camp enough hair of the dog to make myself an entire rug / o. INTRO


and oh it does not relent
Apr 28, 2024
๐“† . ยฐ โœฆ Today is as humid as any other day. At least, Bristlemist thinks, he is able to relish in the warming temperatures as bare-leaf melts away into new-leaf. The air of ShadowClan's marshy territory is always thick and sticky to the thin-coated tomcat, but he has learned to deal with the sensation of humidity against his skin. Bristlemist busies himself with more important things, like distastefully eyeing haughty apprentices and judging whatever gossip has decided to make its way into the rumor mill.

Bristlemist pushes his way through the brambles and thorns of the camp entrance- silently cursing the thorny relatives to his namesake- carrying his quarry from the morning hunting patrol. It had been a productive hunting patrol as any. He quiet-natured tomcat did his job without much conversation or pleasantries. There were probably a cat or two who eyed him for his antisocial tendencies, but Bristlemist pays them no mind. He figures that as long as he keeps to himself and does what he's supposed to, he can get away with as much judgmental tagalongs as possible. That's how he'd shouldered through his apprenticeship, anyway.

The confirmation that everyone who is supposed to eat first has done so comes soon enough. He hasn't even had the chance to contribute to the cause yet. The warrior finds himself wandering over to the freshkill pile, and he places his own toad on the top before going to pull a piece for himself. There's a lizard- a perfectly morsel sized breakfast if you asked him- at the middle of the pile that he pulls out. Bristlemist barely mutters a 'good morning' to anyone that passes before finding a quiet, shady area of camp to settle himself into to enjoy his morning meal. As he takes small bites, his ears are on a swivel, and he listens to various conversations happening around him in hopes of hearing something particularly interesting.
  • ooc: โ€”
    check tags for info!

[ เผปโ„เผบ ] T
Bristlemist was one of the few cats who always seemed to mind their own business, hardly interact with those around him, something many do, sometimes Snowpaw indulged in being alone. Yet today Snowpaw decided to approach the warrior, stubby tail twitching a bit before she grabbed something from the prey and cominf over to settle next to the warrior.

Yellow gaze flicked towards him before she hummed a bit to take a bite of her own fresh-kill before flicking her attention back to Bristlemist. "Good hunting today?" she asked the other with a slight blink, adjusting her paws slightly. Man where was Basilpaw when she needed him, the tom was able to make a conversation out of thin air, out of anything, meanwhile Snowpaw could only make awkward small talk which eventually fell off.

"Starclan blessed us this new-leaf... I have never seen so many frogs around" she said calmly before taking another bite of her own food, flicking her nicked ears slightly while she awaited a response from the warrior or another to approach the scene to make more of the awkward conversation presented in the air.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw โ„ She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 8 moons.
    โญƒ Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    โญƒ Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    โญƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    โ†› see battle info here
    โญƒ penned by Ryn โ†› @/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

"It's practically raining frogs." Willowburn jested as he sauntered his way over to Snowpaw and Bristlemist. Today was going to be the day that he would wrestle conversation out of the antisocial warrior. He vowed it. Smirking smugly he then made a show of laying across the ground like a wall that was meant to keep Bristlemist contained. He kept the frog that he had picked from the freshkill pile beneath a forepaw, protectively keeping it close whilst making no attempt to eating it quite yet. "So, how are you both today? Got any plans for the rest of the day?"
- โ‹† -
a blessing or a curse? one voice in their head offers. it won't last anyways. the other answers. way to be a pessimist, chilledstar. can the really be blamed? shadowclan is known for their worse off luck. it's not like these past few days even have been great. so many gone. so many dead. again. more. blessing or curse. blessing or curse. they don't know. they don't really want to know. take what one can get and don't look a gift dog in its mouth, for it might bite down and chomp your head right off. that's what their mom used to say, right? something like that. hard to be positive in times like this, but they'd try for their clan, at least.

"it's... raining. again. I think I'm gonna go watch the rain after a patrol. one may think it boring but my mom always said to appreciate the rain. it brings good fortune. and good frogs, apparently."

โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”---

  • ย 
  • โ€” black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    โ€” 45 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    โ€” they / them pronouns
    โ€” aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    โ€” child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    โ€” shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    โ€” mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    โ€” "speech", thoughts, attacking
    โ€” peaceful powerplay allowed
Shes returning from a hunt, dropping her own frog off at the pile as she overhears the conversation. Snowpaw mentions frogs... "Frog this, frog that, i'm so tired of them!" comes Hawthorns dramatic sigh, though the lilting undertones tell the tale that shes not particularly annoyed. If Bristlemist was looking for peace and quiet... Well, good luck! One doesn't get that in Shadowclan, not without the cats themselves crawling from seemingly nowhere to start a conversation.

She does, however, spot the lizard at Bristlemists paws and her interest is immediately piqued. A lizard... Not a frog! "Oh, looks like you've got a prize," her lips pull back in a grin. "Careful... Someone may just snatch it from you. I think we're all so terribly tired of frog meat... Ah, woe is us..." she looks up when Chilledstar responds to Willowburn about their plans for the day. "Mmm, i'd love to join you, if you'd have me! I've been needing a change of pace with all of the hunting we've been doing." and its true. If she has to stare at one more toad she may as well lose her mind.

  • 81270542_DEiOWs3YmdjAa3Z.png
    โฅ hawthorn, hawthorncry
    โฅ cisgender female ,, she/her ,, 40 moons
    โฅ warrior of shadowclan ,, former marsh-grouper
    โฅ pretty black/chocolate chimera w/ low white & orange eyes
    โฅ "speech, #b54055" ,, thoughts
    โฅ bisexual ,, single
    โฅ smells like raspberries & cherry trees
    โฅ art by LICHPRINCE ,, penned by chuff

Gigglekit jumps into the fray of the gathered cats, eagerly listening into their conversation in hopes of interjecting with her own wisdom.

"What's so good about watchin' the rain?" She asks Chilledstar, bouncing on her toes as she changes her attention from the leader to Hawthorncry. "I'm not tired of the frogs! Smogmaw says frogs are good. So I like frogs!" She says with determination shining in her eyes.