pafp EVEN A WORM WILL TURN [✿] confrontation

✿—— seething. her conversation with mottledove had left bobbie seething. how dare he? how DARE he? she manages to excuse herself from mottledove's presence without letting her anger spill over, balancing rage like a brimming cup as she pads away from the nursery. her open expression and timid posture are momentarily absent - to anyone who sees her passing by as she searches for a blue pelt with cold green eyes, bobbie is a tempest blowing across camp, gaze dark with rage and strides sharp and stormy as though she's propelled forwards by the force of her anger alone.

she has never considered herself to be a creature prone to rage—or so she'd thought until mottledove had, in shy and saddened tones, choked out the story of what had happened between her and the blue tom angry eyes spot sitting in camp, eating a piece of fresh-kill as though he doesn't have a care in the world. as though he doesn't have three kits he refuses to be there for, an ex-mate he'd left for another she-cat, as though he's got nothing to be here for. rage rises cold in her blood and for once she doesn't press it down.

"how dare you?!" the tabby's words emerge in an enraged hiss as she shoves stormy backwards from where he sits, barely giving the tom a moment to recove before she aims a hard, albeit clawless, slap across his face. mottledove has been kind, far too kind, in her treatment of this lump of flesh that fathered her kits - bobbie will not be so merciful and she rounds on him again with barely a breath in between, snarling, "how dare you?! do you have no sense of responsibility? of loyalty? how could you do that to her?"

regardless of what stormy's response is, blinded by anger, she does not let up, lashing her half-tail as her chest heaves with rage. in the back of her mind, she knows that stormy isn't the only cause of the rage being vented onto him now .... but for the moment, he serves as a convenient outlet - that, and he is far from innocent in her eyes. stepping forward, forcing the blue tom to back away, she hisses, "leaving your mate is bad enough. but - but keeping company with another she-cat? you're despicable, did you know that, you piece of shit!"

in the heat of her rage, she'll barely take notice of any crowd the confrontation draws. instead, jerking her head in the direction of the nursery, she snarls, "i'd better see you go in there and apologize to her right now, or so help me starclan—" she doesn't finish the sentence, instead spitting on the ground at his paws and leveling stormy with an enraged green glare.


  • ooc: abusing fluid time a little - set post-recruitment but before the gathering
    please wait for @STORMY to post!!
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

Last edited:
  • WHAT
Reactions: RoseTintedMoon
So far Skyclan was nice. Well... It was still weird, but that was to be expected. He was still relatively new to the clan and had a moon to prove himself, which he would. Or at least he would try. I don't really know the clan standard of failing or passing. Maybe I'll ask that next? Unless that's a test too. Whatever the case, it's finally time for him to eat. Oh, how he just wanted to go up there and snatch something big and tasty from the freshkill pile, but he was told that he had to wait for elders and queens to eat first. While he didn't really know who was in which ranks or the system yet, he basically waited until he saw others that he assumed were not the ranks mentioned previously. No one had scolded him, maybe looked at him with some apprehension, but it was cool. He understood. He was the new cat or newer one around, so he needed to build trust with these cats if he wanted to stay with them.

You're doing good Stormy! Let's feast on this and then... I dunno, maybe ask around for something to do? Everyone's so busy here. The unfortunate tom is unaware of his doom, too lost in his own world. Fur prickles when he has the nagging feeling that he's either being talked horribly about by some random cats, or he's being glared at. It's times like these where he wishes he was just being glared at, instead of raising his head to see a familiar she-cat looking enraged make her way towards him. Maybe someone behind me? I don't think I've done something to her? We only met a few times. Haven't spoken much. Ehhh, let's just finish eating. Worrying my poor brain over it ain't cool. With a shrug he begins to lean down, only to stop he's practically shouted at.

It's moment's like these were they would say, Why if it isn't the consequences of your actions. However, he... He has not arrived at that point. Yet. "Me?" Are the only words he's able to get out before he's suddenly shoved. Touch is something he doesn't exactly like, but from someone who is practically a stranger? Anger is quick to flare and he can't help but hiss as he stumbles, "What the fuck is your problem?!" The only answer he is given is a slap across the face, which leaves him dumbfounded to say the least. He hasn't moved, amber eyes staring at a sea of cats. A pink tongue runs along fangs, a small chuckle follows while a blue tom turns his heads towards his attacker with a smile.

The words she tell him have no meaning initially. To him, a random she-cat came up to him to scream and hit him for no reason at all. He's never met her in his life before nor can he remember friends speaking of somecat looking like her, so he is puzzled at what she's even referring to. The smile he wore fades when a her is mentioned. Ronnie? Is all his mind can supply him at the moment, yet the answer feels wrong. "Who?" Perhaps, he should count his luck that she doesn't tear into him for not knowing who she is talking about whatsoever. With how bizzare this was, he doesn't even know how to respond or what to do.

Her? Don't tell me this is one of Ronnie's friends. Oh man, this is gonna be so not... Fun. The cat before him is furious and it seemed like walking away from whatever this mess was is not the way to go. The answer of which her is answered when she tells him something that is not possible. It shouldn't be possible for the she-cat in front of him to know this. She's would probably laugh in the future watching as his face turned from confusion to realization and finally, horror. How... How do you know that? Where did you learn that? Who told you that? There's no way. Shit. Despicable? Who are you?

The crowd is all but noise to him. All he can focus on is this cat who knows about his past, turning his head to the nursery at her signal. Before he can even get his bearing to say anything in response or ask how in the world does she know that, he's given orders by her to go in the nursery and apologize. Amber eyes look down at where she had spit, blinking. "Chiara is here?" The question isn't meant to be answered. He hasn't thought of that name, her in a long time. Once he'd left, he wanted to forget everything and it worked. To be honest, he had forgotten there was someone before Ronnie.

Before the memories of Mottledove as she is now known hit him, he shook his head as if that would do the trick. It sort of helped (not really). He would end up bringing a paw to his neck and sigh, "You're gonna slap me again? Not sure how an apology makes things better or if she even wants to see me, but whatever. Relax, take it easy, I'll go. You can stop glaring now. Cats... This is gonna be bad."
Public exchanges are not a common occurrence in SkyClan. It's much too serene here, with the idle chatter of happy-go-lucky clanmates planning training sessions and discussing their latest hunt and even the weather they've been having lately. Although the general mood within SkyClan has been rather gloomy as of late, never has it reached a point where conflict has broken out among clan members.

His amber gaze snaps in the direction of Bobbie, who is screeching at the top of her lungs to one of SkyClan's newest additions. Slate can't recall his name at the moment; there are so many cats coming into the clan all the time and it's impossible for him to remember them all off the top of his head. It is uncharacteristic of the lilac-hued former kittypet to display such raw rage and fury toward someone, especially a newcomer, so he must have done something to really piss her off.

While it is not Slate's intention to eavesdrop on his clanmates... Well, could you really call this eavesdropping? Bobbie was making a scene in front of the entire clan, because the tom had left his mate and cheated on her or something of that nature. Who were they talking about? Why did Bobbie care so much? Whatever the answers were, Slate didn't care. The peace of camp had been interrupted and not only was it his duty to keep it, but he also didn't want to hear anyone's private feuds being blasted for the birds in the treetops to hear.

It seemed as if the blue tabby — caught between a rock and a hard place — was going to abide by Bobbie's demands. Hopefully this would put an end to Bobbie's ear-splitting shouting. With a dull look toward the she-cat, Slate grunted, "Next time, don't make a public spectacle out of your personal drama." Or something like that. It wasn't Bobbie's personal drama, as it was Stormy's, but she obviously cared enough about the situation to make it personal for her.

The lead warrior had been in his fair share of arguments with other cats, even in public, but they always cropped up whenever he least expected them to. That or, in the case of Silversmoke, they had been stumbled upon by their own clanmates. Slate hated others knowing his private matters as it was; he couldn't imagine having to sort it out right in the middle of camp. "Let him handle his own business. It's none of ours." Slate advises Bobbie with a rather curt undertone. The real question was: why was she speaking for this mystery she-cat? Could she not confront her former lover herself?

Ugh, love. Romance. Whatever it was. So complicated.

  • slatechibi.png
    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles

mottledove & 20 moons & female & she/her & skyclan perma-queen

When her past had come to haunt her, strutting his way into camp with a million questions on the tip of his tongue, she could not have predicted this. A simple conversation between two mothers, and this was the result. Heat flushes her cheeks, and yet - mottledove feels strangely happy, seeing bobbie stand up for her. It's utterly unnecessary, really, it's not as though Kiki expects anything from him. In fact, she wants to keep stormy as far from her own and her kits lives as possible, but there's no helping it. She's fairly certain that cheating, long before either of them had known this place isn't reason enough for blazestar to send him packing.

Movements are slow, missing limb hindering her and slowing her pace as the soft-furred she-cat pushes her way out of the nursery and towards the commotion, something hard in her pale eyes. There is no need for him to seek her out, because she will do it herself. "Bobbie - it's fine, thank you, but the past is the past," she hardly recognizes the words she's saying, but somehow they're still true. It hurts, but doesn't everything. "A tabby can't change it's stripes, so I don't... I don't expect anything from him," she says slowly, finally turning to look at the tom in question.

There is so much she could say - she could beg and plead for answers she'd once wanted, back when she was scared and hurt - he'd been the first cat she'd met in this strange world, back when all she'd known was the walls of her nest and garden. A princess in an ivory tower, foolishly lovesick. But that was before - before she'd seen what he'd really been like, before she'd been left at the shelter, abandoned. Before she'd spoken to a grey furred tom who'd spoken of rescue, and had pled for her life. And now he scolds bobbies actions - something that perhaps, she'd laugh at were circumstances different.

In all honesty, the words that leave her lips next are ones she hadn't planned - if only she could've gone on living in ignorant bliss only just a bit longer. "I- well, I'd hoped to never see you again, if I'm honest. Why couldn't you have just stayed away, with her?" voice is low, pained. But it hardly matters now, she thinks, with a shake of her head and mane. "Whatever. It- It- doesn't matter. You might be part of skyclan now Stormy - but I want you to stay away from my kits. You threw away one chance at responsibility - I refuse to give you another," It's certainly one way to drop such information onto a cat, but she can't find it within herself to really care.

Tail tip touches bobbies shoulder, a silent plea. She - she doesn't want to be here any longer, doesn't want her resolve to crumble any further. A bright smile, warm and gentle, the kind that leaves crinkles in her eyes is turned upon her friend - "We should go - Slate is right, what's done is done and there's no need to make such a fuss anymore, heaven forbid we scare the kits with our yelling," She'd made a promise when she'd decided to retain her position in the nursery even after her children's apprenticeship - she'll keep those under her care from harm, even of the emotional kind. There's no need for them (or anyone really) to bear witness to this mess.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a fluffy she-cat with a mane of fur and a mottled cinnamon tortie pattern. she is missing half her back left leg leaving her at a disadvantage in most things. mottledove is very quiet and withdrawn, a gentle soul. she and the kits she cares for adorn her pelt with flowers and 'paints' made of plants.

    physically extremely easy && mentally very hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#74a2a5]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

  • Sad
Reactions: DOEBLAZE
CW// Description of serious injury and light gore mention

Nearby, Dog, with his spotted white and cinnamon pelt, lay comfortably. Having recently joined the last hunting patrol and filled up with a heavy meal, he was now tuckered out. In these challenging times, moments of peace were a rarity. However, this tranquility was quickly disrupted by the sound of heated shouting.

Grumbling with annoyance, he rolled over, got up on all fours, and hastily headed toward the source of the commotion to figure out what was happening. Being rather close to the back of the blue tabby Dog paused behind him. Listening in with more attention to Bobbie and the new Skyclanner exchanging snarls.

Frustration pinched his forehead, contorting their scarred muzzle to a scowl. Immediately, his hackles raised as the lilac she-cat slapped Stormy. Instinctively he stepped forward, intending to pull the former Windclanner back, but Slate's growl broke their concentration. Halting in place, he was easily swayed to abandon their pursuit. Suppressing the surging emotions he sat back on poised haunches.

They're part of Skyclan now. I shouldn't escalate this further. Yet, the arrival of a familiar feline changed their perspective. The onslaught of heartbreak and fury in her meows was palpable. Dog easily pieced together the current scenario, and his brows furrowed further. That's what Bobbie meant! Anger surged through him, intensifying his earlier frustration.

Stepping around Stormy, he walked toward Mottledove. "This isn't worth the trouble. Come on, Bobbie." Empathy bled through his softened tone when addressing the she-cat. He stared at the ground for a moment before turning back to face him. Struggling to contain his pent-up frustration and growing anger, Dog bit the bottom of his own lip.

He barely managed to muster a small look of understanding in the direction of Slate. The other tom was a grumpy character, but in this case, he was completely right. Still, Dog's body burned with distrust and fury. Similarly, his own father had abandoned him and his mother, leaving them stranded to fend for themselves. It felt dishonest to his mother's memory not to offer assistance. Usually, he was a bystander willing to hear both sides, but circumstances like these he personally deemed unforgivable.

With an easy gait the bedraggled tabby positioned himself on the opposite side of the molly's own dappled pelt. Dog flattened his torn ear, and fixed an icy glare on the ashen tom. "If I were you, I'd make haste to respect her wishes and do as you said - by going away." He uttered each syllable as if they were hard, gnarled stones, low growls rumbling in his words. It wasn't entirely their place to speak, but staying silent also didn't feel right. Sure, Stormy had the right to stay in Skyclan, but he hoped the other had enough couth to leave Mottledove's site.

His front paws even twitched with the desire to unsheathe and dig into the ground below. Dog's own complexion hardened, marked by scars from days of guarding and territory spats, were evident. Most notably the empty socket where his eye once rested. They didn't fear this scrappy tom before them, and he wouldn't allow a stranger to disrupt the peace any further, even if Bobbie had initiated the conflict. Deep down he believed she had the right. Despite not knowing all the finer details, they understood and related to her anger.

Mottledove, on the other paw, was a fellow clanmate he had seen from afar many times since joining. They had admired her determination to build a life in spite of the unfair circumstances, which reminded him of his own hardships growing up in a dank alley.

Both of them were in the process of improving themselves, which convinced him not to escalate the situation further, but also make the hard choice to not stay neutral. Respecting both Mottledove and Slate's wishes, he would instead stand protectively beside her and offer any necessary support.

They stand next to Mottledove and offer their support by warning Stormy and assisting in calming Bobbie down. He respects Slate for being honest and offering solid advice but doesn't fully agree with him. Dog still does his best to remain civil and not stir up a fight despite wanting to also smack Stormy.

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Right. They were in the middle of camp. A busy place with many cats, meaning multiple ears were able to hear what was going along with multiple eyes to see that he had gotten shoved and slapped. A burly black tom is his savior. A disinterested one, but a savior nonetheless. Although he would argue that his savior was mistaken about this being Bobbie's personal drama. Psh, as if this is hers. I don't even know her. At least I know there's some cat I can turn to when things are like this. Never did he want his personal business to be heard by everyone. However, it was too late for that now. Everyone would know and for those who didn't, well in time. There had to be gossipers around here like any other place. Stormy finds himself nodding at Slate's words of letting him handle his own business, because as the black tom said, it's none of their business. Hear that? This wasn't your place.

Before he can even hiss his own agreement and tell the she-cat off, he is met with his past. Still as beautiful as ever. At that thought he can't help but grimace, which can be mistaken for him loathing her mere presence. Amber eyes glance towards the newly dubbed Bobbie. So that's your name. He returns his glance towards Chiara. There is no evidence of him being offended or even saddened by the fact that she says there is nothing she expects of him. The only thing that changes is that the grimace he wore is now replaced with a small smile, as if he had done nothing wrong. Perhaps, someone might want to slap the smile off his face.

Even when she brings up Ronnie and how he should have just stayed away with her, the smile doesn't falter. It does falter for a second when he's given news that she had kits. The implication is that he was a father. Y-you?! You were expecting? No that can't be right, I left before that. No, it's not possible. But I never came back to check. He has to refrain himself from biting his tongue from stress, instead focusing his efforts in seeming unbothered by this information or that Chiara is making it clear she doesn't want anything to do with him. Their past is in the past.

What he doesn't expect is another tom to join in on his business. Cats, at this point why not let this be a whole clan discussion? Don't cats know when to stick their noses out of other's business? Stormy merely rolls his eyes when this tom starts off with something useless. It wasn't worth the trouble for you to come here and insert yourself in the first place. The nerve of this tom. To make matters worse, this tom has the gall to order him around. He can't help but laugh at them, "So angry, Yeesh. You aren't me, and if you were then it would be obvious why I wouldn't go away. Chiara said to stay away from her kits, not that I couldn't be here. Will it make you happy if I pretended she didn't exist? Avoid her at every turn? Because I'm not leaving soon. I said I'll prove myself in a moon and that's what I intend to do." And that's a promise. I have no interest in talking more to dirt. With a smile, he turns his head towards Slate, not waiting for Dog to answer.

"Thanks. I would've preferred for this not to be a public spectacle, but.." He glances towards Bobbie. "Others who have no business in these affairs decided that it was their own personal problem." Each syllable was uttered as if laced with venom. Without a doubt Bobbie would know he was unhappy with her and how she decided to handle his personal affairs. Key word. His. His personal affairs. To add insult to injury he would roll his eyes towards Bobbie before returning his attention to Slate. "Sorry about this mess. Hopefully, we can settle it quickly." Evidently, he wanted this to be over already. You would think he cared about saving his reputation, but the fact of the matter is he was more concerned about getting Bobbie and the other tom by Chiara's side off his back. Can't even eat in peace, Geez. What? Am I gonna have to keep one eye open while sleeping now?

With a sigh, he gives his attention to Chiara. Listening to her words. There is a lot between them, yet there is also nothing. Once upon a time ago the two were mates. Happy they were together. It's difficult to look at her, knowing his role in all this. Bobbie is right about him being despicable, which he hadn't refuted. Despite his demeanor he is aware of his faults. Well... After being forced to face them that is. He is a coward at heart when it comes to more vulnerable moments. That's why I... Amber eyes glance away from her.

She surprised him. Then again, who wouldn't be? Being told that you're a father who is not going to have any right to be involved in the children's lives. He had left before even knowing she was expecting. Had the circumstances been different he would have congratulated her. To be honest he didn't know how to feel about knowing in this clan his kids were roaming around. They weren't his, but you know what he meant. He'd never thought of himself being a father nor did he ever expect to end in a situation like this. Those kits are strangers to me. I can't force myself to feel love for strangers. I don't even know their names or faces. They might try to make me feel bad about it, but I don't feel bad at all. They're not mine, after all.

He hasn't said a word to her. Not a single word while she had given him a piece of her mind. Needless to say, she's changed from the she-cat he met long ago. "I'm sorry Chiara." There is no hint of annoyance, he is being genuine about it. He is keenly aware that this apology doesn't mean much. He doesn't expect her to fling herself at him and forgive him for everything that happened. "If you ever want to talk in private about things, let me know and we'll talk. That is, if you want. I'll keep my distance while I'm here, and try to keep away from your kits." There was one problem. For future Stormy that is. Future Stormy has no idea what her kits are even called in order to avoid them.

With that, he looks at the others besides the black tom. "Are we done now?"

✿—— "yes, you!" she hisses in reply to his dumbfounded words, paw falling away from her slap to plant itself on the earth. fury is white-hot in her veins and she gives little thought to the fact that they're in the middle of camp as he shakes his head and sighs, which does little to dissipate her rage. it feels condescending, even if that's likely not his intention, and though she shakes her head, she longs to strike him once more. finally bobbie exhales slowly, trying to temper her fury, and speaks in a tone stretched thin with anger, "i don't care whether she wants to see you or not. for all i care, she'd do well to - to hit you as you say it."

slate's arrival does little to soothe her and she aims a hardened glare at the big tom. again she feels spoken down to and the tabby bristles, venom lurking behind her teeth—slate seems to be nothing if not a free agent and to her he has no right to speak on this. mottledove's presence makes her soften, though, recall that in the end this is mottledove's ex-lover and past, not her own - that she's allowing rage for a different tom to superimpose itself upon stormy is a thought she refuses to entertain. the tabby sighs, trying to get herself on an even keel again, and looks towards the mottled queen with a slow exhale, "it's your decision, mottledove. i'm sorry to have made a fuss, i just—."

she falls silent, unable to explain the rage that had overtaken any sense of reason or sympathy that usually guides her paws. part of it is stormy's specific crime—leaving his mate and kits behind, for another she-cat no less, is something that leaves a bitter taste in her mouth. another part of it is the feeling that - that she's being treated as something delicate, breakable, words of slate and stormy oozing condescension. it's something she's tired of, being treated like some soft-pawed thing that will dissolve, something that must be protected. a deep inhale and bobbie does her best to soothe her anger, levelling a kinder gaze onto dog as he arrives. he's a more sympathetic character, standing by mottledove's side in a way she respects—and makes her sorry for dragging the other she-cat's personal life out into the open like this.

"you're right - it's not worth the trouble. i'll leave you and slate to it, then-" she mews, tone bursting with thinly veiled displeasure. stormy addresses slate more than he speaks to her or the she-cat he'd wronged, and she can feel hot anger spreading through her chest again. that scumbag can't even talk to her directly and it makes her tail lash with frustration - she is not a child. she does not want to be talked down to like this. she inhales, fighting the urge to hit him again, and growls, "-since clearly you two are just alike."

"i'm sorry, mottledove," she directs the softer apology to the mottled queen, then storms away before someone can stop her.


  • ooc: out! ty all for making this a fun thread >:3
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

Last edited:
It had not been too long ago that Aspenpaw was shoved into the medicine den to heal from yellowcough, and due to this it took him a little more time than usual to get ready to try to go out for the day. His breathing had gotten better, but too much movement too quickly had winded him the past few days, and although it was getting better, he wasn't quite perfect yet - but he couldn't wait for the cure to do it's work. When he had eaten the nasty plant, the young tom had expected to be good to go immediately, but instead it was taking weeks, and he was bored and annoyed. He finally got to be an apprentice but he was now behind.

An intake of breath happened as he heard yelling, eyes widening in alarm as Bobbie rushed forward to yell at the new cat that had joined only recently. Due to her yelling others had gotten involved, and Aspenpaw watched in stunned silence as everything unfolded before him. Flopped ears pinned back as he looked between the five - now four, as bobbie had stormed off - in front of him, maw opening and closing for a little bit before puzzle pieces began to slide into place. "Momma?" He quietly mewled out, moving forward towards Mottledove, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat. "What was Bobbie talking about? Who is he? Why's he calling you that weird name?" A cat older than him with more experience in life likely would have put the pieces together quicker - especially with how much Aspen looked like his father.

... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ...
CW ; mentions of graphic physical harm or intent to harm

If he were any other type of cat, Dog would've gutted him from nose to tail for that grimace. Their claws decided to join the fray by digging deep within the dirt below to satiate his desires. The nonchalant behavior grew old fast, and all he saw before him was what he had guessed from the beginning: a waste of space. A part of him hoped he hadn't exuded an excess of douchebaggery of this caliber when joining Skyclan. The thought alone prickled his pelt with humiliation.

I'm above the moon that I will never be anything like you. They knew that pushing their own traumas onto a stranger was wrong, but the other tom's voice registered as snobby and only fueled their frustration. This didn't stop him from leaning forward, a silent dare for the other to get any closer. Unlike the jabber jaw riddled with excuses, he stayed silent, taking the pathetic smirk with a grain of sand and focusing on Bobbie.

Dog knew it was wrong to get into physical altercations with clanmates, which is why he did not voice support for Bobbie's response. Still, a part of him would praise her for it. Standing up for others took a lot of gusto and he himself often fell flat on.

Her lashing tail and gritted teeth were fearsome, but the hurt for her friend seemed as plain as day. Usually, the lilac she-cat was far more reserved, which is why it was hard not to take her side. They were pleased to hear her agreement but surprised by the venom she bared at Slate. Dog didn't expect that response, and even less so her sudden absence. A small part of them wished she hadn't left, but he understood why easily. Quietly, they watched her sulk away before fixing their cool blue eye back on the ashen cat.

Refraining from forming a frown as Stormy snidely soaked in the preconceived 'acceptance' of Slate, Dog cast the older cat an exasperated look, hoping the other had no intention of siding with them. He strongly doubted it, but the thought alone miffed him.

When Stormy addresses Mottledove by their old name, all he feels is emptiness. Even with the tom's genuine tone, it appeared like cheap tricks, similar to those of his own father's. Still, a small part of him truly didn't know the depths of it, and so he stayed impartial. Even as his inside voice begged to have a piece.

Happy to be at the end of the other's spiel, they clicked their tongue in dismay. "Unfortunately, I agree. It is best to end—" Their indifferent response was cut short by paw steps. Dog effectively swallowed his tongue as he heard the soft voice of Aspenpaw. Tension bolstered in the air like the smoke from the Twoleg place, and his shoulders stiffened.

Shit. This was exactly what Mottledove had been trying to avoid. Sticking firmly in place, he threw out another nasty glare before pushing away his menacing thoughts and giving the younger cat a kind look. Dog knew his place at that moment was not to speak. This was not his child, and Mottledove had every right to steer the following conversations in whichever direction she desired.

For now, he would act as a physical barrier and as planned - offer support. Mediation wasn't his forte but if playing nice was all it would take then he could do that.

  • ooc ; fixed the mobile post! thank you for the patience <3
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 27 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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