained on the apprentice clutched high in the branches of Tallpine. She doesn't have an apprentice of her own to boss around like Thistleback, but if Quillpaw was to get dragged into shape by any of their warriors it might as well be the snappish piebald tomcat. Ginger-and-white tail brushes against the snowy ground as she follows his progress back down the trunk, but she can't stop the quiet comment that escapes her with grim amusement:

"Reckon he'll get stuck on the way down?"


  • orangeblossom, warrior of skyclan
    — no apprentice.
    ✦ 24 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with gold eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.

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He'd seen Quillpaw fall over himself with his own eyes- he had a burned-in memory of his fellow apprentice flashing him a blood-filled grin to ensure it. After such aa display Twitchpaw genuinely believed that it would be quite a while until he saw Quillpaw in the treetops- the monochrome tom tended to stay on the ground. Especially in thunderstorms. So- to spot his distinctive pelt among the leaves was a shock indeed. One that flickered amber-struck olive wide, that leads the scruffy tom to leap on over, hovering a few branches above in an adjacent treetop.

Comfortable upon a tightrope, Twitchpaw craned his neck down slightly. Wide eyes studied the other for a moment- bigger than him, taller than him, but starting to come into his own. And- well, after the hunting help that Quillpaw had offered him, and after a weird but earnest apology... he supposed he'd earned a bit of encouragement. Thistleback's instruction- and proud cry of triumph- gave Twitchpaw a gateway to talk, and he was too high up to hear Apricotflower's little comment. "You can- you can do it, Quillpaw," smile in his voice despite the dither, he gave his encouragement. Hopefully it was... useful.
penned by pin ✧
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[] Long, blue fur had chunks of snow clinging to their pelt as they sat with the other warriors watching young Quillpaw climb up the tree, and green gaze moved to Thistleback as he gave a note of praise to the tabby petled apprentice. It was quite impressive, the young cat had come so far from being so awkward and clumsy. A bushy striped tail swished across the fluffy snow for a moment before the large warrior spoke up, "He is doing rather well," The comment for gruff, distant almost, but still held a note of pride as well. Hailstone didn't have his own apprentice, at least not yet, but he liked to watch the young cats train and grow.


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" alright lad! very good. Very well. Now, you can come down . Don't drop all your weight onto those branches and stay close to the trunk . You see that Skyclan! that's what a real cat can do "

The praise honestly caught Quill off guard. Not just because it was coming from Thistle, of all cats, but because praise in itself was a foreign concept to the young tom. It felt wrong as it settled over him, as if it was better suited for someone other cat. And yet there was undeniably a spark of satisfaction that lit itself upon hearing it. He was quick to try and stomp it out though, not wanting it to catch and light whatever dry, broken kindling sat within him.

He knew better than that.

He took his mentors advice on the way down though, carefully leaping down near the base of the tree where the branches were thickest and being careful not to drop his full weight on anything in case it caused them to snap beneath his paws.

He was too busy focusing on what he was doing to notice the slowly forming crowd below, the casual chatter among the other warriors to his mentor unheard at the distance he was. One voice did carry up to him though, and he paused a moment to glance down at messy mahogany and cream fur.

Twitchpaw, smiling up at him. They'd seen him climb?

Another dangerous spark, one he didn't snuff quite as fast as the first because it felt just a bit different. He didn't think it'd had time to catch onto anything and spread, but if he saw the pale tendrils of smoke rising then he pretended he didn't.

His climb down didn't take long, though it wasn't as fast as the trek upward had been. Still, within a few minutes he was leaping down from the last branch and landing neatly in the snow among the others, a little out of breath and sore, but no less worse off than he'd been at the start of it all.

"Thanks." he said between breaths, mismatched eyes resting on the unruly-furred cheerleader. "Still have to try it in a thunderstorm, though."

It was a subtle joke, one the adults probably wouldn't get because they hadn't been there, but it wasn't for them so he didn't really give a fuck if they knew what he meant or not.

His attention would turn to Thistleback then, a careful neutrality woven amongst his usual apathy and daggers. The piebald tom had throw him off with his sudden encouragement and praise, and now Quill didn't know what to expect from this interaction. Thistleback was supposed to be the enemy, not some encouraging, friendly face, and the chimeras first instinct -sadly enough- was to not trust it. The other cats he hadn't heard, and so he assumed they'd just come to talk with his mentor.

"Are we doing anything else today?" he asked, his doubts leaving him a blank slate because unreadable was better than uncertain.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
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He’s getting there the ginger and white warrior appears and speaks her own approval. Thistleback can’t help but bristle with pride, " Isn’t he? … and I was worried I’d have to smother him " the man jokes, stamping his paw on the tall pine where it connected with the snowy ground with bark like scales of a massive lizard burrowed into the earth.

Twitchpaw’s arrival drives an idle glance from the proud mentor, a curious thing was their relationship. Quillpaw being the impatient mysterious edgy kid he was, and Twitchpaw being so- easily spooked and restless. They didn’t seem, compatible. Yet, the same could be said of the gentle Deersong and himself. Thistleback wonders if they fancy one another. The thought is brushed away though, tedious and unkempt like Twitchpaw’s pelt.

Even the rather reserved warrior Hailstone came to pay compliment and witness to Quillpaw’s success. " proof. You can turn a bumbling foal into a prancing horse with the right amount of discipline and perhaps …. just a smidge of tough love " he chuckles, watching the dual-eyed kid’s paws for any slips. Thistleback wasn’t the kindest or coddling sort, but he wouldn’t let the boy hit the ground. Perhaps not the softest landing equipment was the thorny muscled brute- but better than splintering bones on the frozen ground. Even the stubborn Quillpaw could agree, couldn’t he?

It’s clear in the mismatched eyes of the tabby, he’s thrown off by his mentor’s sudden change of demeanor and foreign expense on character such as approval. Thistleback knew he had to dent the can of his harsh training and ridiculous standards somewhere. To allow the kid to breath for once, without feeling criticized for it.

It wasn’t hard to display his praise, but its lack of consistency was built to nourish principle. A cat who eats too much would become fat and lazy, the same works for a head feeding into too many compliments. The shoulders wouldn’t support it. Thistleback would not have it.

He doesn’t pay attention to the words shared between Twitchpaw and Quillpaw, only in the way he looked at the other. Perhaps this friendship was the reinforcement needed, a mending to whatever made up Quillpaw’s unspoken wounds. " no. You’ve earned the day off. " he responds to the question with a smirk.

" don’t get used to it " he adds with a narrow of his steely gaze, yet his smirk remains plastered against his ghostly white maw framed in black thorns.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
  • bVBPWus.png