Jun 7, 2022

It was a gorgeous day out. Sunlight filtered through the canopy of pine above the black and gray apprentice, a light breeze making the leaves sway in the wind and causing the light to dance on the ground. He is mesmerized by it, so much so that it takes the voice of another cat to snap him out of it, to remind him why they were out of the camp in the first place. They were here to hunt, not watch Basilpaw play with the dancing shadows on the forest floor.

He regretfully leaves his new entertainment behind, dropping into a hunters crouch upon seeing a rather plump pigeon pecking at the ground below a tree. He licks his lips as he looks at it, just thinking about what a fine meal the bird would make. He wiggles his rump then pounces, trapping a wind underneath his too large paws.

He couldn’t believe it! He actually got it! The creature thrashes beneath him and he leans forward, preparing to deliver a killing blow when all of a sudden a shadow swoops from the tree above him. The pigeons mate. The bird above him screeches before diving, pecking at him and beating him with its wings. Basilpaw let’s out a cry and lifts his paws to try and cover himself, to defend himself, anything. But lifting his paws only frees the bird underneath him, which joins in on the attack.

He lets out a wail and starts running, crashing through the undergrowth with tears in his eyes as he tries desperately to get away from his two assailants, tears filling his eyes and blurring his vision. Why in Star Clan was this happening? Why him? “help-help me” he calls out, hoping the rest of his patrol could hear him, would come to save him.

Suddenly, he feels something wet on his back. Bird poop. With their bowels emptied the pigeons leave him alone, giving him a final warning squawk before flapping away, leaving Basilpaw sobbing on the ground.

// @HARPYFALL mentor tag! No need to wait for him to post though

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( ) the loud wail that had cut through the air caused the squirrel huckleberry was stalking to let out a chitter of alarm before scurrying up one of the nearby trees, bushy tail lashing as it disappeared into the saftey of the leaves and winding branches. while anyone else might've gotten annoyed with losing their prey to some careless noise, huckleberry knew he could always find something else to catch later in the day.

right now, it sounded like someone found themselves in a bit of a pickle.

the lofty smoke made his way through the pines towards the source of the crying and it did not take him long to come across the crumpled figure of basilpaw who had been. .well, for a lack of a better word, shit on by the fleeing birds that were long gone by now. huckleberry approached the other, his tail coming up to brush against the youngers shoulder in a comforting manner. " 'ay now, yer alright son. nothin' ya can't shake off." he mummers softly, looking around to see if anyone else was to show up.

"if the rest of 'em show up we can make a quick stop at the river and clean ya off wit some wet moss if we find some, yeah?"

( i hear the wandering streams and the song of the birds )


The taller apprentice would arrive just in time to catch the ass-end of the attack (no pun intended). Deep blue eyes watched as the birds flew off into the trees, leaving a sobbing Basilpaw crouching in the dirt, fur a mess. Huckleberry was quick to approach and sooth them, and while Quill didn't expect he could offer much in the way of comfort, he could snatch one of those birds if they tried to come back for a second round. "Wow. What'd you do to piss them off so bad?" he asked, genuinely curious. The only birds he'd ever seen gang up to put on a show like that was crows, so he was a little surprised to see that kind of aggression in a pigeon. Note taken.

skyclan - male - 6 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

The white tom watches his fellow apprentice in confusion.

A couple of birds swarm the patchy-furred apprentice, and Cosmospaw isn't quite sure as to why or how it's happened. Though, it is a funny sight, the feline crouched down, birds going after him - rather than the other way around, like it's supposed to be.

But still, the apprentice seems scared, seems like he's ready to cry, and - well, that's nothing new for him, as Cosmospaw recalls. Even so, Cosmospaw holds back his laughter, though stepping forward with amusement-filled eyes to get a closer look at the situation.

"I don't think that's how you're supposed to catch birds," the snow-furred tom tells the crying feline, tilting his head as he looks down at him, "Are you okay?"
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A soulmate who wasn't meant to be

Deersong would enter the scene next, her apprentice hopefully not far behind her. Her aqua eyes were filled with patience and only the tiniest glimmer of amusement as she had also caught the end of the disastrous hunt.

Poor tom, nothing worse than being on the receiving end of a protective mate. The lead warrior would take mental note of how Quillpaw and Cosmopaw spoke without laughter at their denmates plight and she would remind herself to report such a reassuring sight to Blazestar and Daisyflight later.

She would walk over to Huckleberry and Basilpaw then, her soft coo of a voice soothing as she spoke, "No need to bug out, Basil. You did nothing wrong, that bird was just trying to protect his love." She would look him over for a moment and nod along with Huckleberry's words, "I think that's a groovy idea, brotha'. You leave those pesky birds to us now."
