"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" Howlingstar must suppress the shivers that threaten to shake her body as she sits tall upon her perch, ears flicking forward and gaze sweeping over her clan. The stone is icy cold beneath her - leaf-bare is certainly here, and she does not miss this chilly air. There is a worry knotted in her stomach, concern of the impending doom they can't foresee, but they all know it's coming. Empty bellies. Full medicine den. No herbs. It's the same song and dance they will be forced to relive every cycle of the seasons, but ThunderClan will always push through. Seeing Sunfreckle back home is proof that they have reason to hope, always.

"First, it's important you all know something. WindClan's claim on Highstones has not let up. Berryheart and his patrol were attacked when they were there peacefully to speak with StarClan. I hear your anger, and we will have to decide what to do. I will speak with my council tonight, but whatever we do we must be cautious. Leaf-bare is unkind, we can't risk unnecessary bloodshed so we must tread carefully."

She sighs, a billowing cloud expelling from her maw as her ears fold back against her head. She thought there would be unity in the forest, at least for some time, after the five clans worked together. She had been wrong. "But I don't call this meeting to only bring bad news. We have ceremonies to complete, clanmates to celebrate. So Fallowkit, please step forward." She finds the child near the nursery, a smile cast in its direction. She has grown since being found in ThunderClan, dropped by an owl to become a future warrior. Destiny is an odd thing. "You have reached the age of four moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Fallowpaw. Your mentor will be Stormywing. I hope she will pass down all she knows on to you." Her fern eyes seek out the scarred bicolor in the crowd, who bears a shocked expression. "Stormywing, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have receive excellent training from Barkjaw and you have shown yourself to be a bold and loyal warrior. You will be the mentor of Fallowpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to her." Smiling, she watches as the two touch noses before she shifts her gaze to three apprentices who sit nearby.

"Falconpaw, Skypaw, and Duskpaw, come forward." Excitement shines in her gaze. Falconpaw had been held back a moon behind his sister for failing his assessment, but her grandson reports that his next one he passed with flying colors. Skypaw and Duskpaw, too, passed theirs, the former hosted by Howlingstar herself as she tested her apprentice's combat skills. "I, Howlingstar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon StarClan to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of the Warrior Code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Falconpaw, Skypaw, Duskpaw, do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"

// Apprentice ceremony: @FALLOWKIT assigned to @STORMYWING
Warrior ceremonies for @FALCONPAW. @skypaw @DUSKPAW

Activity shoutouts for November go to @HOWLINGSTAR @Flycatcher @BERRYHEART @HAILSTORM. @Flamewhisker @Sunfreckle @nightbird @RACCOONSTRIPE @WOLFWIND @BURNSTORM @batwing @ROEFLAME . @STORMYWING @FRECKLEFLAME @FALCONPAW.
Thank you all for your activity on the board last month!
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Howlinnstar calls the clan together for a meeting, and Falconpaw visibly winces as she begins with bad news. WindClan claimed highstones as a part of their own territory before the last gathering, and they have made it clear that they intend to keep it. Their defiance of the stars will drive the moorland clan into the ground, he’s sure. If not ThunderClan, it’s likely that one of the other clans will retaliate against them for their arrogance, their greed. He wonders what Howlingstar and her council will decide to do about it—Falconpaw can’t help but to hope they will find a way to deal with the threat without bloodshed, but he understands that sometimes it just can’t be avoided. Sometimes enemies can’t be reasoned with. The only language that Sootstar understands is violence.

On to better news, he watches as Fallowkit is named Fallowpaw—blue-green eyes settle on the younger feline, a smile crossing his face. It’s come a long way from being the pitiful little scrap of fur that a bird had dropped in their territory. Stormywing is assigned to be its mentor, a surprisingly good pairing that he hopes will work out well. He’s grown fond of Fallowpaw, and seeing them become an apprentice seems worth celebration.

When his own name is called alongside Skypaw and Duskpaw’s, the cream tabby knows that it can only mean one thing. Howlingstar asks him to step forward, and so he does after glancing back and attempting to meet Burnstorm’s gaze. If he manages to catch his mentor’s attention, he’ll offer the older tom a bright grin and a flick of an ear. He’s done it. He’s going to be a warrior, and he’s going to do good at it. The leader asks them to each swear that they will uphold the code, to defend the clan, even at the cost of their lives, and Falconpaw doesn’t allow himself to hesitate as he normally would.

He will not cower again, not like he did when the rogues attacked. He will not let his clan, his family, his friends down. He will fight to defend his clan, even if he gets hurt in doing so. Even if it costs him his life. He glances to his mother, to his father, to Stormfeather if he can find her. Then he meets Howlingstar’s gaze and nods, serious.

"I do."
[ find me way out there ]
✦  .   ˚ .   One of his earliest memories is playing patrol. A trek around the edges of camp with his nursery-mates in tow, the adults playing at rogues. He had always wanted to be a warrior worthy of his bloodline. Life had changed. He had changed with it. Now all that could be done was to survive the shift as the full forest came crashing down. Howlingstar's news of WindClan brings an unfamiliar anger into Duskpaw, his frustrations taking a different direction's than Falconpaw's. Talking it out? They don't know the meaning of it. He remembers what they had said, of WindClan coming to their border and demanding entry to their clan's territory on way to fight another. Cruel. They'd been cruel for so long, and to deny StarClan when he had walked with them so shortly ago is an insult the young cat cannot process.

He stands there defiant and raging, chest ballooned with held breath, only to exhale it when his grandmother offers no true solution just yet. It feels...bad, then, to think of StarClan and their eternal distance from them. He misses his mom.

She should have been here to see this. His name is called and he searches for her instinctively among the crowd. He finds Nightbird instead, and the grief in dark amber eyes is palpable for the briefest of moments until it's swallowed up. Loss made holes that could never be filled. Earning his warrior name was hardly a replacement for Little Wolf. But maybe, just maybe, he could make her proud from where he still watched him. With a serious weight to each step, Duskpaw comes to stand alongside Falconpaw and Skypaw, gazing up at their leader where she stands. "I do."

Life may change, but his heart never had. He was still going to be a warrior ThunderClan could be proud of.

  • OOC.
    ——  a lanky apprentice with mostly dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of their tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. his eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red, often somewhat critical and cautious but not unkind in expression. he is not terribly tall, but his shoulders are broadening with age and training.
  • "speech"

she is one of the first to approach — only because she’d been caught picking between a vole and a mouse from their dwindling freshkill pile, mulling over the soon-to-be reality of having no choice. she, unbeknownst to either of them, was having quite the same thoughts as howlingstar herself : the air was cold. colder than she’d expected it to be, a quickly plummeting chill amidst the canopies. it is better in camp, their sloping walls keeping the worst of the chilling wind in the trees above. still, she tucks into herself as she settles before the highrock and cranes her ears forward, using the thick of her leafbare coat to keep her nose warm.

falconpaw, skypaw, and duskpaw begin to line up near the front and the finds herself grinning despite the air of somberness in howlingstar’s gathering tone. little wolf’s youngest litter, as well as the lingering child of flycatcher and flamewhisker, would be graduating today. falconpaw would be taking his position alongside his sister, and freckleflame glances back towards the medicine den to see if she watched from its maw ; stormfeather’s permanent residence was a lingering cloud over the family, a topic she’d remained devoutly silent about. she’d grown with flamewhisker around, a close friend of her father’s — but she wasn’t close enough to ask, to check in without feeling like she were crossing a distinct line in the dirt.

but first, berryheart and his patrol was attacked.. voices lift, a waving murmur of outrage amidst the crowd and she is one of them — an indignant what?, but howlingstar extinguishes the rage just as quick as it ignites. they would talk about it. her and her council. her eyes scan briefly for wolfwind ( she tells herself she could bend her ear about it, but it would only be a word jumble of half - finished thoughts and worries ) before life continues on, blinking back towards highrock for ceremonies, ” fallowpaw, fallowpaw! “ she hopes to catch duskpaw’s eye, to offer a blinding, encouraging smile — a good kid, she thinks. all three would be a welcome addition to their ranks ( and den. extra bodies meant extra warmth, after all! ).

  • i.
  • IMG_3106.png

    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a thick, broad - shouldered figure.
    unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while bearing a wide, bright - eyed grin. she seems to sing confidence from every laugh, every word.. that can't all be for show, can it?

    ——— ˙⋆ — prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.

He's seen the sun sink beneath the trees his entire life - and yet the night prior, as he watched it leave them and felt the cold creep in, Skypaw could not help but feel... off. Howlingstar had given him his assessment - a brawl with the leader herself - and though he had won he cannot help but feel his success unreal. Moons as a -paw, training first beneath Scaleclaw and then his grandmother, all for this moment. Why isn't he excited? He's been waiting for this day, why must he feel so rubbed-raw about it?

The news of the Moonstone is met with unease, a growl rumbling deep in his chest. WindClan, those foul dirt-mouths - Sootstar must have bees in her brain, conducting her warriors like that. He feels a sense of superiority, knowing that as he ages, his leader will not utilize him like a pawn. Howlingstar respects him, loves him. Many ThunderClanners do, to varying degrees given he's still young and unruly. He steps forth with his friend and brother, ears tilting back for a moment.

Like Duskpaw, his gaze surfs the crowd. And like the other, he feels hollow, empty, not seeing a familiar black pelt. It's unfair, how their elder siblings got to have her there, for their ceremonies, whilst he and Duskpaw flounder alone. Amber eyes settle on other family members around, other Clanmates, and he wonders, he fears the pity they must feel. Worse, the curiosity of who their sire must be. He's filled out - he stands tall and broad, like Burnstorm, like Moonwhisper, like -

"I do," he interrupts his own thoughts, forcing his churning stomach into silence. He will find pride, to a sinful extent. He will revel in his successes. Little Wolf is watching them just as she would if she were breathing, he tells himself. He cannot see her, but she must be here. No one, especially not his beloved mother, will watch him crumble.​
Typical WindClan, always finding new ways to infuriate the other clans. To claim Highstones was, well, certainly taking things to a new level of extreme. Personally he would sought assistance from the others clans and sent a display of force to bring WindClan back in line, but he understood that it wasn't that simple. Besides, leafbare was upon them now and they couldn't afford to risk injuries and the like. No doubt WindClan knew that too, and was likely counting on the clans to waiver in their actions as to evade immediate repercussions.

The news shifts onto more pleasant things, such as warriors earning their new apprentices, and apprentices becoming warriors. The calico felt a sting though as he watched and listened, a bitter realisation that he had yet to be entrusted with an apprentice. His gaze settled on Howlingstar for a time with a flicker of hurt. He had always been... well, wild and brash in his nature, but he still considered himself loyal and willing to do everything for ThunderClan. Yet it was clear that he was not trusted to lead the next generation of youth. The frustration made his claws itch.

"Fallowpaw! Fallowpaw!" The tom chanted the name loud before drifting back into silence as he awaited the opportunity to chant the new warrior names to come. His amber gaze was now locked on Duskpaw, Falconpaw, and Skypaw.


ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

Not long after Howlingstars rhythmic call, Roeflame would follow her clanmates lead to high rock, quickly finding a spot beside Burnstorm.
While the cinnamon and silver warrior knew this meeting would not be all sunshine, she could not deny her excitement for both her mate and his apprentice. Falconpaw had passed his assessment, and Roeflame was eager for the ebony tom to feel the same overwhelming amount of pride she had with Mothfur was named.
Just as the young warrior had expected, Howlingstar begins with new of Windclans greediness, fastening their bloodstained claws around the forests scared ground, unafraid to shed even a peaceful healers blood for them.
Roeflame feels bubbles of anger rising up in her chest, evident in the way her tail tip had begun to flick to and fro.
Howlingstar’s words are wise, however, and her leader has Roeflames full trust- the older molly’s reason would have to be enough for now.
Despite her quiet rage towards the moor-dwellers, celadon optics spark with anticipation once Fallowpaw and the three soon-to-be warriors are called up. Falconpaw, of course, and Burnstorms two half-siblings. Stormywing is assigned to the new apprentice, and Roeflame would make a note to give her gray-furred friend a congratulations later on.
When Howlingstars attention shifts to the three graduating apprentices, if she’d be able to catch her mates eye, the warrior would be quick to shoot him a small smile.

Each of the apprentices makes their vow earnestly, drawing a content smile from the tabby leader. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names." She makes her way down the Highrock, joints notably sorer in the cold. Her movements are slow and careful, but when she reaches the ground, the dignity she carries herself with as she approaches Falconpaw is unmistakable.

She stops in front of the son of her deputy and lead warrior, recalling the conversation they'd had about his worries and failed assessment. Now she looks at him with pride, almost as if saying, I told you it would be fine. "Falconpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Falconheart. StarClan honors your energy and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." She rests her white chin on his head, eyes falling shut until he licks her shoulder before she pulls away. She'd watched him and his sister grow up since they were kits, always knowing great things awaited them. Finally, she gets to see that day come for Falconheart.

She next moves onto the first of her grandchildren, and the tom she had chosen to train herself after the death of his first mentor. She stares at Skypaw with all the love a grandmother can, stifling the grief that threatens to break her. She knows Little Wolf is watching from StarClan, beaming with all the energy she would in life. She'd always been such an emotional and proud mother. "Skypaw, from this moment on you will be known as Skyclaw. StarClan honors your strength and battle prowess, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." She nestles her muzzle between his ears, a loving purr rumbling in her throat, before she pulls away from her now-former apprentice.

And finally, she stops in front of Duskpaw, still trying her very best to hold back mourning tears. She still remembers the day Little Wolf told her she was pregnant again, and how Howlingstar had assured the two of them would keep their father's identity a secret no matter how the rumors may fly. Above all else, protecting these two kits had to be their priority. And now she looks at them with such pride...her youngest grandchildren, now becoming warriors. "Duskpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Duskbird. StarClan honors your devotion and faith, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." She places her muzzle on top of his head the same she had done for the others, her purr ever-present, and waits for that ceremonial lick before stepping away. She is the first to begin chanting, "Falconheart! Skyclaw! Duskbird!" What proud heritages the three new warriors carry...the son of Flycatcher and Flamewhisker, and the children of Little Wolf and Blazestar, though the latter still remains unknown to them. What great destinies lie ahead for the three of them, she wonders?

Howlingstar moves slowly back up the Highrock, ears folding back to display the aching she feels. But she reaches the top without too much delay, a lash of her tail enough to dispel any sign she had been in pain. When she creeps to the edge of the boulder again, she does so with a serious yet excited light. "Before we adjourn, I have one more announcement to make. Or rather, an invitation. I make it a point to reward those warriors in ThunderClan who have earned something more than what they have, and who prove daily they work hard to put ThunderClan above all else. These warriors deserve spots on my council, where they can do more for this clan than they ever could as a warrior. Today, I invite Roeflame to join my council as a lead warrior. Few warriors carry your same ferocity and passion for ThunderClan - it's what I admire most about you, and why you have my trust and respect. Will you accept?" She fixes the amber and silver she-cat sitting next to her grandson with a smile. Though once a kit stolen into the medicine den by the terrible Cinderfrost, she has since grown into a proud, noble warrior who had earned her own place in this clan. Even despite the blood she carries from elsewhere.

// Falconheart, named for his refreshing enthusiasm
Skyclaw, named for his skill in battle
Duskbird, named for his skill in climbing and for his mentor, Nightbird

and MAJOR CONGRATS to @ROEFLAME . !!!! This promotion was WELL earned through IC realism, consistently high activity for months, and OOC friendliness and reliability :)
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Today is bittersweet. His younger siblings were all grown up, his apprentice had passed his assessment and all three would finally be taking their rightful places as ThunderClan warriors. He feels sad though, when he looks upon the faces of his two little brothers. Their mother should be here to share in this moment with them. It wasn't fair. If Little Wolf were here, she would have insisted she groom them like she had for him, she would have sat proudly by, green eyes shining with tears of pride and she would have cheered for them the loudest, would have been the first to run up to them and call them by their new names, congratulating them. It is not fair that they have been robbed of this.

He can see in his grandmothers eyes that she too holds some grief for what his family has lost, that she felt the absence of his mother today too. She keeps it together though and so does he. He even manages a smile, for Skypaw and Duskpaw's sake. The names Howlingstar chooses are good ones. His apprentice is renamed Falconheart. Skypaw becomes Skyclaw and Duskpaw Duskbird. He calls each of their names out with a fervor that would put even the loudest bird in the forest to shame. "Falconheart! Skyclaw! Duskbird!" he cries out with the rest of the clan.

Finally, when a hush settles over the crowd, Howlingstar speaks again. The meeting is not over. She is inviting another cat to her council she says and he finds his eyes roaming over the crowd wondering who. When finally she announces it, when his mates name comes out of her mouth he nearly jumps with excitement on her behalf. If she were to accept, he would be the first one to congratulate her, his nose immediately pressing to her cheek in a warm and supportive gesture. "You're going to do great, my love" he would murmur softly to her.

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
The trek back to the Thunderclan after the attack weighed heavy in his mind as they settled in for the meeting- Howlingstar's call lifting from high above. His eyes closed briefly, scratch on his muzzle born evidence of the scuffle they had been in. Hopefully, Batwing's words would sit heavy in the bellies of those forsaken Windclanners. His eyes lifted towards Howlingstar- then found the new apprentice in the crowd. He cheered briefly for the apprentice, before falling silent- "Fallowpaw! Fallowpaw!" Hopefully, his kits would feel the same pride taking a step forward into the clan.

He fell silent as three apprentices were called forward, and he nodded gently in agreement. They would do well in the clan, he reckoned, but hopefully none of them had the same bravado that Batwing did at that age. Reckless and stupid bravery were not preferable, after all. "Falconheart! Skyclaw! Duskbird!" He cheered. And finally, his vision lifted towards Howlingstar- then shifted towards the crowd. A tiny grin touched his muzzle. Roeflame was to be an addition, then? Another nod of approval, and if she accepted, he'd cheer her name aloud.

His conviction in his response doesn’t waver, not even as Howlingstar’s words continue to bounce around in his skull. Even at the cost of your life? Falconpaw is a coward, not a fighter, not someone who would lay down his life for his clan. But as the tabby-striped leader continues to speak, the realization strikes him: he’s not Falconpaw anymore. Howlingstar had told him that he would make a wonderful warrior, caring and loyal. He has to meet her expectations. He will fight and bleed and die for his clan, he tells himself.

Falconheart’s dual-colored eyes fill with unshed tears as his name is bestowed upon him, a shining smile on his face as she rests her chin atop his head. His lick to her shoulder is unhurried as the young tom forcefully slows each all of his movements. When Howlingstar steps away from him, his paws shift beneath him as if to accommodate the weight of his new position within the clan. He’s a warrior now—he looks to his parents once more, shooting matching grins in each of their directions. I did it, you guys!

He feels a pang of emotion as he realizes that for Skypaw and Duskpaw, this occasion is bittersweet. His own parents are here to see him become a warrior, while theirs are not. But at least they have parts of their family here, from Howlingstar to the rest of their siblings and uncles and aunts. They aren’t alone. And they certainly aren’t alone when the entire clan begins to chant their names. "Skyclaw! Duskbird!" He cheers for his fellow newly-named warriors along with the rest of the clan. Warmth fills his chest, feeling as though it could choke him with just how happy he is. It took him an extra month to do it, but he’s a warrior at last.

But before the meeting is adjourned, Howlingstar announces one last name. Roeflame is offered the position of a lead warrior. "Roeflame!" He calls her name in congratulations just as others do, spotting her amidst the crowd. She’s Burnstorm’s… something, Falconheart thinks, and that’s enough to make her important to him. But now she’s more than just a warrior. She’s a lead warrior, a protector of the clan and a trusted member of Howlingstar’s council. He can only hope to hold such an honor someday—Roeflame is deserving of her new ranking, and the brand-new warrior aims another bright smile in her direction.
[ find me way out there ]

Flycatcher sits in his usual spot below Howlingstar, looking out at the crowd with a neutral expression. As Howlingstar begins to speak, a frown creases his brow, troubled by the continued actions of WindClan. Although they had anticipated such an attack when Berryheart had left, it still troubled him to know that WindClan was audacious enough to go through with it. To deny a medicine cat access to their most sacred grounds was one thing but outright attacking was another. Flycatcher understood and Howlingstar's need to be cautious, especially in the throes of leafbare, but it still made him hopeful that matters there would be resolved soon.

As their leader said, this meeting was not all bad news. As she moves to name a new apprentice of the clan and Fallowkit becomes Fallowpaw. He smiles approvingly when his own niece is named as their mentor, feeling certain she would train them well. "Fallowpaw! Fallowpaw!" He cheers, celebrating the new partnership. It was not the only ceremony to occur as Howlingstar would call forward three apprentices, now ready to receive their warriors names. Flycatcher sits up with renewed interest knowing his son was among the three called. He watches as the three are called forward, take their oath, and receive their new names. Falconheart, Skyclaw, and Duskbird. His heart swells to see his son receive his warrior name to finally stand before the clan as a full warrior. As he looks at him, his eyes shimmer with tears, unable to stop himself from reflecting on how he had grown. From small kitten to a full warrior. "Falconheart! Skyclaw! Duskbird!" He calls out, joining the yells of his clanmates.

There is one more announcement to be made - another lead warrior. Roeflame is called to join their ever-growing ranks and Flycatcher smiles warmly at his former apprentice. He is proud of her too and how far she has come. He hopes she will say yes. She deserves this.

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

As each of the three warriors is named, Roeflames smile grows a little larger, not quite a cartoonish grin, but a toothy one all the same by the time they have all received their warrior names.
New warriors meant growth, capable paws to aid their clan when leaf-bare would bare its icy fangs.
"Falconheart! Skyclaw! Duskbird!" The tabby warrior chants alongside the rest of her clanmates, paw just about to reach for Burnstorms in a congratulatory grasp when Howlingstar reveals there is another announcement to make- an invitation. I wonder… celadon optics flicker casually around the gathered clan, trying to guess for a brief moment who would be the cat to be named.
No sooner has Roeflames gaze returned to her leader is her own name called out, and the cinnamon molly finds herself clasping her jaw shut as to not let it drop into the soil. Had her ears heard that correctly?
She feels eyes turn to her, but they do not burn into her pelt, not as she takes a silent inhale as to not stutter on her acceptance.
"I would be honored to join your council." Instinctively, the small warrior stands, as though afraid her voice would be drowned out by her size.
Even as the chanting would begin, Roeflames would remain wide on Howlingstar, gratitude and genuine shock still sparkling in them before the impact of her mates affectionate gesture would cause them to close as she embraced it, suppressing the urge to purr against his loving words.
When they open again, pupils would flicker wildly within the crowd before finally settling on Flycatcher, the pride reflecting in his own verdant gaze only causing the joy in her heart to swell as the shock racing through her veins would begin to wear away.
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As the meeting begins, Howlingstar mentions Windclan's attack on Berryheart's patrol to the Highstones. Her tail twitches irritatedly, and she instinctively turns to look at the Medicine Cat, hoping nobody was injured too badly. I hope they put those fox hearts in their place. She couldn't imagine her traveling companions attacking anyone over such nonsense, but there was no telling how deeply Sootstar had her claws in her warriors. A moon ago, she had been forced to trust those from other, it seemed some had fallen back into their old ways. She blinked the thought away, tuning back into the meeting.

Fallowkit is renamed to Fallowpaw, and Stormywing would be mentoring her. Flycatcher's niece had grown into a formidable warrior, and would make a great mentor. "Fallowpaw! Fallowpaw!" she cheers along with her clanmates. Next, her son and Little Wolf's kits were called forward. Her heart swelled with excitement, and her she looked at each of them, her eyes full of pride and love. They did it Little Wolf she thought, hoping their mother was watching this moment. She looked up to their leader, her gaze sustaining the same amount of emotion as she waited for their full names to be announced. Falconheart, Skyclaw, and Duskbird. All wonderful names. "Falconheart, Skyclaw, Duskbird!" she calls out before having to force herself from keeping back tears of both grief and happiness.

Howlingstar wasn't finished. Next, Roeflame's name is called to join the council. She turns to glance at Flycatcher's former apprentice. Roeflame had grown into a responsible young cat, she would serve Howlingstar and their team well. Once the molly accepted, she would chant her name as well. "Roeflame! Roeflame!"
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 27 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse



♪ Like a moth to a flame ♪ ---- After his morning chores, he hears his leader's calls for a gathering. He made his way to the crowd among some of his folks, but the leaf-bare winds certainly did slow him down... His thick, short pelt is just enough for him to be- okay. He just made it in time to hear the new apprentices and the following new warriors. He congratulated them and cheered their names. After the excitement died down a bit, Howlingstar announced her next lead warrior and Mothfur was thrilled. Roeflame, his mentor, was now a lead warrior. The tom cheered with his clanmates "Roeflame! Roeflame!"

  • Lyrics - Moth by HELLYEAH

  • - 12 ☾
    - Tom, He/Him
    - Single, Bisexual

Played by @Dutch

Meetings weren't Coyote's ideal way to spend an afternoon. Most of the time, they contained irrelevant information that she didn't feel she needed to hear. Many of them were often repetitive, offering promotions to promising members of the clan, or naming new warriors and apprentices. This time around, however, the meeting brought forth something new; interesting enough for her undivided attention. Obsidian lips curled into a snarl with the mentions of WindClan and their unnecessary hostility. Did they think they owned the moonstone? Highstones was not solely for WindClan. The molly was pleased to know that something would be done. The promise of Howlingstar meeting with her counsel to scrape together a plan was promising news.

"Falconheart! Skyclaw! Duskbird!" Coyote's voice would ring out amongst her clanmates, joining them in welcoming the newest warriors into the clan. If things were going sour with WindClan, having all the warriors they could get their paws on wouldn't be the worst idea in the world. Just when she thought the meeting was over, Howlingstar would add another announcement to the list. This time it was an offer for Roeflame to join her counsel as a lead warrior. Should he accept her offer, she would again allow her voice to rise with her clanmates as she welcomed him into his new position. "Roeflame!"

( ⁀➷ )  Fallow doesn't feel very excited to be an apprentice at all. Maybe it's gone too far, this whole playing at being a ThunderClanner thing. She never intended to become one of them, never even wanted the name Fallowkit. Not really. She's still Fallow, and even as Howlingstar announces her new name it doesn't feel right.

Still. Being an apprentice is better than being a kit. It means she'll learn to fight, and it means she'll have freedom. Being caged in camp waiting on her mama to come take her back isn't good enough. So she steps forwards, keeps her eyes trained upwards until her new keeper is named. Stormywing. A familiar face at least, but it's hard not to feel like she's already messed things up with the warrior. Maybe that's good, it means she won't expect much.

Fallow approaches cautiously. "Um. Hi," it mumbles. It's not really sure how it's supposed to do this, but it touches its nose to hers as instructed. And then, it is silent. Unfamiliar voices cheer the wrong name, and Fallow keeps its eyes trained on the ground. Too many cats are looking at her. She hates this.

But the meeting isn't over yet.

Three new warriors, three changed names. Only one of them is familiar. Falconpaw is a face that Fallow knows, likes better than most in the clan. Its mouth twists a bit at the realization that he's leaving the den it's moving into. She pushes the feeling down. She shouldn't be getting attached. Cheers rise up around her, and Fallow joins them, a half-hearted call of "Falconheart, Skyclaw, Duskbird." And then "Roeflame, Roeflame." She feels awkward doing it, but everyone's looking at her so she can't just hide in the nursery anymore. She just wants this to be over so she can slink away from all the gathered cats to somewhere quieter..

  • //



I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — One of the kittens became an apprentice today and he can only imagine how exciting it could be but Hailstorm idly sat amongst the crowd with his ears perked forward, the snowy tomcat watched with tired dark eyes. A small smile present on his maw and not long a trio of apprentices are called forward to be made into warriors, he feels his heart ache for a brief moment when its Skypaw and Duskpaw called forward. Her sacrifice had not been in vain since her kittens were well and now they were becoming warriors this day, she could not be here in person but surely she's watching from Starclan and she is shouting their names the loudest within the stars. But he is here for her, he is here for them if only to make sure they are well and do not die of illness or injury or at least, if he can help it with his new path and steady paws. Hailstorm parts his jaws to cheer the names of those newly graduated "Fallowpaw! Falconheart! Skyclaw! Duskbird!" He chants with the rest of his clanmates only to listen to Howlingstar mention the patrol that had went to Highstones and he can't help but feel his smile falter at the memory of it. They had all fought bracely he thinks with a flick of his ear.

It isn't long until Howlingstar asks Roeflame to join her council and both of his ears are picked forward, he thinks about how the leader has quite a few lead warriors on her council but they're all respectable and worthy warriors. "Roeflame!" He cheers for her as well.

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    50 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Stormywing doesn't usually pay much attention to meetings, but she is dutiful enough to at least sit near the back and kinda-sorta be present. If she ever wants to be named a lead warrior, she's got to get used to keeping an ear out for important announcements. Or- or if she gets an apprentice, she's got to be ready! Iciclefang even has an apprentice now, and she's a lead warrior...Stormywing's starting to feel like the tortoiseshell is way too good for her, and that is not a common thought to cross the tabby's mind. For once, it's not jealousy that plagues her, but inferiority.

So when her name is called, she has to consciously keep her jaw from dropping. Me? Her face lights up and she stands, weaving through the crowd of cats before standing in front of the kid who- well, it had been kinda mean, but an apprentice is an apprentice! She can whip her into shape in no time. "Hi," She chirps, too elated at being a mentor to even care if she was paired with the nursery's feral child. She leans down to touch noses with the kit before smirking, "We'll see if you have what it takes to be my apprentice."

The rest of the meeting goes by in a blur, her mind too busy buzzing with thoughts of training and patrolling and- oh! She's got to introduce Fallowpaw to Iciclefang! This is so awesome!