pafp Envy || Messing with Betonyfrost

Jul 28, 2022

So I walk alone down the darkest roads

Canarywatcher had noticed it, although it was a strange kind of way, she had noticed the other warrior watching Chilledgaze, admiring the other and instead of being encouraging...Canarywatcher decided to cause a Slowly she approafhed the other shecat with a hum before dropping a toad as a sort of offering before settling herself down and clearing her throat while a grin played on her lips mischievously "I saw Chilledgaze leaving the camp earlier with Spring, looked pretty intimate" she said, clearly a fib nut she wanted a reaction from the other.
  • It seems that there isn't a day or night that Betonyfrost doesn't think of Chilledgaze, if only in passing. They had touched Betonyfrost the other day, little more than a nudge to their shoulder. Yet the space there feels warmer, as if an infection has set in. Betonyfrost cannot stop thinking about it. Such a small moment-- had Chilledgaze even noticed?-- and yet Betonyfrost cannot stop thinking about it. Each time she recalls the memory it is like a river washing the edges from a stone, buffing blemishes into nothing, and Betonyfrost cannot stop thinking about it.

    Do they know of the power they hold over Betonyfrost's lovelorn heart?

    She very nearly almost doesn't even notice Canarywatcher, who so casually splinters Betonyfrost's heart like a brittle leaf beneath a paw.

    "Oh...?" Is all Betonyfrost says, her face impassive. Inside, her heart beats faster and a heat rises up to her ears. Inside, she thinks why are you telling me this? and she thinks that doesn't make any sense! and she thinks they are free to do what they want-- Chilledgaze isn't mine.

    And she is so, so very angry.

    Her face twitches like she is about to flinch and then settles back into calm. She opens her mouth and then closes it again. The toad is shoved with more force than necessary back to Canarywatcher's feet; Betonyfrost isn't hungry at the moment. She thinks if Canarywatcher says anything more to her, the words would be lost beneath the thunder of her own heart.

    "Do you think--?" Betonyfrost starts, her tone surprisingly conversational, "I mean, did it seem... serious? Springflame, he's always walked on his own side of the fence."

    But oh, had that changed? Springflame would tell her these things, Betonyfrost thinks, and then thinks almost as quickly that maybe he wouldn't tell her these things.​
  • Code:
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | tags
Young love, silly as it was disgustin'. Love of any form is more trouble than its worth, really. Makes you vulnerable, opens yourself to all sorts of new wounds, the sorts ya couldn't dream of feelin' until you do. It's weakness, somethin' anyone could hold over your head at any moment. He had a love once. Was left with no choice but to devour 'er once things went south. Women, eugh.

Betonyfrost was pretty creepy, he thinks. Barely talked an' always making googoo eyes at someone who dint' really deserve it. F' yer gonna be stupidly obsessed over someone, pick a good someone, damn. N' for this, he thinks she deserves to be messed wiff.

He struts by, and its obvious he has a purpose, his gait anythin' but natural. There's a smile stretched on his face, and he tilts his head towards the conversation, ears pricking at Betonyfrost's words. He scrunches up his face, phlegm sings in his nasal passageways as he draws in a breath. "Naw, you haven't seen? The two 'f em are real close, these days." his own side of the fence, the hell does that mean? Some sorta cope, huh?

I've no time for confession
Where there's food, there's Wolverinefang, and as he licks his pointy overbite fang of blood he can't help but overhear a sentence that just screams 'I am trying to instigate something.' Cool, he'd love to watch. Pretending to clean up his paws and avoiding his tender one coated in icky herbs, the large tom eases down into a sitting position with one eye peered open as he watches. Wolve watches the gray feline shove away a frog in seeming frustration then flicks an ear at her words. She sounds so nosy about it (for good reason) and he's about to tag in when Barkbreath already does the prodding for him.

He smiles as the tom speaks only to suddenly feel a pang of something in his swollen chest. Is that... The tom makes a face and turns his head from the scene, trying to brush it off but it's not so easy. Wolverinefang feels so weird realizing this but he's (as ridiculous as it sounds) jealous of Betonyfrost's jealous.

Even if it's fleeting or unrequited or even painful, it must be amazing pining for someone like that! To have a motive in life spring up- even if it's entirely dependent on someone else. It's so romantic! But Wolverinefang is too cowardly for something like that, to be that vulnerable and to have to wear feelings so outwardly they can be easily picked at like this. How he's ever going to actually find a woman willing to give him the time of day with an attitude like that he doesn't know. He's stuck on that thought but also not the kind to ruin some fun and so he keeps an uncharacteristic quiet and pokes at a long dead old toad. Man, why did he have to think too deep about it?
✦ ★ ✦
  • Betonyfrost doesn’t like Barkbreath. The sight of him alone is enough to curl something in her gut, but Betonyfrost doesn’t want to be rude. She doesn’t want him, despite everything, to feel the same way about her. So Betonyfrost listens to him and feels that anger in her chest grow to something enormous. She’s never felt it this bad.

    She’s never cared about anything as much as this.

    Somehow, that brittle anger doesn’t snap.

    I haven’t seen,” Betonyfrost murmurs, her voice the same quiet smooth as always. She didn’t know she was capable of feeling like this— like her anger is a physical thing that has taken up all the space in her chest. Her lungs are crowded enough that it is hard to breath, and yet Betonyfrost inhales-exhales as if nothing is wrong.

    I hadn’t seen,” Betonyfrost repeats, softer this time, and only vaguely aware that she’s gained an audience.​
  • Code:
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | tags
Did nobody bother to work around here anymore? It seemed as though she found a multitude of cats lazing about as of late. Some good that would do the clan. “What do you care for anyways?" Throwing the thought into the open, Turtlenose had a feeling she already knew the answer to the question. However, she didn’t want to act as interested as her clanmates were. What good would it do to anatagonize them in such an obvious manner?
  • "No reason," Betonyfrost replies to Turtlenose.

    Had she said it too quickly? Not quick enough? It isn't as if Betonyfrost is ashamed of how she feels. She isn't ashamed of Chilledgaze. Betonyfrost just knows that she is nothing but herself, and Chilledgaze is Chilledgaze; wonderful in all the ways that Betonyfrost is lacking. If Betonyfrost was honest then the truth would surely find its way back to Chilledgaze, and Betonyfrost couldn't live with that rejection.

    "Canarywatcher brought it up," Betonyfrost looks at Canarywatcher now, guarded. Why are you telling me this? Betonyfrost thinks one more, at the same time adding aloud, "Is there something wrong with making conversation?"

    The thought occurs to her suddenly that this could be a lie. It could all be a big lie-- would her clanmates really--?

    "Springflame is my brother, anyway," Betonyfrost feels flushed beneath her pelt. She thinks why are you telling me this? and she thinks do they think I'm an idiot? and she thinks you idiot!

    She thinks now, now the anger in her will flare to life. Her better self, her braver self, demands: Why are you telling me this?

    But Betonyfrost isn't brave. She swallows her anger, a familiar meal, and offers a tentative smile, "I would expect to hear this news from his mouth. It's... surprising, is all."​
  • Code:
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | tags