ENSNARE THE LIVING \ getting worse

Drowsiness was hardly out of character for Berryheart, but perhaps it had been noticeable that he had been rising later and later every day. He met each morning with the sun higher and higher in the sky, and his throat feeling more and more as if there was bindweed wrapped around him. He rose near lunchtime, the expression on his face cadaverous. The sun felt cruel, and he glared up at it, uneven gaze narrowing. He had chosen to live in this forest for its kindness- for the comfort he knew it would provide. Was it punishing him for overindulging now, constricting his lungs with the humidity and dragging him from his nest tireder than when he had gone to bed the night before?

A shaky breath pushed through Berryheart's uneven fangs, his breath raking and hoarse. A white-toed paw stepped forward, but- in some fit of delirium, some lapse in strength of judgement, his body could not follow after it. With a rustle of ferns, his weight staggered against the den's entrance, exhaustion throbbing through his flame-flecked form. Why? He had just been sleeping. He had just been...

The tortoiseshell stilled. Delirious. Unprecedented. His snow-kissed paws felt weightless all of a sudden, as if he was ascending to StarClan already. He stood, leant against what little stability he had, gaze faraway as he recalled Fluffy's words. I fear this sickness will kill every cat it touches.

"Away!" he commanded, raising his voice in an uncharacteristic display. They needed to get away from him. His very being was as fatal as a death-berry now, and there was no yarrow to purge him. No cure, no cure that they knew of. Berryheart's voice returned to a quieter state, then- the monotone he was used to, though with a twinge of despair buried deep within it. "Don't come near me."
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War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
A thick wad of moss dangled between the ivory cage of Silverlightning's teeth, dense and soft. His intention was to bring the fresh, springy foliage to Berryheart's den. To provide comfort to those laying bedridden within herb scented nests. Upon his approach he witnesses the healer's departure, watching idly as he stands by the mouth of his den. For a moment he thought nothing of it, assuming the tom was simply lamenting over the heat filtering down from dappled patches above. But the sudden faltering. The staggered step and crunch of ferns spur him forward. Silver paws pick up the pace, launching the warrior into a trot until he was but a tail length away. If not for the sudden warning shouted at him he would have helped steady the soft spoken medic by now.

His gait slows, coming to a halt just in time for Berryheart to return to his characteristically soft undertones. A low sigh flutters from his nose, gunmetal eyes resting upon them with an analytical stare. Bowing his head Silverlightning places the wad of moss by his own paws. "And leave you to wither away? I think not." He murmurs evenly. "You deserve just as much help as the sick you tend to." It was admirable, to wear a mask of strength knowing it was far from your reach. But the clan needed him and if that meant going against his wishes then so be it. "Come now, I can help guide you wherever it is you were attempting to go." Taking several steps closer he aims to provide a shoulder for Berryheart to lean on.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road
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Since the Gathering, Raccoonstripe has kept a wary eye on each of his Clanmates. He’s no medicine cat, but now that he knows what it looks like when the sickness sinks their claws into the pelts of a cat, he is watchful. Watchful for labored breathing and fevered eyes, for mumbled nonsense from ill-scented nests. He remembers Roeflame’s stumble, her collapse, and when he watches his brother nearly meet the same fate, the fur along his spine stiffens. There’s resignation in Berryheart’s dull green gaze—and his voice has an uncharacteristic bite. “Away! Don’t come near me.”

Silverlightning ignores the demand, but Raccoonstripe only watches. “You’re not sick too,” he says in stubborn denial. Fear flashes in dark coal eyes. “You can’t be sick. He said—I fear it will kill every cat it touches, the kittypet had lamented from his place on the Great Rock. “I won’t let StarClan take you.” Stubbornly, the tabby joins his Clanmate, too-close to tortoiseshell fur now perfumed with disease.

You’ll be fine. You are a better medicine cat than that fool kittypet. You’ll find the cure.” Denial lays thick over his voice, barely edging out desperation. He would fight a thousand enemies for Berryheart, but this is one—like the boars—he cannot kill.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

He sighed wearily as Stone-face instantaneously disobeyed him, but he could do nothing to fight with his disapproval- only look with a hardy look in his fatigued gaze. He shook his head, as if the feeble motion would shoot barbs and send his Clanmates far away. His brother's voice was fearful in a way he had only heard once before, and he fixed Stripes with a blank look, one that danced on the edge of apologetic. I won't let StarClan take you. Berryheart closed his eyes.

He opened them again, defiant in the muted manner he had always taken. Stripes moved to his side, loyal as ever, though Berryheart felt as if he could strike him. It was a foolish act. But one borne of love, he reminded himself. Even in this state, he was grateful to still grip his rationality.

"Just help me back inside, please." he said to the both of them, voice so quiet it was barely a croak in is constricted throat. Taking in another heavy breath, he glanced to Stripes once again. He could not assure his brother with any certainty that he could find a cure, if indeed there was one. Berryheart resented all within him that was not sure- and so, he told his littermate the only thing that he could possibly know. "I won't give up and die." I will die fighting, if I am to die now.
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War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
A weary sigh emitted from their tired medic coupled with a feeble head shake of disapproval did little to sway his decision to move away from him. Silverlightning stood with uncharacteristic defiance next to Berryheart, his attention only diverting once Raccoonstripe appeared. He gives the lead warrior a curt nod of his head, agreement heavy in his grey eyes. To his silent relief, Berryheart finally relents. Stiffening his shoulder he helps to guide the orange splattered healer back inside the den once he is ready. "Do you need anything else, Berryheart? Prey...water?" The silver warrior murmurs after taking a seat.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

nightbird had finished her training with duskpaw for the day, only recently had they come back to camp to witness such an unnerving sight. berryheart staggered, commanded everyone to stay away. her paws hesitated as she veered close enough to see what was going on.

silverlightning spoke, ever so gallant as he swept in to aid the medicine cat, and raccoonstripe wasn't far. "i won't let starclan take you," he asserts just before following in silverlightning's foolish footsteps. it was a sweet sentiment, but he had no choice. none of them did, and if warriors kept sweeping in to aid the sick then starclan would take them all. they were both strong warriors, assets to thunderclan's survival during this time. her teeth grit as she watched the pair guide berryheart, claws itching to pull them back by their tails.

with berryheart tucked back into his den, nightbird remains outside with a narrowed gaze towards the entrance. they would be infected, spread this sickness to others. now that death hung onto their pelts, it was only a matter of time until they both joined the medicine cat to rot away in his den.

"go wash that illness off your pelts before you join him," she hissed, tone sharp as it raked over the tabbies. "if he needs anything i'll get it, go." this went beyond wanting to help, every second they stood there they became a greater danger to thunderclan's remaining healthy cats.

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-four moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Raccoonstripe has never seen Berryheart sound and look so defeated. He is weak from the illness, but there is something else quieting his voice, the tabby fears. But he promises him—“I won’t give up and die.” He stares into his littermate’s eyes, dulled with pain and worry, and his heart aches with the fear he cannot suppress. He cannot reply, mouth gone dry with terror he cannot speak into existence, but he nods. It’s all he can do, and he knows it’s all Berryheart can do, too. A promise that neither of them are in control of… and what a frightening thing that is.

Once the medicine cat has been helped back to his nest, he re-emerges from his brother’s den, his gaze trained on his paws. Nightbird’s silver gaze is tight with fury, and her command is a hiss. He bristles, his anger curling in his mouth like smoke from a forest fire. “You don’t understand.” He thinks, briefly, of Nightbird’s admission—that her kin is elsewhere, that she does not miss them, the warning look she’d given him before leaving. Berryheart is one of two surviving littermates. Berryheart is his brother. “I lost Graystorm already.” His dark eyes blaze at her, but before long, the fire is extinguished, leaving dust and weariness in its place. “Why should you get sick instead of me? He’s my brother,” he says again, jaw set stubbornly.

After a moment, he turns to Silverlightning. “Do as she says. She is not my superior, but she is yours. Stay away from the sick unless you are ordered otherwise.” His teeth gnash together in frustration that none of them can truly help… only die trying.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
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