pafp EVERGREEN [ Heather crowns ]


for you, i’d steal the stars.
Jul 14, 2022

Under the light drizzle that always seemed to come with each green-leafs end, a singular blue eye was narrowed, determined, and unrelentingly focused.
At her paws? Fringes of heather, a couple tossed to the side that she had accidentally shredded, but a half circle successfully shifting smoothly between her forepaws.
"I think I’m getting the hang of it!" She hummed triumphantly to her companion, Inkylotus. The duo made an unlikely pair of friends, but Echolight enjoyed his company all the same- the others calm demeanor and low-leveled tone was something the molly found wildly refreshing, especially as of late.
Taking a moment to break away from her own work and to study Inkylotus’s, her face would scrunch up in critique, "How do you do it so well? Maybe my paws are just too big- or clumsy. Wait, stick your paw out so I can measure!" She’d both compliment and plead for the secret to his crown-weaving, sticking a scarred forepaw out, even though the other lacked sight, the gesture from the molly was large enough for their pelts to brush together, letting the tom know that at that current moment, Echolight’s front paw was jutted out in front of them in the most silly manner.


Everything Stays

The early morning drizzle left a chill behind in its wake, and they could feel the oncomings of leaf-fall upon them. The air had shifted scents and prey seemed to lessen, that with the most recent hawk attacks as well so that wasn't helpful either. Still, Windclan was in a happy lull in the moment and he was so excited when Echolight had accepted his offer of making heather crowns. The two where an unlikely pair of friends, but he found her silly demeanor endearing. It was such a light in the formible darkness that loomed over head.

A chuckle left the black cat, and he obliged and suck out his own paw. While without sight, he couldn't tell if their paws where any different from one another. Though to a sighted cat, Inkylotus did have slightly smaller and slimmer paws, "I'm sure yours is just fine, to me it look perfect," he responded to the warrio with a light chuckle at his own joke.

Curious eyes watch the duo, an interest sparked by their actions.

Echolight and Inkylotus, they were making crowns out of heather! Or, attempting to, rather. Either way, the weaving of heather, of flowers and foliage alike - into crowns, into his fur - was one of Thymepaw's favorite things to do in his free time. It was something to keep his paws busy, something to keep his mind distracted.

And, well, to see others doing similar, trying to weave crowns of their own? It was exciting!

Thymepaw watches them a little longer, before looking toward where he sleeps, toward the stash of flowers he keeps. Perhaps the two would like some extra flowers to decorate their crowns with? He hopes they will, anyway.

The apprentice quickly gathers some of the prettiest flowers out of his stash, before shyly heading over to the two.

"Uhm, I like yer crowns," the fawn-point starts after setting down the flowers in front of the two, cornflower gaze settled onto his paws, "They look pretty, so far! I was... I was wonderin' if you wan'ed s' more flowers to make 'em even prettier? Or! Or, I could weave 'em into yer fur? That'd look nice too, I reckon. I could even teach y'all how to do it, but, only if y'all don't know yet!"

He looks up at them as he realizes he's begun to ramble, nerves evident in his demeanor as he awaits an answer.
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It was nice to see his sister doing something so... liberating. For a long time he had worried- and in fact still did- that she did not truly want to be in WindClan, and he could not say he found... fault with that feeling. But she had made some friends which was profoundly relieving to him. Echolight deserved to be happy- she was one of the nicest people Mallowlark had ever known, and she was always there whenever he was struggling! He'd tried his best to be there for her too, but there was only so much that an old connection could provide. Sometimes you needed new friends and new perspectives- an approach to socialising that his mother had instilled in him from her endless floods of bright spirit.

"Those are so pretty," he crooned, grin-ever present and curving his words. Despite his expression being as it ever was, there was sincerity in the lilt of his words. Silver eyes settled upon the creations and refuses to budge, studying every petal and twist. How did you even think of something like this, made from such abundant blooms! It was genius, really... his creativity was lacking in comparison. He'd have to think of something he could make that was this fantastic.

He arrives alongside Thymepaw, leaning into his sibling as he thrusts his head forward to examine the crowns being weaved between the cats sharing one collective eye-it was a wonder what his clanmates were capable of even being unable to see. While less refined than the ones Inkylotus was making the ones Echolight made were a fair bit more impressive than any of his sloppy attempts at weaving together heather or other flowers. It was a pain, you would think a cat learning medicine would have more delicate paws but he felt a little heavyhanded at times when it came to such carefree tasks. Dandelionpaw smiled, his smile brightening even more at Mallowlark arriving and offering his own compliments. It wasn't often he heard the other express interest in something as mundane as floral arrangements, he assumed the dark-pawed tom would be more invested in something a little more macabre; perhaps a crown of bird bone and briars.
"Remember at the gatherin' when RiverClan had all them bits in their fur? I think that's pretty nice lookin'! We should decorate ourselves! Reckon I'd look right smart in somethin' yella." Thymepaw already tucked flowers in his fur, something Dandelionpaw also did but less frequently than he used to, "Inkylotus, Echolight, can ye make us some crowns too? Mallowlark wants one as well, don't ye Mallowlark?"


An ear flicks as she comes across the scene, face level as she lets her eyes wander over the gathered cats. Inky and Echo, she notes, are the start of the small group, a revolutionary as if these cats have never weaved flowers between their paws- she scrunches her nose up at the cynical thought, shaking her head as if she could disperse the very thoughts. She approaches hesitantly, with dull eyes as she stands there slightly dumbfounded. "I think... some white flowers would compliment the purple." her voice is rusty as if she hasn't used it yet, but theres warmth all the same as she settles down on her haunches to watch.
