private entertain me | gabriel



She waits on the top of her fence as she usually does, nub tail wagging behind her in idle boredom. He's taking longer than he usually does, Matcha being the type of cat to track all of her friends' movement. And partially because it bothers her waiting far too long for a cat not worth her time, but perhaps this will... surely be worth her precious moments. The white and chocolate molly tips her chin up to sniff at the air, an ear flicking in slight irritation.

He patrols around here daily. She knows he does, because how else would they have met when she so rarely strays from the neatly kept garden her twolegs made for her?

Finally, when he shows his face (that smug-looking idiot, she thinks a little affectionately) she trills in hello. "You're a little late," she greets, though her tone is kind. Her annoyance is carefully tucked in to a sacred place, Gabriel will not know her wrath today. To be quite honest she's a little surprised they have gotten this far in their little 'friendship' they have going on, being so vastly different; a princess and a troublemaker, what could go wrong? She twitches her whiskers in amusement, smoothing down her chest fur with a couple of quick licks. "I've heard more about the 'Skyclan' we've been interested in before." she tilts her head, knowing that its more information he'd be interested for. The longer he stayed, after all, the longer she had a playmate. She looks almost smug at the realization but she keeps her face straight. "Word spreads around the place like wildfire, hm?"

જ➶ It's taking him a bit longer, he thinks. Too long to make his rounds and see how things are going. Though really it is not his fault given the scrawny moggy that cowers before him now. A face stained in blood and trying so hard to look so small. Fighting for a meal they can't keep. The remains of a mouse, only really bones and pieces of skin laying there. The smile pulls at his muzzle as he bends his head down, gaze of poisoned ichor heavily amused. "You're lucky I'm being generous and giving you that..." The poor frightened thing ought to eat. Still it's put a wrench in his punctuality yet he can take as long as he needs. As long as he wants, a king hurries for no one. He gives one glance at the other cat that is trying to nibble on what has been give, smirking slightly before he leaves. Afterall, Matcha is waiting for him. She knows his route, his timing. He will be there soon.

Quick and quiet steps lead him down the alleyway, slipping up along the cans as he comes to the twoleg den. She sits there poised and he easily jumps on the tin cans before effortlessly hopping onto the fence. "Just feeding the masses, dear Matcha. I can't possibly allow them to starve, now can I?" Clearly he hasn't been doing anything of the sort, the remnants of blood on his claws. Starving others is not a plan that he has, it doesn't work well with so many twolegs about but those too afraid to beg for food are at his mercy. The two toned tom settles upon the fence then, tail easily stilled comsidering how short it is and his ears move forward slightly. "More you say? Well, do tell. I've heard they believe in dead cats roaming the skies. Sounds like fairytale nonsense." His expression doesn't sour at the idea, more so he is neutral. Rumors and stories burn up the streets and back alleys of this place fore sure and he glances toward the garden. "I bet considering they banish their own here."
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She purrs at his response, seemingly pleased with it despite the obvious connotations that he was doing anything but."Must be so terribly hard without a cat like you. Oh, woe shall be those without my Gabriel." she feigns her own woe, placing a dramatic paw on her forehead. He easily scales upwards and besides her using the cans that lay at the base, if she were a little less conceited than perhaps she would have been greatly impressed with the show of strength.

Alas... "You need not to ask if you, yourself, would like to indulge in a meal fit for a queen. Fit for me, at least." truth be told, she doesn't care for Gabriel's other little 'friends', if one could even call them that. She cares for one man himself. "My folk give me the finest of food. And sometimes, she even gives me meat pieces." she tilts her head, flicking an ear as the offer hangs in the air.

"Right? It's almost... laughable, if I can say so." she hums, tapping an idle paw at the fence. "Did you know... They have these cats that can be both housefolk pets and part of their clan... Isn't that interesting?" she looks to him, interest flashing in her eyes. Perhaps... Maybe... Would they accept her? Is there a criteria? "Though... Eating... Bloody prey does not suit someone like me." her nose wrinkles up. Perhaps it wouldn't be for her but oh, the thrill of being out, the thrill of roaming further than her garden... The thought sends an electric shock of excitement through her.
જ➶ "Where would they be, indeed." He says with a dramatic flare, a smirk upon his muzzle. His eyes glimmer with that mischief he easily slips on and off. These days are full of life and thanks to the renewal of the greenery there is always something going on. In the alleys and in the gardens. Even in the small park, although he doesn't find himself going there often. Though his ears do twitch and he stares at Matcha with those heinous eyes, the greens merging within. There is amusement there, a soft bit of teasing. "My, my, my, is the lovely Matcha actually offering this vagabond some of her meal?" A grin fixates on his maw for just a moment as he lifts a paw and looks highly surprised. "I suppose I'll take a couple bites. Though despite the meat pieces I like to sink my teeth into a warm mouse."

He likes the thrill of killing them with his own claws. Catching his own meals and it will only be his fault if he starves. He likes being self-sufficient. Though his face does drop after the initial laugh about the cats in the stars. Instead turning into a frown at the prospect of their actually being pets within the clan. "Well then...they aren't as wild as I thought they were. Then again I guess some pets can have a spine." He looks pointedly at Match then before he flicks a paw, claws clinging against metal. Her tone sets his mind working and he tilts his head to the side with a flat voice leaving his muzzle. "It sounds like you want to join them. A possibility now that we know they ofter such a thing with other twoleg bound cats. They might accept you, Matcha." Eating bloody prey aside, perhaps he could gain insight from her about the group if she is on the inside. Maybe.
He teases and her ear flicks, opening her mouth to say something sarcastic in response until she remembers the stories her twoleg had been obsessed with for a while. She only picked up various words, such as princess or a knight, but they sounded beautiful. And perhaps, though she does not know their meaning, it fits the two of them just as beautifully. "Well, what is a princess without her knight, hm? I am to feed my friend, no fur off my back." her tone is coy, a lilting hymn as she relishes in his praises- even if they were just part of the part they played. A dog to a better cause. Her soft smile is immediately replaced with a flash of disgust as he speaks of sinking his teeth in to a mouse.

She finds the very idea absolutely repulsing, disgusting. She would never be caught doing something so disgraceful, but thats why she has him.

He speaks of her comment and he sends her a look. Immediately does the fur along her back begin to rise, but she keeps calm and forces it down. Gabriel was brash with words and she hopes he knows she'd pummel him for any backhanded comments, she convinces herself that it was not about her. No, his comments would never be about her. "And what is that supposed to mean?" her tone is back to being playful, any irritation forgotten as she relishes in their shared conversation. "You and I both know that I am much too good for them. I care not to fight their battles that they can resolve on their own." though her tone is uncertain; is there more that she could be doing with her life? Would she ever have to know the true thrill of a battle? She lets Gabriel fight his alone, instead fussing over wounds that could easily heal with a few days time.

She gets an idea. Dastardly, but its an idea.

"Perhaps you and I can both see what the fuss is about one day. Theres no pressure, what are they going to do? Skin our fur coats off? All we'd have to do is hide within my folk's den." the offer is not borne of good graces. "Or maybe..." her tail wags. "You can take me on a date to your stomping grounds and I can see a true cat at work." she teases, batting her eyelashes in faux hope. She'd get a better grasp of what these wildcats would have to put up with if she started with a street cat first.