every little thing & Quillpaw

Jan 5, 2023
Light, white paws moved across the snow-covered ground as the wind howled from above their heads. These warm green hues looked back towards a dual-tabby shape and a wave of a white spotted tail was given in excitement. "We're not too far from the surprise! I promise it'll be good," Bananapaw encouraged the tomcat behind her and slowed her excited pace to walk in step with him. With the storm things had been rather chaotic, and she was more determined to hunt than anything else in that moment. Also what better way to bother her best friend than by that of a random surprise? He might hate it, but it'd be funny nonetheless.

Bananapaw looked up at Quillpaw with rounded eyes and purred softly to him, "Don't wear sucha sour face, you're not going to totally hate it," She grinned before turning to the left and picked her way carefully through some snow piles. The wind blasted her fur against her skin and she shivered slightly, pressing into Quillpaw before ducking into a hole in the territory. It was a badgers den but it was stale and cold inside, but at least it was out of the wind.

She gave a small huff of annoyance, "Well so much for that surprise, the winds and snow is too bad. We'll have to wait a little bit," She muttered in disappointment. This seemed to be a common occurance lately; being snowed-in every where. No were in camp or the territory was safe from the blizzard and it felt like it had been going on for days now. She hadn't been able to return home due to the snow and it was worrisome, more for her humans than her but that was besides the point, "It was going to be a view of the territory, but I don't think we'll be going far now,"


[penned by wolf - ]


While Quillpaw has to admit that he and Bananapaw are friends, he doesn't know exactly when it happened. The girl was just always there whenever he as doing something, always on the same patrols and assigned to chores with him, and he can only assume it's the byproduct of clan life, seeing the same faces over and over again. He doesn't hate it, find that her company isn't horrible. She's more lively and talkative than him, but again, he doesn't hate the noise she makes. Its not the kind that makes his head buzz annoyingly. It makes him more likely to indulge her, which is exactly what he's doing now.

He isn't exactly thrilled to have been dragged out in a snowstorm, and from her comment about him making a 'sour face' he's probably not doing a good job at hiding it. Oh well. Still, he follows her, trudging through piles of snow as more continues to fall around them, and he wonders vaguely if she'd thought this through entirely. She seems the impulsive sort, the kind to get swept up in the idea of something rather than the execution. Perhaps today finally proves it.

Eventually they're forced to call it quits, and she leads them instead to an old badger den so they can duck inside and avoid the snow.

He shakes the hite from his coat before taking a seat, ears twitching toward her as she speak again, the surprise revealed to be a view of the territory. He's confused, because of course he'd dseen the territory before. He'd been climbing trees like all the other skyclanners for months now, having even tackles most of Tallpine not too long ago. "It's fine. We can see the territory any time."he replies, the words meant to reassure her, but ultimately coming off as a dismissal, as if its not important- because is it? Her disappointment suggests it may be, but he doesn't understand why.

"All this snow needs to hurry up and melt. It's starting to be a rail pain." he notes, gaze narrowing slightly on the snow falling outside the den. He'd be grateful for the return of spring and summer, when the nights were warm and the skies clear.

He missed the stars.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
There was a twitch of a pointed ear at the tomcat apprentice and she couldn't help the eyeroll that followed suit. Quillpaw could be such a downer sometimes and she never understood why that was. When he was around Twitchpaw it was different, but with her he seemed so bitter. Bananapaw didn't think there was much of a different between herself and Twitchpaw, they were both Quillpaws' friends but yet the behavior was so different. The cream colored she-cat looked at Quillpaw for a moment before shaking her head slightly, "Tell me about it, I think some time my paws are going to lop off from the cold," She muttered softly and sat down beside the dual-tabby cat with her tail curled around her paws.

Bananapaw didn't know how long they will be here, could be a few hours or a couple of days, but she was kinda glad it was Quillpaw she was stuck with. While he may be prickly on one hand, he was a good friend of hers. He was the more logical side to her while Bananapaw could be very air headed sometimes. The she-cat licked at her chest quietly for a few moments, her shoulders and ear stung from the wounds across her body and also the cold.

"Do you think everyone else is snowed-in too?" She asked and green eyes looked up at the other apprentice curiously and then gave a small shrug of her shoulders, "I hope they don't get sicker or anything like that,"


[penned by wolf - ]


Its no secret that Quill prefers the company of one cat above the others, and he doesn't try to hide it. Often during his free time he could be found shadowing the shorter mahogany and cream tomcat, and he knows that part of the aggitation he feels at being dragged out here in the first place is that it was cutting into his 'Twitch-time'. For reasons he can't exactly put his finger on, he just likes the other toms company, and he doesn't bother to hide his favoritism. If it bothers anyone, it sounds more like a 'them' probably to Quill.

"If they do, I'm using them as mittens." the tom replies, a joke, but spoken in his usual tone.

To be honest, he isn't completely disapointed to be with Bananapaw. In fact, if he were to take the whole 'i could be doing something with Twitch right now' aspect out of it, she's one of the few cats he doesn't mind being snowed in with. She's nice enough to be around, fun in her on way, and doesn't cause problems. Really, what more is there to ask from a cat?

"Probably." he replies, knowing that if the snow is falling so badly in a place surrounded by trees, that the clearing that the camp sits in is probably even worse off. "Thistles probably gonna want me to clear snow when I get back." he adds, and while theres a note of annoyance in his words this time, accompanying it is also resignation, apparently not interested in arguing the fact and simply accepting it.

Funny. A few weeks earlier, and he may have complained about how it was unfair to make him clear snow when he was already doing extra chores as punishment on top of his regular ones. Now? It doesn't seem like such a big deal to him. Funnier still, it even crosses his mind that hauling snow and digging out paths might be a good workout, something he hadn't realized mattered to him.

Since when did he start giving a fuck about staying in shape?

He chalks it up to the routine Thistle has him on and the fact that he doesn't want to end up feeling like a stranger in his own body again.

"If it doesn't let up soon though we're gonna be stuck out here long enough for the others to notice. Then we're both in shit."

Two apprentices wandering out of camp during a blizzard warning? Their mentors will punish them for sure, and momentarily Quill wonders if he's destined to be put on extra chores for the entirety of his apprenticeship.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
"I doubt that Sharpeye would know anything about me being gone- with two apprentices it would be hard to divide the time," Bananpaw commented back softly and laid down on the ground with her paws tucked under her body. Green eyes watched the snow fall outside quietly for a few moments before looking back to the tabby tomcat, "You know, we could probably make it back to camp if we take our time and stuff," She gave a small shrug and looked down at the ground for a moment, "I know Twitchpaw would be worried for you,"

Orangeblossom would probably also be worried for her, but she had other things to worry about. Like healing or deputy things, hardly time for an annoying sister like herself. Bananapaw shifted slightly in her spot on the ground before pushing at the snow that trickled inside, "Sorry you got stuck with me, I was just really hoping to show you something special," She spoke softly and her ears flattened slightly against her head. It was abnormal for Bananapaw to be so insecure with herself. Normally she didn't care if or what have you about her personality, but Quillpaw seemed extra annoyed with her.


[penned by wolf - ]


Quill nodded, silently agreeing that Sharpeye probably wouldn't notice. The tom had been Quills mentor before he was reasigned to Thistleback and he hadn't exactly been the most attentive. Though, to be fair, Quill had hardly been an exemplary apprentice, constantly arguing, ignoring, and avoiding the tom in order to shirk his trianing and chores. He assumed that after a while the other cat had simply given up on him, passing him over as a lost cause, and that had been fine with Quill.

Unfortunaely, there was no avoiding or ignoring Thistleback.

The offer to head back was only met with a shrug. To be honest, Quill didn't really care if they went back right now or not. "Either way we're stuck in a den." he replied, not seeing the difference.

"I know Twitchpaw would be worried for you,"

"Twitchpaw worries about everything." he replied, the words not meant to be an insuly, but again the words seem dismissive, and maybe that time they were meant to be, because he wasn't quite sure what she meant by it. Wasn't sure if he was okay with the idea of another cat worrying for him specifically. So he brushed it off, lumped it into something more general because that was easier to understand than specificis. Twitch worries about everything seemed a lot less confusing than Twitch worries for Quill, because that meant somebody actually gave a shit and he wasn't sure if that was a lie he was willing to buy into right then.

"Sorry you got stuck with me, I was just really hoping to show you something special,"

Quill wasn't good with social cues or body language, partly because he didn't care to look for them and partly because he'd never spent the time as a kit learning to pick up on them. The only things his radar was ever set to pick up where the whispers of looming aggression in another, and he found it difficult to read others unless their emotions were either plainly stated or expressed in a visible manner that was obvious. Luckily, the shift in Bananapaws demeanor was enough for Quill to pick up on, and there was a good chance that was only because they were familiar with each other.

Otherwise, he may not have noticed she was moping.

The downward tug of his lips into a frown was nearl imperceptible, but it was there as he regarded her. Had he said the wrong thing again? Had the proper inflection not been there? He wouldn't really wear her paws as mittens, and he didn't care that they might get in trouble. Or was she upset because of the snow ruinign her plans to show him 'something special'?

If he could read minds he'd probably understand others a lot better, but he also had a feeling it would make him want to throw himself in the river, so maybe it was better this way.

"I don't mind. Better you than Fierypaw or some warrior." he replied, the words honest enough. Fierypaw had been glaring in his direction pretty much since day one, and Quill would have been wildly aggitated at having to share such a small space with a warrior. Another moment of silence before he added, "Your not that bad to hang out with." another statement easily mistaken for lackluster, but Quills eyes it was a compliment if ever he was going to give one.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
There was a little bit of a giggle from the cream tabby she-cat and she pawed at his shoulder with white toes, "I am pretty dope, not going to lie to you," she mused back to him with a thump of her feathery tail. Bananapw supposed that Quillpaw just had a resting bitch face and looked like that with every kind of character in the clan, maybe even Twitchpaw. She flicked an ear before patting the spot beside her on the ground, "Come on, watch the snow with me," She gestured with a paw for him to join her at the entrance of their little badger den.

Outside the flakes of white drifted downwards with a softness, the wind seemed to have calmed down slightly and there was just the two of them. The forest was silent even their breathing seemed loud in the silence of the world, but it was nice. She never really got to stop and look at the world as she was usually busy with warrior duties or getting home. "You know, this is the first time I've been in the forest at night?" Bananpaw looked at him with those green eyes and smiled softly at him.


[penned by wolf - ]