ETCH THE FACES AND THE WORDS INTO YOUR MIND \ gathering announcement 6.15.23

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting!” Blazestar’s call rings throughout the camp, clear and loud, no longer dismantled by wind. He waits for his Clan to congregate patiently. Though the grief of losing Thistleback has not diminished, he does not wear the defeated stormclouds so familiar to his Clan. His head is still held high, his pelt groomed and shining like pale fire under the rising moon.

The Gathering is tonight. I will announce who all is to attend, but first…” He smiles—small but genuine. “I have a ceremony to conduct. Coyotepaw, please step forward.

Coyotepaw will go to his first Gathering six his return to SkyClan as a SkyClan warrior. He will look his former WindClan Clanmates in the eyes without shame, without fear. Blazestar will not back down in the face of Sootstar’s tyranny—for better or worse, they are SkyClanners now, from Mallowlark to Dandelionwish to his apprentice.

I, Blazestar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn.” He blinks warmly. “Coyotepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend SkyClan, even at the cost of your life?

These are a slight deviation from the traditional words—he mentions SkyClan specifically, and he carefully gauges Coyotepaw’s face for a reaction. Would he notice the change? Would he resent Blazestar for it, or would the young warrior understand?

He waits for Coyotepaw’s affirmation, and then he continues. “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Coyotepaw, from this day forward, you will be known as Coyotecrest. StarClan honors your loyalty and your strength, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan.” Yes, he carefully chooses the virtues he gives all apprentices upon receiving their warrior name, but he’d especially pondered Coyotecrest’s.

Loyalty and strength. Blazestar hopes he sees that in himself, and hopes that his Clanmates will come to see that in him again, too.

Coyotecrest! Coyotecrest!” He leads the chant, ensuring his voice is strong and confident. There is no wavering, no hesitation. Not anymore—not this time.

He leaps from his place on the Highbranch, approaching Coyotecrest and resting his muzzle atop the young tom’s head. “Thistleback always believed in you. Perhaps I was wrong to doubt you… but you will make SkyClan proud. Will make him proud.” He purrs, backing away so Coyotecrest’s Clanmates can cheer for him.

And Snowpath, the warrior who should have earned his name beside you—he must be proud, too.

Once the clamor dies down, Blazestar, sitting amongst his Clan, begins to speak again. “The Gathering tonight has the potential to be interesting. This will be the first time WindClan will see some of these cats again—cats many of them likely thought to be dead.” He flicks an ear, contemplative. “We should not show fear. Everyone of you will continue to be proud of SkyClan. I will be taking Bearheart, Dandelionwish, Duskpool, Quillstrike, Figfeather, Dogskip, Twitchbolt, Brambleheart, Chrysaliswing, Coyotecrest, and Browniepaw. Your apprentices may attend—be sure you let them know before we leave.” He meets the eyes of every cat named, then calls, “Meeting dismissed! If you are going to the Gathering, eat and rest. We leave at moonhigh.

Name change: @Coyotepaw


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♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather heads for the Highbranch upon Blazestar's call. Despite their recent tragedies, she can't help but find excitement in the gathering. Engaging in conversation, catching up with casual friends, hearing the leaders talk all while sitting underneath silverpelt? There was nothing more thrilling, she can't help but hope Blazestar will choose her yet again.

Sitting on the edge of her seat, she blinks in surprise when Coyotepaw is called forward. She watches the apprentice pad up to Blazestar, he must be getting his warrior name!

Admittedly, this is something Figfeather had at one time hoped would never come. After Coyotepaw's betrayal and departure to WindClan, Figfeather had decided he was no good and moorland blood ran to thick within him to be saved. When he returned, she refused to place her trust in him and was convinced one day the rest of the clan would wish they had never let him back. Yet now? She felt... pride?

It's strange to confess even now, but she missed sharing a den with Coyotepaw and had missed meeting him as her equal. He had been part of the reason she had learned how to hunt on the forest floor and how to hunt fast (especially when considering her permanent injury). He had taught her even though she had shown little kindness to him, and for that she was thankful and indebted to him.

Coyotepaw from this day forward you will be known as Coyotecrest. StarClan honors your loyalty and your strength.
With a grin, Figfeather cheers the new warrior's name, "Coyotecrest! Coyotecrest! Coyotecrest!"

As the cheers die down, Blazestar announces who will be joining him at the gathering, her name is spoken. Though excitement forgets to spread through her- Dandelionwish's name was mentioned. They were taking Dandelionwish?! Coyotecrest?! Was that really a good idea? Figfeather's ears flatten and her eyes shift wearily around the clan. Coyotecrest deserved this honor... but if it meant ensuring the clans safety, shouldn't he remain home? Dandelionwish too, hes noticed the tom is awfully nice to Butterflytuft, but unlike Coyotecrest she is not convinced his loyalties still don't lie with his past clan.

When he answers the call he is not prepared for any of what Blazestar says, from the sudden warrior name bestowed upon the cream tom to the sound of his own name among others for the gathering tonight.
Admittedly he's afraid. He's afraid to face his old clanmates, not for any concern that his loyalties may shift but out of worry they may retaliate against his new home even more aggressively than they already did. He does not SkyClan to suffer for his presence, but he also does not want to remain buried away like a tragic secret in the depths of the clan; never to face the outside world again. Dandelionwish inhales slowly, exhales a cheer for Coyotecrest instead of the defeated sigh he wanted to give, "Coyotecrest! Coyotecrest!" That kid had come so far, he remembers seeing him brought to WindClan head low and afraid of the new and sudden change in his life. He remembers chasing him to talk after he was denied the chance to see his SkyClan kin at the gathering. He remembers keeping to himself the brief flicker of cream fur vanishing into the night, saying nothing as patrols searched and scoured the moorlands for him.
Dandelionwish smiles, remembering how pleased he was to wake up here and find the then apprentice safe and sound; he'd suspected as much but it was nice to know for sure.
The cream and chocolate tom raises his head up, straightens his back and makes a mental note to grab the bandanna Sweetybee had given him before they left because if he was to face WindClan once more it would be on his own terms, carrying with him the badge of SkyClan's kittypet-centric lifestyle upon his chest out of spite and pride alone. They would already jeer and demean him mostly likely, if they said anything at all, so he might as well ensure there was no mistaking which clan he called home and which clan he would dutifully serve for the rest of his life now.
જ➶ Carefully stepping forward at the sound of Blazestar's voice the tom blinks his gaze. A glint shines in honey brown eyes as he looks up towards the leader. First he speaks of the Gathering, something he has yet to attend and then he says there is something else that must be done. Blinking he slowly sits to witness another warrior ceremony, different than his own but also alike. A young child, one that he remembers is also an adopted son of his father's. He breathes in slowly as he thinks and then a new name is given Coyotecrest. His heart swells just a little and he nods his head before finally a smile pulls at his muzzle. "COYOTECREST! COYOTECREST!" He stamps his paws even though it hurts. Proud of his sibling, proud of what has been achieved here. And them things move on and his ears pull forward. They shouldn't show fear against that Windclan and Blazestar picks who he wants to go. When his name is called he feels sudden panic. Is he sure? He breathes out unsteadily before finally just nodding.

He can do this, he can go. He wants to go and he wants to feel like a part of Skyclan. Even if he has to push himself. So he nods again, this time resolve set in his gaze. Time to be brave.
Sporecloud kept to herself most days, blending in with the fallen pine needles and colors of the forest. She may not always be seen, but evidence of her existence was always there. Prey in the pile, moss collected for those who needed it, marks on the border... Always there but out of sight.

But today she would make herself known again. Sitting amongst the clan as the meeting was called. The gathering was tonight and though she didn't plan on going, she attended the meeting anyways.

And she was glad she did.

Coyotepaw, Leopardclouds son, was getting his warrior name. He's gotten so big... She remembers when he was just a kit. He's come so far, been through so much..... She can't help but smile proudly at him. She knows Leopardcloud is smiling too.

His name is given, and her voice joins in the chorus. "COYOTECREST! COYOTECREST!!" She chants, to the treetops to the heavens above.

He was not her son, but she was proud of him regardless.​
Angry at all the things I can't change
Blazestar's familiar call echoes throughout camp, summoning young and old underneath the bough of high branch. Mint shaded eyes trail upward to rest upon the hulking tom as he begins to announce that the night of the gathering is upon them. But, before he calls forth those chosen to go, something else takes place. The ragdoll calls him by name and his ears twitch in surprise. Quietly his vision sweeps along the crowd surrounding him as their eyes rest upon him before flickering back to his mentor up above. Rising to his paws he takes a step forward, bathed in pale moonlight as he stands beneath high branch. The last time he stood before the clan was to await the verdict of Blazestar's council. A runaway charged with crimes he never would have committed if he truly had his way.

Grace was awarded to him that day. A second chance to redeem himself and he'd sworn an oath to Blazestar that he would not come to regret his choice. Now? Now he stands before them all to receive his warrior name. Sacred words are spoken, deviating a tad from what he typically heard coming from the older tom's mouth, but important all the same. He did not miss how Skyclan was singled out specifically and Coyotepaw could blame him. It was no secret that his struggle to feel a sense of belonging here was a rough and rocky road. But he was confident this time around that nothing could convince him otherwise that this was home. Despite the fleeting look of guilt for his past and all that it has cost them he holds Blazestar's gaze and nods. "I do." No more compromises.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Coyotepaw, from this day forward, you will be known as Coyotecrest." Cheering erupts all around him, some chanting his new name louder than others as he looks from left to right wearing genuine surprise. He thought the crowd would hold greater opposition much like the day he returned. But this time he is greeted and welcomed amongst their ranks with open arms. A small smile breaks across his maw, replacing his usual reserved countenance. His attention flickers toward the star studded sky and he could have sworn he saw one of them twinkle brightly. Perhaps Leopardcloud was watching. "Look mom, I finally made it..." Just as the ragdoll leaps from his throne his gaze returns to his former mentor, allowing his chin upon his head.

Thistleback. He would have longed to have the bristle backed warrior here with him right now. True to Blazestar's words Thistleback was one of the very few that never lost faith in him. Coyotecrest's nods solemnly, the grief he had for the loss of his father figure had not left him, but he was determined to make the tom's former words a reality. "You will be one of the best warriors skyclan has ever seen."
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
  • Crying
Reactions: Rai and BLAZESTAR
Chrysaliswing only afforded Coyotecrest a brisk nod at the face of a momentous occasion, as though a quick connection through an ever-moving synchromesh, a quick whisper of a touch between two opposing forces. The two didn't know each other outside of both being around the same age and ranking. Chrys didn't think such a superficial similarity was ever enough to establish any sort of friendship by itself. But, as the droplet spatters onto the surface of the stone for only a second, there were times when there was a mutual understanding, as distant as it was. The nod was more acknowledgment than the marmoreal-faced chimaera showed most felines, and though no emotion seeped through the statue, the light still shone favorably upon it. Perhaps the anticipation of the coming days was enough to soften his moth-eaten features. The feather-furred tom only waited for the Skyclanners to go forth to the Gathering now.

As the full moon is upon them, Greeneyes feels his paws itching to leave camp more and more. To leave the territory, to pretend the tree that crushed his brother - the tree that now houses the nursery - doesn't exist.

He can only hope he's among the names Blazestar will call as the ragdoll approaches the Highbranch, as his own paws settle below.

But first, a warrior ceremony. Coyotepaw's. The apprentice has been through a lot, and has had to regain the trust of SkyClan after his temporary days as a moor-dweller. His brother's friend, they should have earned their names together. Snowpaw should have become Snowpath here. Thistleback should be here to watch the apprentice become a warrior too. Instead, Coyotepaw becomes Coyotecrest alone.

"Coyotecrest! Coyotecrest!" he chants. The first name he's chanted since Snowpath's ceremony, it makes his stomach twist at the stark difference between the two ceremonies. Coyotecrest will go on to live as a SkyClan warrior - a celebration. Snowpath, a StarClan warrior - his name chanted in mourning.

And, of course, as Blazestar moves on to announce those going to the gathering, Coyotecrest is among them. Though he thinks it might cause problems, Coyotecrest deserves to go, deserves to have his first gathering as a warrior just like the rest of them. Greeneyes waits for his own name, but yet again it is omitted, yet again his sister is chosen instead. Lucky, he thinks of her as he repeats his actions at the last call for patrols - a small smile headed her way. Hopefully next moon, he'll get to attend the gathering. Hopefully by then the fallen pine's presence won't gnaw at him like it does now.

Dandelionwish too is among the names, and he can't help the glint of jealousy he feels that the former medicine cat gets to go instead of him, the concern of that fact twisting with it. Coyotecrest might be fine to bring, but was Dandelionwish? Surely his presence - one that Blazestar had once insisted remained hidden, just as the other WindClan refugees - would cause even more problems?
"Coyotecrest!" Orangeblossom cheers, adding her voice to the chorus as always. She's sat with her kittens at the edge of the nursery, plumy tail blocking any little little escapees who might want to join in on the festivities. If only Thistleback had been here to see this ... Sobering somewhat, Orangeblossom's brow furrows at the announcement of the Gathering-party. Even if Blazestar had announced already that the ex-WindClanners had outlived their probation, she's still wary of letting them attend the Gatherings- this would only invite trouble, namely Sootstar's murderous band of mongrels, to their borders where they are not welcome.

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
Fireflypaw seats himself at the base of the tree his father perches from, tail drawn close to his body as he listens to the meeting. Coyotepaw is brought forth, proclaimed a loyal SkyClanner- and Fireflypaw feels conflicted with bias. On one hand, his father approving of the tom means that he must be serious about his loyalties; on the other, it meant Coyotecrest could spy further on the Clan's innerworkings if he wished to. Fireflypaw kneads the ground beneath him, hoping it's the former. Loyalty meant everything to Fireflypaw, and anything that threatened his father's reign, his clan's safety was a threat that needed to be taken care of. Swiftly.

"Coyotecrest! Coyotecrest!" Fireflypaw calls out the tom's name nonetheless, giving him the benefit of the doubt- it'd be so long since he'd become SkyClan again. Perhaps he could set his paranoia aside. His job was to be neutral, wasn't it? He should mind his own business.​