border even brighter than the moon || mentor & apprentice

〕It was the morning after the meeting. It was still early in the morning, but the pair had a lot of ground to cover today. The deputy cast a glance to her side, making sure her nervous new apprentice was able to keep up. "We're almost there." she reassured with a warm smile. "The first border we are visiting today is with Skyclan." A few moments later, they reached the invisible barrier between the two clans. "Orangestar is the leader of Skyclan and Cherryblossom is their deputy. They have two medicine cats, Dawnglare and Fireflyglow." Skyclan was the friendliest of the three other borders they would be going to. When they had departed, she had wondered if they would run into any of their warriors this early in the morning, but as their scent began to grow stronger her uncertainty wavered. "There is a patrol coming now...I want you to remember their scent." she flicked her tail to touch Merlinpaw's shoulder. "We can stay and chat for a little bit, but not for too long."

  • ooc. @MERLINKIT
  • FLAMEWHISKER —— deputy of thunderclan , mentoring none . storm x lily . littermate to nala, smokey, and nemo ✦ penned by icey !
    afab / she/her / 35 moons & ages every 20ᵗʰ
    widowed / heterosexual / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— difficult in battle

    speech”, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 74170852_bklpiIOmSWVpAVE.png

    a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. flamewhisker's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamewhisker's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury.

A whole day had passed since the meeting, and yet it had not alleviated the stress that blanketed Merlinkit - no, Merlinpaw, now. As the molly padded alongside her mentor (and the deputy, no less), she felt how the foliage crackled in protest underneath her feet, as though even the earth disdained her enough to make a show of it. Ears folded at the sides of her skull, she didn't know her footfall would be this loud... The greenleaf morning shone gentle upon the blue tortoiseshell's pelt, as though the day had broken through the levee of night, seeping even through the pelt and the skin. New tangles of scents culminated around her nostrils, as her snout twitched in anticipation, though she knew that a trail hardly had an easy end. It's beautiful out here, though... Merlinpaw thought, the sentence floating tender above the singsong commotion of the rest of her head. This was the newly-made apprentice's first time outside of Thunderclan's camp, and her nervousness had plastered itself plain upon her face, like the uncertainty of the antemeridian stirred upon still-downy cheeks and wide gemstone eyes. a young and fresh light to take hold of her. Even as Flamewhisker flicked her tail upon her shoulder as a show of reassurance, Merlinpaw still shivered as though the wintry season had besieged her, chills rustling down her spine at the mere thought of meeting those from other clans. "O-Orangestar 'n C-Cherryblossom... Dawng-glare 'n Fireflyglow..." She recited in quiet intonation to herself, just in case one of the Skyclan cats spontaneously quizzed her on the names of their high ranks.

Leaping off the nettle-laden earth, rotten wood under his paws makes a dull thud as he lands on a fallen log riddled with termite hollows. He stretches his forelimbs with unfurled nails and gives it a few scratches, snagging a few times on the juts as he peers toward the Thunderclan border where movement catches his eye. " Thunderclan patrol… " he announces, meow a low rumble from a scarred throat.

A familiar flame tabby pelt, Flamewhisker, and in tow a small blue tortoiseshell. The same age as he own apprentice, he’d wager. Thistleback’s muscled shoulders ache under his hackles as he steps off the log to lead his own apprentice over " This is Flamewhisker, she’s the deputy of Thunderclan. you were at the gathering, did you notice her with the other deputies? " he speaks in a firm tone to Teeveepaw but turns to the pair with a respectful dip of his chin.

His usual stony scowl pressed to his white maw, lips drawn tight and eyes colorless and cold. It all shifts into a soft smirk and nod of greeting as he looks down to Merlinpaw. Like the typical father and even grandfather that he was, a certain soft spot in his blackened heart for the youth rears its head in this moment. " It’s a big world, isn’t it? So much to do, so much to learn. " he speaks gently, " but it always flies by too quickly. " he mutters, heart panging with the sudden memory of Snowpath. Nobody should have to outlive their apprentice, it’s a cruel stitch sewn into his life. Silvery eyes flitting up to Flamewhisker, " I pray Thunderclan is well. This newleaf heat is getting a bit… unkind " he follows with diplomatic pleasantry.

  • — apprentice tag @Teeveepaw.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningsun and Scorpionpaw
    — mentoring Teeveepaw formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
Followin’ Thistleback, Duskpool jerked his helm toward Flamewhisker, familiarity dancin’ within molten hues at the sight of another Journey cat, though long grown stale since then. “That there is Flamewhisker; their deputy.” He muttered to Crochet, wooly plumage sweepin’ toward the mentor-apprentice duo. “Howlin’star is their leader, just like Orangestar and Linchenstar.” He tacked on after a pregnant pause, breath comin’ in languid huffs.

“ThunderClan got nothin’ but dense forest, nothin’ like our own, but remember to familiarize yerself with their scent.” Incase they decide on trespassin’ again. He thought darkly, molten gaze narrowin’ a fraction till he pulled his attention away, helm tiltin’ toward the SkyClan’s side of the border. “Why don’t ya mark the border while we’re here?” He muttered, scarred obsidian lips curled into a familiar scowl, expression carefully masked to somethin’ diplomatic, decidin’ that Thistleback’s question was good enough pleasantry, not before dippin’ his helm in Merlinpaw’s direction.

thought speech
〕Two familiar faces padded out into the open, followed by apprentice's of their own. She blinked in surprise as the first cat to greet them was Thistleback, a face she hadn't seen in many moons. The second was Duskpool, one of the Journey cats. She smiled genuinely at them both, dipping her head in greeting. "It is good to see you both." she began before glancing to Merlinpaw. The blue tortoiseshell was shivering beside her, and Flamewhisker blinked sympathetically. "It's alright.." her voice was quiet, an attempt to be reassuring, but she wasn't sure if it would help. "This is Thistleback, and Duskpool. You remember Duskpool from the stories from the journey?"

"We are fairing well. The heat has been dreadful, but we all know what comes after green leaf...I would take heat over hungry bellies any day. How is Skyclan?" They were several moons into green leaf already, so that meant leaf fall would be coming soon. She had spent most of green leaf in the nursery, so she wasn't ready to go back into leafbare so soon after returning to her duties once more. She waited a few moments to give the tom some time to reply, before glancing down to her apprentice. "Well, we should probably be getting on our way. We've got a lot more walking to do. Are you ready, Merlinpaw?"

  • ooc.
  • FLAMEWHISKER —— deputy of thunderclan , mentoring none . storm x lily . littermate to nala, smokey, and nemo ✦ penned by icey !
    afab / she/her / 35 moons & ages every 20ᵗʰ
    widowed / heterosexual / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— difficult in battle

    speech”, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 74170852_bklpiIOmSWVpAVE.png

    a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. flamewhisker's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamewhisker's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury.