camp EVER SO SLIGHTLY // return with kits // DAILY AND NIGHTLY

// takes place immediately after this thread
No need to wait for those tags, these are just who she has with her @HAILSTORM. @FRECKLEFLAME @FALLOWPAW @doepaw ࿔ @antlerpaw! @FAWN @elkpaw
These two are also free to come back after chasing off baying hound @Flamewhisker @ROEFLAME .

Adrenaline pumps through her veins as she hurries back to camp, one of the injured kits at her shoulder in case she needs any help. Her thoughts race, knowing Berryheart is sick, and Hailstorm is only half-trained. He can handle this. He can. Her hope burns bright as she pushes through the bramble entrance and into the ravine, eyes falling upon the frazzled group that spills into the camp. "You will all be safe here," She tells them, turning to all five of the young cats, but her eyes linger for a moment on Fallowpaw. Something unreadable swims in the leader's gaze as she observes the runaway. Silently, she wonders...will she run again? Can she be trusted to stay this time? For now, she remains silent...for her sisters need help.

"Hailstorm will show you both to the den where you'll get those scratches looked at," The older woman tells Antler and Doe, something maternal in her tone. Her gaze softens as she looks at them. The poor things, attacked by their own mother, the one cat who is supposed to keep them safe and protect them. How cruel this world could be at times. She's just glad they're here now, where they'll be tended to and looked after until they're healed. "My name is Howlingstar. You can trust me, and everyone within these walls. I know that must be hard to believe right now, but we will help you."
When Skyclaw had found her while she'd been out on her hunt and told her Fallowpaw had returned, she could hardly believe it! Her apprentice was actually back? She'd raced back to camp as swiftly as her small paws would carry her, bursting through the entrance expecting to see the mahogany pelt of her charge. But she'd been nowhere to be found - apparently, she was to be brought back here by the leader and others. There had been some drama or something at the border, from what she'd picked up, so she was left to her own devices, pacing the length of camp until rustling catches her attention.

Her head jerks towards the bramble entrance as Howlingstar helps a strange young cat into camp, followed by several others at the sides of clanmates, and- "Fallowpaw!" The lean warrior bounds towards her scuffed up apprentice and tackles her to the ground, her tail lashing wildly behind her. "Fallowpaw, where have you been? What in StarClan happened? Why did you leave? I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna ring your stupid neck!" Despite her harsh, cried words, she is holding her close and pressing her face close to her, unable to completely keep the tears from her eyes. I didn't fail her. She came back!


  • Nervous

I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — The mountain of fur assists one of the other kittens and lets them lean into his shoulder before nodding slowly in the direction of Howlingstar, he ushers for both Doe and Antler to follow him towards the medicine den before speaking "There are some nests here." He carefully guides them both to either nests hoping that the sudden newcomers within the medicine den wouldn't make his mentor stir from his nest and once both the mollies rest, his dark gaze examines them quietly trying to access the severity of their injuries that they had received from their own mother. His blood begins to boil at the very thought of Baying Hound, his jaw tightening, and he steps back with a sigh turning to the shelf where he kept the herbs "The both of you will be safe here. I can promise you that," Hailstorm speaks in a gentle, low voice as his large paw reaches for marigold and cobwebs being careful as he did so, "All of you." His paws may be on the path to heal but if he ever saw their rogue mother again, well, his teeth and claws would tear at her skin again if given the opportunity.

He approaches the pair of siblings once more knowing that their mother had raked her claws across their face "Do your eyes hurt?" Hailstorm needed to access if they had recieved any damage to their eyes and he takes a moment to chew the bright petal of marigold into a poultice, he only briefly winces at the bitter taste of the herb and waits for their answer patiently.

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    51 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed
The whole world is a kaleidoscope of shades of crimson... she knows, from the wild flares of pain that it is not just delusion, but a physical paint of her own blood. She stumbles over the unfamiliar terrain under-paw, the way it abruptly falls and raises with the roots of trees that sprawl around them hidden under a thick, chilling blanket of snow. There is warm presence larger than she is at her side to catch her every time and despite the barely suppressed sobs, she takes comfort in it. What colors had the coats of those strangers been? A pale, grayish tom... a dark tabby molly... There had been a few others... a brownish boy, probably not much younger than her. Commit them to memory, she tells herself, try to remember... focus.

Her paw catches again on a dip in the ground and she crumbles into Hailstorm for the umpteenth time, squeaking out a whiny, "I'm sorry." Fluffy ears swivel towards the sound of a soft voice, one she imagines could be what her own mother's had sounded like once... before Fallow had left, before they'd been big enough to talk back. It makes her stomach twist with homesickness for a place that doesn't exist.. for a rewind of time that can't be achieved. Safe... she promises... and only with Fallowpaw's living breaths in mind is it actually somewhat believable.

Until.. another molly speaks up, uttering that name again. Doe shrinks away out of instinct.. or fear... hears the sound of a scuffle along the ground. She turns to face it, growing dizzy at the way the colors shift in earth-toned browns and pinkish whites. There is a whirl of gray-blues mixing into the fray with a shouted threat- "I'll kill you! I'm gonna wring your stupid neck!" It'd be funny... if it weren't horribly timed... and a very terrifying possibility.

"D-don't you dare," she hisses, feeling the fur along her spine stand on end. If not for the fact she is very obviously shaking under her thick fur and half-blinded by her own blood, it might've made her look more threatening. She is coaxed, only barely, by the pressure of a burly pelt ushering her away and with a final, weak growl, she stumbles along under his ginger guidance and murmured promise that they would all be safe.

Slumping into the carefully crafted pile of moss and other generally comfortable things, Doe tucks her paws neatly under her chest and glances around fearfully, blinking to try to clear her vision but only encouraging tears where tender scratches burn with the effort. The fawn knows that the answer is important but it feels so strange to rely on a perfect stranger... everything was moving too quickly. Changing so abruptly. "Uhm... yeah... I can't..." she huffs, distressed to even be facing such a reality at the paws of Mama, "It's hard to see... Am I gonna die? This feels like dying..." A dramatization of someone lacking any real experience in life or the pain related to cruel reality but what else was there to compare it to?​
A real surprise, to see five whole strange cats padding into camp after their leader. Four of them unfamiliar, one of them, thought gone... Wolfwind finds herself aimless for a moment, sole eye dredging across the cats present. She didn't have time to be aimless anymore, though. Not really, " What's all this? What happened? " with urgency, but no hostility, she asks. These were no intruders— they were young, injured things. Her eyes would flicker to her friends amongst the group for answers. Freckleflame, then Roeflame and Flamewhisker. Hailstorm guides them all with ease, letting his oversized butt be a guiding force for the injured.

Stormywing rushes over the way a mentor ought to. I'm gonna kill you, less so. " Looks like someone tried pretty hard, already, " she observes with a frown, and then, when one of the strangers begins to bristle; Wolfwind would reach to save her from a potential pair of claws her way ( once they were less bloody, anyhow... ) " She doesn't mean it. " Of course now, with how she was all over Fallowpaw... Oh, Fallowpaw; what had happened to her?

" Who did this? They gone? I can go double check. Triple, " Wolfwind presses, as if she hasn't been trippin' over roots since she left her eye rollin' out into the snow. What had she been doing, meanwhile? Gettin' lost in the woods? There had to be more to be done. There was always more to be done. She wonders, if Berryheart hadn't kept her in that den for so long— but then, she best shut her trap while the tom is lyin' sick in his nest.

The warrior would toe after Hailstorm. The ability to heal— StarClan had spared her a different kind. " Let me know if I can help any. " And she'd linger by; hover in a way the at sorta said, please tell me there's somethin', but in reality she knew there was likely nothin'.

An ear flicks at the words from the stranger, and sympathy takes her wholly; her own thoughts echoed. Am I gonna die?. Wolfwind had thought that, and then she had lived; and then she had died, part of her left to rot along with that damned eye.

Wolfwind would open her mouth to answer, but whatever she had to say, probably... wasn't the right thing. Her eye swells with sympathy, though; and were the stranger to look, they would surely see it. Presumably a nuisance, then, if Hailstorm had nothing for her— she would slink back into the main fray.
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ black lips curled in distaste as strange scents flooded camp. it was strange, the moment something new was introduced it was the only thing coating her throat. even the familiar tang of blood was powerless in snuffing it out.

nightbird's gaze was rough as it raked across the outsiders trailing behind howlingstar. she only recognized one of the children, fallowpaw's return would be regarded warmly. stormywing proved that when she launched across camp to tackle her apprentice. the lead warrior's gaze sliced over to the fawn furred child who bristled at the exchange, issuing a warning that her trembling frame betrayed.

'the both of you will be safe here... all of you.' hailstorm's promise had her tail twitching, annoyed. of course they would be staying in their camp, getting mended by their herbs and feeding from their prey. if they were the same age as fallowpaw, which they looked to be, these stray kits would be swept into their clan without a second thought. even in leafbare when they struggled to bring home enough to sustain the warriors through their next hunt, howlingstar's kindness and hospitality for any young soul that wound up on their territory did not falter.

methodically, her silver gaze ticked from one brown furred mouth to feed to the next. unlike wolfwind, she would not be extending her help vocally. she could offer palepaw to busy her paws making nests for these additions, but stringing together moss was a task for less promising paws. instead, nightbird glanced for the molly, tail curling to beckon her before turning over her shoulder to exit. they would be hungry once the adrenaline from their fight wore, and the freshkill pile was looking bleak.
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 29 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to palepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
. ° ✦ When Bravepaw rushed into camp beside them he did not fall into the same pattern as his Clanmates in hurrying them into an accepting embrace and showing them their new dens, nests and Clanmates. Bravepaw had something to prove, that he was right to give his prayers for his friend and how they would answer his kindness. Wildheart, Raccoonstripe, they had to understand! Perhaps they would after this.

His gaze fell on a blue smoky pelt and he rushed to bring the joyful news to his father. "BATWING!! I fought a rogue! I fought the mean rogue that was hurting Fallowpaw and her uh, her littermates! Isn't that awesome?" His friend was back! And she had brought with her even more friends to make.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: — interacting w/ @batwing
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to develop curls. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Gradually growing into his ears.

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

Lean muscles would be burning by the time Roeflame would spill from the camps entrance alongside Flamewhisker, only soothed by bittersweet triumph.
There was no true victory in what she and Flamewhisker had just accomplished, and before the two would approach Howlingstar, Roeflame would pause. Optics steady on the group of terrified kits sat in the center of her clanmates confusion and clamor, before her pupils would flicker towards Flamewhisker with a melancholy glint.
Despite her own conflictive stir, they had to push forward and face their leader.
"She’s gone. I can’t say this will be the last we ever see of her, however." Lowly, she speaks into Howlingstars ear, warily glancing towards where Stormywing and Fallowpaw reunited, where Hailstorm ushered their injured siblings into his den.
"Is Foxpaw here?"
The question is spoken more openly as the tabby takes a step back to scan the clearing for her fiery apprentice. Lightpaw hadn’t been present, and the lead warrior could only assume her more reasonable apprentice was stirring in the apprentices den. Foxpaw however, had seemed all too eager to join in on the havoc.


.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
He was alerted to the new smell in camp, just as Nightbird had been. But where the new scent laid, blood carried the undertow. He pushed himself free of the warrior's den, having been grooming himself in the dim and warm. His ears flattened, staring out at the scene before him. Two children with wounds- and as their heads turned every which way, he sucked a breath in. His fur was nearly standing on end.

His chest heaved as he slowly stepped out in the snow, staggering towards his son. Eyes searched the younger's body swiftly. "Bravepaw. You hurt anywhere? That was dangerous." Batwing was speaking in slow sentences, brushing his son's fur back with a paw. He wouldn't lie if he was asked directly- Batwing was checking his eyes. Whoever this rogue was seemed to have had a taste for that kind of mauling. He couldn't bear to see it happen to his own son.

His ears flattened, looking up towards Howlingstar, then further past to Hailstorm. His twitched his ear, making note that Tigerpaw and himself would have to be hunting heavily soon, and he looked towards Roeflame and Flamewhisker. His words were given to his son, a small but forced smile on his face. "Make sure you seen Sunfreckle, okay? He may have something for you to do given.. everything." Batwing pressed his nose to the ear of his son, before heading for Roeflame and Howlingstar.

Voice softened, lowered so that they couldn't be heard in the din of the camp. "Whatever needs done, I'll help. What happened? Bravepaw said he fought a rogue."

A blind trek into the heart of a territory that she had been taught was enemy from her birth was… interesting, to say the least. Her eyes had slowly been able to open, blood still coating her face where the wounds rested. She had been lucky- where Doe was having issues seeing, Antler was just unable to open her eyes fully, her entire facing aflame with pain. She stuck close to her siblings first, and Howlingstar second. Her head nodded mutely in agreement to Howlingstar’s statement.

Being in Thunderclan’s camp was a new experience. So many cats stood in here, and the chatter only became louder as they arrived. She spoke quietly in response to Howlingstar, one of the only cats she supposed she could trust outside her siblings. ".. Antler." She offered in return for her name, ears twitching- but even that caused pain in her eyes, which made her flinch further, until her eyes were shut again. Her pelt pressed against Doe’s, moving to follow after Hailstorm.

Stormywing’s words made her eyes peel back open. She didn’t even have the energy to hiss, dull eyes flicking across camp. She recognized that perhaps, even if that cat were to attack her sister, Howlingstar would leap at her. Even the one that she was learning was called Hailstorm, something she’d commit to memory, as well.

Antler turned her head back to the nests offered, settling down herself. Beyond the frayed nerves and her now aching face, Antler was moving okay, if not a bit skittishly. She didn’t want to be too far from her siblings, now a stranger in a strange place. Her nose pressed at the moss briefly, which she considered would be better than leaf litter and rotting food if she had been outcast from her mother and Thunderclan. And as Doe spoke, Antler retorted with short words, ones that surprised her even. "You aren’t allowed to die."

Squinted vision shifted towards Hailstorm. "Just… just my face. I can see okay." Antler whispered out, her ears still lowered, despite the pain it was causing in her face.

 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    a small, lh cinnamon lynx sepia still small, with a brown patterned pelt and bright orange-gold eyes. looks naive.
Pure adrenaline still poured through her veins as she trekked back with Roeflame. They had made sure Baying Hound was out of the territory, but she found herself wishing she could have torn into that deranged she-cat a little more. Her ivory paws were still decorated with crimson from their earlier engagement. You'd better hope I don't catch you. Her own warning to the molly replayed in her head. Baying Hound must have heard the truth in her growl, because she had ran for her life. Thunderclan kits or not, the lead warrior had [no respect for a mother who attacked her own children.

As she and Roeflame pushed their way towards their leader, she let her attention flick briefly to Fallowpaw and her injured littermates. Her gaze reignited in irritation, but she tried to blink it away. "She'd be a fool to come back...Though, I wouldn't put it past her to try." she added on, shaking her head slowly. "Are they going to be alright? They're just kits..."
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Deputy of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 29 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

While Hailstorm ushers the injured back to the medicine den, Howlingstar turns to look at those that gather with a frown. Wolfwind looks perplexed and offers to go finish the job on whoever tried to hurt the kits while Batwing probes for what happened, Nightwing standing by curiously, and the tabby gives them an understanding look. "These are Fallowpaw's littermates. Their mother turned on them. Flamewhisker and Roeflame are chasing her out as we speak." As if summoned, the pair of she-cats return, panting and furious. She turns her sights to them to listen to their report and nods once in acknowledgment, glad the rogue had been chased off without trouble. "We'll patrol that border more heavily to make sure she stays gone. As far as I'm concerned, these kits are our responsibility now." Her gaze shifts to the medicine den again, then to the kits who still linger nearby. "Bravepaw, Fallowpaw...why don't you two go help them make some nests for the apprentices' den?" They may as well stay with their sister while they're here.
Palepaw had been chattering with a small group of apprentices near their den when the sudden commotion caught her attention, pulling her away from the group and towards the entrance of camp. She paused a few mouselengths away, her eyes widening slightly as her senses were suddenly flooded by an all-too-familiar scent.... rogues. Their smell was always slightly different, and yet somehow, always the same. She tasted the air again to make sure, just as the group broke through the brush and came parading into camp. Her shocked gaze fell to the quartet of young, unfamiliar bodies that had been escorted in by her clanmates.


She didn't care that they were barely more than kits. She didn't care that they were helpless, and hurt, and siblings of one of their apprentices. Rogues had killed her father, driven her clan out of their home. They didn't belong here, in their camp, where Thunderclan was meant to be safest. Where she was meant to be free from their influence and the memory of what she'd lost to them. Free from the filth of creatures like them. Her lip curled with unfiltered disgust, and her claws unsheathed into the frozen earth below. What exactly was happening here? Her cool blue gaze flickered from face to face, all marred with worry over their little rescues, none of them bothering to argue. Were they really going to allow these brats to freely join their ranks? After their mother had supposedly attacked her clanmates at the border? How could they be trusted?

"But... they're rogues," the long-haired molly hissed incredulously, wishing for someone, anyone, to understand, to speak up.

No one would, though. No one could.

She felt a nauseating mix of rage and panic building up in her chest at the realization, suffocating her, urging her to act. To rid her home of these pests. It was instinct, not logic that flooded her mind. Her wild gaze jumped around frantically, searching for one she knew would understand her - Nightbird. Her ebony-furred mentor had already caught her eye, and there she found a comforting amount of indifference. At least she knew she could count on the lead warrior not to fawn over these... intruders, even if she wouldn't protest their presence here. Nightbird was summoning her to leave, to follow out of camp for reasons she neither knew nor cared; she was being offered an escape. And Palepaw knew, if she stayed any longer, she would do or say something that would truly get her into trouble. Yes - yes, she needed to leave. Lungs fluttering rapidly to draw in ragged breaths, the apprentice roughly shouldered her way through the crowd and quickly darted after her mentor and out of the camp's entrance.

[ // out! ]
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