private EVERY NIGHT I LIE AWAKE — prompt

Dec 29, 2023

The night's cool air ruffled Smudgepaw's fur as it blew around the camp's edges. As late as it was nobody should be awake to scold him for being outside of camp (besides it wasn't like he was far enough to get into trouble) nor discover him at all. All day he'd been feeling uneasy, however, he couldn't quite determine why that was. One of the only advantages to being awake so late at night was that there wouldn't be anyone around to see him in a funk. Should things turn unfortunate for the young tom, he would be uneasy and apprehensive in confiding in another.


Guarding the camp at night wasn't the most pleasant of duties during leafbare. It was cold and lonely, though the sight of the stars above was truly unmatched. Though something gnawed at his mind and he soon began to reflect back on his day. Smudgepaw had caught his attention earlier that day and the apprentice had seemed... off. Though as to why, well, Shiningsun simply didn't have the answer.

A scent caught in the warrior's nose and it spurred him to rise up from his seated guard position. Normally the scent of a clanmate wouldn't stir him like so, but the scent was coming from outside the camp and it belonged to an apprentice. Shiningsun moved on quiet paws as he set out to investigate, and sure enough he came to discover Smudgepaw. Now he truly knew that something was up. "Hey Smudgy, what are you doing out here?" He queried at first with one of his usual smiles, though his features soon betrayed his feelings of concern for the other. "Are you doing alright? I've been a little worried about ya."