private Everlasting arms [Bluepool]

Badgermoon stood and studied himself in a puddle of snowmelt, his brow furrowed. A passing remark by an NPC warrior had made him ponder his appearance for the first time in a long time, and he had sought out the nearest reflective surface. I look alright, don't I? he thought, a bit worriedly. I mean, I know I have those scars, but - he glanced down at the rough pinkish surface of his chest and tried to flatten the white fur down over them. Well, they're badges of honor, right? It means I fought and lived, and that I made a vow to Sootstar. They're good, I think. he took a step back and cocked his head, trying to assess the shape of his broad shoulders. Those seemed good - it suggested strength? He knew he liked the look of a strong warrior. The black-and-white tom let out a huge sigh and then shook his head, frustrated with his reflection and himself. "This doesn't even matter." he muttered, stepping forward and placing his speckled forepaws in the center of the puddle. It didn't matter what he looked like. His words and actions were the things which counted, not his looks. It was vain of him to think otherwise, surely. He gave a lash of his dark tail and began to trot away, vowing to do something productive with his time.


Hardly ever does Bluepool worry about her looks, in that she was a very confident she-cat. Still, she does her best to stay in shape, to keep her short blue fur clean and silky, relatively free of any visible scars, save her short cropped tail. When she had lost it she had screamed to the heavens. Her tail had been her pride and joy, it was soft and fluffy and the same solid blue that stripes her pelt. After a while, when she grew used to how she looked and when the wound had healed over and the fur grown back, she had to admit maybe the stumpy tail look was cute.

"What doesn’t matter?" she had been on a one of her runs around the moor when she had spotted the black and white tom staring at himself in the sun-warmed-pool. Her curiosity got the best of her and she watched him for a bit before deciding to reply to his words when he finally turns away.

He had not realized he was being observed. Badgermoon started slightly as he was addressed and then relaxed, a sheepish grin surfacing at Bluepool's question. "Oh, hey, Bluepool. Uhh - " there was a moment when he considered lying, perhaps to save face - she was, after all, not just a fellow warrior, but also a loyal WindClanner, Sootstar's sister, and a beautiful she-cat. But that wasn't really his speed: lying complicated everything, and he was constantly in pursuit of simplification. Besides, it felt dishonorable, and honor was something he prized, even if he did not fully realize it yet. "I was being vain, trying to see how I looked." admitted the bicolor tom after a short pause, white-tipped ears twitching back in slight embarrassment. He gave a shrug and purred, "Someone said something, uh, about my scars, and I - well, I was being sort of silly about it." he gestured vaguely to the gnarled mass of twisted pinkish flesh on his chest. "But it doesn't matter, you know? Like..." Badgermoon paused, trying to give voice to his thoughts - a challenging task for a tom who was, despite his strengths, not the most brilliant cat alive. "What we do matters most, followed by what we say, followed by what we think...what we look like should be at the bottom, right?"