EVERGREEN &. patrols

alright. this was their responsibility now, and they only hoped this would go well. as much as they hated every other clan that graced these lands, they did not need to fight. not today. not when there was so much of a chance of them dying. their nose twitched in distaste at the thought of it. they would make it extremely clear that there is not to be any conflicts on these patrols. they couldn't afford it.

"alright, shadowclan! time for patrols!"

they threw their voice, tail lashing as they stood tall and gaze unwavering while they watched them gather. with a twitch of their ear, they spoke again.

"i am going to start this off by being perfectly clear. i do not want a single incident in these patrols. any conflict with thunderclan or windclan will result serious consequences. i am not joking. we have better things to do than to waste our energy on those froghearted cowards. am i clear?"

with a small tilt of their head, they only grunted as they lashed their tail to the side. they couldn't have been more clear about their wishes if they tried.

"alright. it's getting cold. the prey is retreating faster than we can catch it. so, i'm sending two hunting patrols. first patrol is smogmaw, wolverinefang, geckoscreech and ghostpaw. wolverinefang, I would like you to lead this one. if you don't want the responsibility, then smogmaw. bring back as much prey as you can. we need it."

they look at the cats before turning to the next set.

"granitepaw, brawlinglion, frostbite, barkbreath and shadepaw. frostbite, you can lead this one."

they scrunched their nose before just breathing out a heavy and rather agitated breath.

"flickerfire, siltpaw, ebonyfall, boarjaw, and bonejaw. you can go to the thunderclan boarder. do not cause issues. flickerfire, it is your responsibility to make sure that they don't cause any unnecessary problems. if thunderclan attacks first, then you have every right to fight back. let's hope it doesn't come to that."

they instructed with a nod of their head.

"finally, the last patrol with consist of myself, lavenderpaw, forestpaw, scorchfrost and minkpaw. we will be going towards windclan border. try to ignore them as much as possible. despite our little alliance, i trust sootstar about as far as i can throw her."

grunting, they looked at their brother with a small smile towards him before their face returned to its normal state of stoicism. they couldn't help that they didn't trust anyone else on a patrol with their brother.


they turned away with a heavy breath out, trying to keep their body from visibly shaking.

way to go. you didn't have a mental breakdown... yet.

// tagging everyone ! @SMOGMAW @wolverinefang @GECKOSCREECH @GHOSTPAW @GRANITEPAW @Brawlinglion @Frostbite @BARKBREATH. @SHADEPAW @FLICKERFIRE @Siltcloud. @ebonyfall. @BONEJAW @BOARJAW @Lavenderpaw @FORESTPAW @scorchfrost @MINKPAW

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