private Even if the sky is falling down // WhitePaw

Apr 27, 2023
An odd exhaustion never left as Sootstar reprimanded him and WeaselClaw outcasted him to the nursery, damned for two moons with loud kits and barely any room for growth. He was getting bigger, rather gaining a muscle mass, but still keeping a smaller form than his age. He was a moor runner, as he seemed to take after his father a lot more then not. But, he still did not look as big as the other Moor Runner apprentices.

He was the runt, after all. Maybe that's why he tried so hard for the attention. His parents didn't give him any, that's for sure. They'll come around, he tried to confide in himself, his gaze casting over familiar white flowers.

A laughing stock. Though, he did wonder if she took care of it, kept it. Doubtful with how Adderpaw, her best friend, and Snakepaw, her cousin, had reacted. She was just trying to be nice.

Flirting with the enemies cousin, he could laugh at himself. He had seen their reactions, dipped his head and left. Defeated in his emotions, physically by SnakePaw, and more in general. He would have to try harder then ever to impress.

The rosetted boy would continue walking past the flowers, before spotting WhitePaw, the very molly he was thinking about.

How, coincidental.

"Hey, WhitePaw," he said, his ears flattening and looking around. She, seemed alone, and maybe now they could actually speak? Though, if she told him to go away, he probably would with just that.
The petite tunneler had been humming to herself, gathering moss through squinted eyes as she had been assigned to do. Hearing pawsteps, and a familiar voice call her name, made her pause and she looked over, blinking softly. "Oh, Hi Milkpaw." She greeted back with a soft smile. "How are you?" She had known the tom was punished to the nursery, assigned to help the queens. Though with her own training, she often didn't see the rosette moor runner. Actually, the last time they spoke was the time he gave her those flowers right? Though admittedly, the reactions of Adderpaw and others had confused her. But she chose not to question it too much.