pafp EVER-CHANGING — mealtime

  • // please wait for @bobbie !!
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    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan, mentoring eveningpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
The sun begins to set on SkyClan's camp, bringing its full-time warriors home for the night. The dusk patrols have left, likely due to reach their respective borders soon. Likewise, the daylight warriors' patrol is about to leave, clustering around the entrance to camp and chattering away to varying degrees. Relieved of her duty for the time being, Orangeblossom finds herself in the company of Bobbie (unusual to find her detached from Blazestar's side nowadays, but he's in eyeshot) and a pleasantly plump sparrow for the season.

"Oh." The deputy blinks at her dining companion, slightly taken aback by the question she's been faced with. Bobbie blinks back at her, maybe slightly sheepish at having asked how Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw have been, and the sunkissed she-cat breaks eye contact to briefly glance towards a familiar grey pelt elsewhere in camp. Ashenclaw is chatting to another of their Clanmates, relaxed as ever now that they're all home in one piece. She looks back towards Bobbie, whiskers twitching.

"We aren't mates anymore. Nothing bad," she shrugs, "it just wasn't working. Why?"


ashenclaw is a vague shape around the edges of camp, at least to bobbie. while she might tentatively consider orangeblossom an acquaintance, though she'd never be so bold as to say friend (much as she might like to), she is less familiar with her former mate. the question had been brought on by the distinct absence of his shape at orangeblossom's side—when they'd both been queens, so many moons ago, he'd been a frequent presence. the warrior had appeared with prey and news for his mate, and occasionally for bobbie, a friendly face that had been very much welcome at the time.

"oh—oh, i'm sorry." bobbie's tone is honest and colored with her own experience. at least the autumn-backed she-cat and her former mate had separated amicably, in contrast to her own, and bobbie doesn't begrudge ashenclaw for it. it would be in poor taste to take sides when they're just better off separated, and bobbie's rarely given to gossip and drama as it is. olivine eyes trail orangeblossom's towards chatting ashenclaw, and then they flick to her own new mate, somewhere in camp tending to one thing or another.

"you just hadn't mentioned him in a while," the warrior admits plainly, trying to avoid sounding rude. bobbie shrugs, ears warmed with slight sheepishness at how forward she'd been with her question. "i'm sorry it wasn't working, though. but if you two are better off separate, it makes sense."


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    bobbie ; lead warrior of skyclan
    x. she/her ; 42 moons ; tags
    x. small, scarred lilac tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    x. mother to lupinepaw, crowpaw, and drowsypaw. mate to blazestar.

Dogbite ambled into camp, the weight of the day hanging on their shoulders like a heavy mantle. A brisk shake dispersed some of the tension, and he found himself drawn to the familiar faces in the clearing. Observing Orangeblossom and Bobbie engaged in what seemed like an important conversation. The duo's active body language and animated discussion caught his attention, and he contemplated joining them. Yet Dogbite hesitated, not wanting to intrude. Walking towards the pile, the desire to interact only burdened them more. Well...

After all, a break from the rigors of training Littlepaw could be a welcome relief. Nightfall was approaching and the aroma of food was a welcome respite. The past training sessions had been mentally taxing, trying to navigate through the complexities of instruction with his apprentice. Thankfully, the youth was eager and showed ample promise in being a strong warrior. Still, there was much to be taught and even more for them both to learn.

Deciding to seize the opportunity for a pleasant meal break, they scooped up a squirrel. With purposeful strides, he approached Orangeblossom and Bobbie, dropping the squirrel near them. They settled on the ground, a casual posture that masked the underlying thoughtfulness in his eyes. With a small smile, Dogbite nodded politely, tattered ears flicking with curiosity. "Hello, what are you both up to today?" They inquired, blissfully unaware of the undertones of the conversation he had inadvertently stumbled upon. The scarred warrior's focus remained on the enjoyable prospect of sharing a meal with friends, the intricacies of their discussion lost on him.

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    ✧ 29 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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While grinding jagged molars against a saliva-slicked bone of a crow, the former rogue's mangled ears prick up as muddled voices from nearby suddenly dart to the forefront of his attention. Something about Ashenclaw, something about mates. Slate's pupils narrow as Bobbie and Orangeblossom converse casually across the way from him. The very name of the deputy's former lover invokes a weighted feeling within him, one that Slate could not quite put a name to. Why does Ashenclaw, even the mention of his name, bother him so much? The gray tabby tom had always been nothing but decent to him from the moment he had arrived in SkyClan; he was someone that most cats liked. Maybe that is what bothered him ( not that Slate would never admit to it ).

It was truly none of his business; Slate never enjoyed the idea of discussing the romantic lives of his clanmates, simply because none of it mattered to him. So, why does this conversation intrigue him?

"It just wasn't working." She says, having mentioned something similar to him while on the journey, though it was a bit surprising to hear her discuss it so openly with a clanmate, especially in camp where conversations were seldom private. So many different feelings desperately attempt to claw their way to the surface, to make themselves feel heard, yet Slate battles with them to try and keep them suppressed. Ashenclaw was a nice tom, and Orangeblossom had been so happy with him at one point. They even had a family together. So, why can't he bring himself to feel too sorry for his friend's situation?

An indescribable urge to listen further compels the massive tom to hang around. Eyes glue to the bone before him, determined to paint the illusion that he was focusing on personal enrichment rather than eavesdropping.

    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles