private EVEN IF SHE LIKES THE WAY YOU DANCE | big-game hunting

Dec 21, 2023

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Tigerpaw was a cat that Badgerstripe couldn't really turn away. She was kind, and caring, and empathetic - everything Badgerstripe was not these days. In the face of everything, after all this loss, she still seemed the same old beacon of light she always was.

Badgerstripe couldn't turn her down when she offered to go hunting. A hunting trip, just the two of them - though she supposed she wouldn't be opposed to other cats coming along. She was in no position to deny the company of others, as hard as she would try - as if she could become even more untrustworthy to her Clanmates, it still would do no good to separate herself fully. So, the two embarked out into the territory, and Badgerstripe gave little acknowledgement to anyone else who wandered with.

Newleaf's bounties shone through every leaf, amongst every frond of grass. Birdsong rang out overhead as sunlight trickled through the canopy, and the pawsteps of rodents could be felt every which way in vibrations through the ground. But measly mice and shrews were not exactly what Badgerstripe was looking for - she had hoped to bring home something noteworthy for the new kittens, to show that she was more than just the foolish kit everyone now thought she was.

Between all the chirps and coo's of birds, Badgerstripe heard a sound she's never quite heard before, at least not in recent memory. Somewhere in the forest was an echoing chrk, chrk, chrk, a sharp crowing noise that felt grating to her ears, yet equally intriguing. Upon hearing this, Badgerstripe paused in her tracks, letting her ears swivel in each direction as she tried to discern where it was coming from. "What.. is that?" she whispered, giving Tigerpaw an uncertain glance.

Sensing her companion was none the wiser of this strange new noise, Badgerstripe ventured onward, though notably more conscious of her surroundings. As the noise grew louder, the warrior's stance became lower and her pawsteps more silenced, delicately placing each step between twigs and dead leaves. When the crowing stopped is when she finally caught a glimpse of her target - a shock of a creature, it was. A grounded bird would be an easy meal for anyone, but this was no finch or robin - this bird - if she could compare it to her usual prey - was easily the size of an apprentice. It was various beautiful shades of russet with a striking blue head and a large, red eye.

"Tigerpaw! Look," came another whisper from Badgerstripe, urgent yet wary. The strange bird, quiet for a moment to gauge its surroundings, began its occasional calls once more. Each raking call sent a shudder down her spine. After a swift nudge to her friend's shoulder, Badgerstripe hunkered down and remained still as stone, watching the bird's every move. Whatever this thing was, her mind was already made. "How do we go about this?" she whispered. They could leap at once and overwhelm it, but there was no telling how dangerous this thing could be. Stars, she didn't even know if it could fly. "What if.. what if we circle it, and come across on opposite sides?" If they were swift enough, it might not escape then. Badgerstripe passed Tigerpaw another expectant look, searching her expression.

  • ooc - this is private for now with @tigerpaw. ! it will open once they catch the pheasant :)
  • badger.png
  • Badgerstripe she/her, warrior of thunderclan, 12 moons.
    a long-furred blue tortoiseshell with a notable black dorsal stripe and green eyes.
    formerly mentored by burnstorm
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.