private EVERY BONE SCREAMING // examining stream

// @Scorchedmoon @pipitclaw !! @orchidpaw @Sweetpaw @Snowpaw.

Forestshade leads her clanmates to the western part of their territory, her tail flicking to and fro behind her. She still has no idea why she of all cats was sent to lead this patrol, but she supposes Smogmaw just thinks that highly of her leadership skills, huh? To make up for the fact that she won't be able to help with this mission, like, at all. She comes to a stop on a ridge, where she can hear the water trickling below. The water level sounds higher with all of the snowmelt. "Alright, here we are. You heard the tom - we gotta make sure it's clean or whatever. Do you see anything?" She asks her clanmates, tipping her muzzle in their direction and waiting for their response. She cracks a toothy smile, "Sorry, wish I could help more." At least she can smell, and nothing smells off. Her job is done!

What a waste of time...

Padding after Forestshade is all well and good, he doesn't mind the sightless molly or her company (she is one of the few that is willing to laugh with him instead of at him) but the actual job she'd been assigned to drag him along for.... That was stupid. Who'd send.. a blind woman... to look for something???

He peers at the back of her head like it might catch on fire with the anger he assumes she feels too. She's a lead warrior being sent on a wild goose chase. Smogmaw's disrespect knew no bounds.

"It looks... fine to me..." he ventures slowly at first, walking along the shore with scrutinizing eyes. He stops short to admire something that glitters under the surface- probably some more of that trash he and Mottlefox had dug through at that big nest of garbage. How'd it get all the way out here?

"Mph... Something shiny in there. Think I should grab it? Doesn't seem like it's hurting the water... Could keep it as a token of your first successful patrol in charge, Forestshade," he suggests, hovering a paw over the water while he waited for a response.​
Orchidpaw sticks close to Sweetpaw the whole walk there, lanky form slinking after them, too tall, too self-conscious. They keep their head down the whole time, face burning in embarrassment. She shares the sentiment that it felt a little disrespectful to her mentor to send her to go look for something, and Orchidpaw loves her mentor like she loves her friends, so to say she feels a little bit frustrated on her behalf is an understatement.

Orchidpaw feels a little too nervous right now to allow themself to feel much more than a dull ache in their chest.

"Uh- Uhm, that- thats just a shell, isn-isn't it?" Orchid tries to speak up with a squeak, but their ears flatten as they look closer. A shell wouldn't shine like that, would it? Stupid! They curse themselves mentally, standing off awkwardly to the side as they begin to shuffle down the streambed, away from Pipitclaw and any potential remark he may throw their way. Their stomach churns nervously- "The stream is uh- uh, pretty clean o-otherwise, I think... Uhm.." maybe they missed something...? Pipitclaw asks if he should grab the shiny thing. Fear surges through Orchidpaws body cause what if it was sharp, what if it was- no, Orchidpaw doesn't speak up and clamps their mouth shut.

  • 78638539_9sjaI0ymFZeQLie.png
    ❝ i smile because i want to, i smile because you want to. ❞
    orchidkit, orchidpaw
    ❥ afab ,, she/they ,, 13 months
    ❥ apprentice of shadowclan ,, mentored by forestshade
    ❥ lanky yet fluffy cinnamon smoke she-cat with wide blue eyes
    ❥ "speech, d1afed" ,, thoughts
    ❥ bisexual ,, single
    ❥ smells like lilies and iris'

[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowpaw walked close to Scorchedmoon, ears swerved forward as the warmth of the sunlight lapped at her fur, today was nice that was for sure, and she wondered how successful their patrol would be. Of course she wondered silently what had composed Smogmaw to send Forestshade on such patrol... perhaps he thought it was funny.

Pipitclaw, Orchidpaw and even Forestshade had stated they found nothing wrong with the stream and was Snowpaw's chance to look their yellow gaze looking into their only water source, noting how clear it was and even smelled fine to her.

"Nothing out of the ordinary here!" she remarked towards the lead warrior before glancing at Pipitclaw who stated he found something shiny and she hummed a bit with a twitch of her tail. Him taking something from the water shouldn't be an issue so she shrugged at it. Everything will be fine for sure if he just took one thing from it.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 7 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Forestshade flicks her tail back and forth at her heels as she waits for her patrol-mates to do all the seeing-eye work. Pipitclaw reports that all looks well; her ears twitch as she hears him venture closer to the stream's edge. "Don't slip in, now," She warns lightly, sitting down on her haunches while she waits. "I almost did that once - if it weren't for Halfshade I woulda been swept all the way out to RiverClan!" She chuffs in laughter, recalling the late warrior fondly before she listens to her clanmate. He offers to grab something shiny from the water for her to keep - no one's ever really given her a gift before, besides Sharpshadow. What a disgusting gift that was.

Orchidpaw guesses it's a shell, which would be something! Shells aren't often all the way up here in the marsh. She cracks a half-smile, "Sure, grab it, will ya? I'm curious now." She leans forward a bit, listening to the apprentices both report that the stream looks clean. "Great! Does that mean we're done? Oh wait, I'm the leader, so I can say when we're done....We're done!" The torbie snickers a bit in amusement at her own joke before getting to her paws. What a waste of time. She didn't need to be here at all. Thanks a lot, o wise deputy.