camp Escape The Loop // Recovery

These past few weeks have been a blur. A lot of Aspenhaze’s life lately has been a haze, but at least they can say it’s poetic, in a way. And they made it out alive, with the love of their life nowhere to be seen. They missed Petalnose greatly, but at least she is healthy. Most of the time that they were aware was spent worrying if she would catch Yellowcough too, but she stays as resilient as always.

Aspenhaze almost jumps for joy when they’re told by Ravensong that they’re clear to leave the den. They save themself the embarrassment, but they do give a genuine smile to the medicine cat.
“Thank you for taking care of me.” They know that it’s just his job, but they want him to know that they appreciate the effort despite. After that, they happily run out into the camp for the first time in awhile.

They stretch as they bask in the sunlight, happy to see the rushing of the river once more. They can almost feel the transition from summer to autumn in the air, and it’s a welcome change. When Aspenhaze gets back up, they immediately search for any sign of Petalnose, hoping she’s not on patrol right now. If she is, they’d wait as long as needed to see her beautiful face once more. They’d wait for her forever if they had to.

In the midst of chaos, it’s comforting to receive good news — such as the first of their sick being released from the medicine den after receiving the miraculous remedy of lungwort. Looking at Aspenhaze’s content face as they stretch in a pool of sunshine, it’s easier to have faith in the wild goose chase their departed clanmates are on.

”Ah, Aspenhaze,” he greets, slithering out of the shadows between dens to approach the warrior. ”It is good to see you hale once more. Is there something you need?” Though going by the look in their searching eyes, he guesses it’s rather a someone.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 45 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


The lonesome nights had caused lack of sleep, staring at the stars until her body took it amongst itself to rest. Even if there was a cure, enough to treat her mate- it still made her wonder. Would it work? Would she be left behind again so soon? Atleast, there were some distractions. Patrols were to be tended to, there were many opportunities to take after the journeying cats left to their endeavor. Now she had a new apprentice, one she needed to train to her parent's expectations. There was a lot to do now, maybe it was growing to be too much. However, Petalnose didn't seem to mind. She needed the distraction, to save herself from a ear full and maybe a swat in her direction just to come in her mate's proximity. Luckily, even with her close interaction, she had not contracted anything. Not a sniffle. Not a crack to her throat.

Tired eyes scanned camp as she returned from an early patrol, gaze settling upon the medicine den in silent wonder. Her gaze seemed to have stopped; pinning upon a familiar figure in the distance. She quickened her pace slightly in wonder until Aspenhaze had come into clear view. It was as if energy struck her, eyes burning alight and wicking away the apparent exhaustion. She pulled into a trot, blackened lips raising into a rare smile with her tail held high. "Aspenhaze, my love.." She trilled smoothly, slowing down to stand in front of them before bending down and aiming to rasp her tongue over their head and ear. Joy touched the edges of her eyes as she pulled her limbs in to lay down in front of them. "How was recovery?"

Admittedly, she hadn't known Snakeblink was present until she had settled, a quick glance fluttering upon the Tom. Petalnose had missed the conversation struck, only assuming it was a greeting after their discharge. "Snakeblink." She greeted the fellow lead warrior with a nod, hoping she wouldn't make him feel invisible. Her attention did quickly pull back to Aspenhaze however, awaiting their response.

⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

Every day spent with ill clan-mates in the confines of a dark den served as a haunting reminder that they were running out of time... running out of resources. The guilt that gnawed at her belly with every unsuccessful catch... someone better than her should be here to hunt, to defend. The sight of one more finally free of that body-ravaging sickness is a welcome relief, a breath released despite forgetting it was being held all that time.

Aspenhaze was by no means close to the blue molly but it was of course, always in their best interest to see RiverClan healthy... As healthy as it could be right now... "Aspenhaze," they meow in greeting, standing beside Snakeblink with a small glance. Friends.. huh? It was to be expected that Petalnose might be among the first to welcome her mate back to business as usual- but it's far from a business as usual approach that she rubs against them.

It seemed they were abound with questions to answer- gentle musings demanding reassurance. Ravensong would not have released them if they were not well enough, this much they were familiar with personally.

"I hope you're excited to hunt- we need all the paws we can get." Not the most friendly welcome back but... Lichentail assumed most didn't enjoy being crowded and publicly welcomed back to good health.​
Snakeblink is a welcoming face to come back to, even if it isn't their mate. They're just happy to see anyone that isn't looking like they're on the verge of death right now. Smirk falls comfortably back on their face as the green-eyed warrior most definitely puts in place what they're doing. "Thank you kindly. There sure is. But hopefully it won't take long to find..." They pause as a familiar brown pelt comes into their view. "Her. Petalnose." They greet their mate with their own renewed energy, closing the gap between them further and giving her a gentle lick back on her ear. "It was perfectly fine, my love. I might have slept through most of it, but I feel like a new cat." The rest was most definitely something they needed, and now they can go back to helping out the clan in these trying times.

"I'm glad you're back to normal now too, Lichentail," they say in greeting, hoping they don't feel ignored either. "And no worries there, I am most definitely ready to get back into action." It's nice to get a break (even though they had no choice) every once in awhile, but their paws were itching to get back to their warrior duties. Hopefully it'll also give them more time to have with Petalnose, as they surely have missed her company. They also don't have Mosspaw here to mentor either...a surge of sadness fills them at that thought. They just have to hope that the journey is going well, and they'll see her again soon enough. More than anything, they regret not being able to say goodbye to her before she left.