private enter beginner's guide | pebblepaw

Dec 15, 2023
Their pelts are almost one with the overcast sky, gray upon gray upon gray. Though growing like water wisteria nowadays, Horizonkit finds himself still needing to tilt his chin upwards when looking at his brother. That Pebblepaw is now his only brother is not lost on him, even in the wake being reunited with Hazecloud and Eveningkit. When Horizon peers at himself through the muddy, wavering surface of a puddle and doesn't look himself in the eyes, he imagines the broader, bluer face of his brother in his place. In his mind, the reflection stares at him with burning orange suns in his sockets, having swallowed his real eyes after Riverpaw went missing and stayed missing.

Being an apprentice must be busy. Horizonkit would stay outside camp for as long as he could if he were an apprentice, so he can hardly blame Pebblepaw for any reluctance to visit, but they're all fortunate he does. The kit hovers at the older boy's flank, a sloppier copy of his hunter's crouch. "Like this?" he says, with his long tail sticking out and his paws all placed egregiously hapzardly.


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