every teardrop is a waterfall - clear night

Coyotecrest still had not returned. Although none of the patrols were outright looking for him, there had been no reports to suggest he had been seen or that his scent had been detected. Howlfire would not have admitted it outright but she was starting to worry Coyotecrest had been taken too. Her growing worries made her wish she had tried to stop him from running off, that she had begged him to come back to camp with their family. They should have waited for Orangestar to arrange a patrol or perhaps for the daylight warriors to have a brief look through the twolegplace

After waking early in the night, Howlfire lay in her nest tossing and turning, willing herself to go to sleep again to no avail. Not wanting to wake up her fellow warriors anymore than she feared she already had, Howlfire carefully slipped outside, weaving her way through the sleeping warriors as she left the den. It was cooler outside but not so much that Howlfire would be uncomfortable sitting in the dark. She padded over to a spot away from the warrior's den and sat down before casting her gaze skyward. It was a clear night, with the stars twinkling down upon the clans. As she stared she wondered if her kin and friends who walked among the stars were watching over her tonight. If they were, would they oblige her a simple request? "Please watch over Wolfpaw and Coyotecrest," She whispered quietly. "Wherever they may be."
Family was such a strange thing. He did have kin within camp, but it wasn't like he was close to them. It was interesting that Mottledove's kit wanted him to be their when they came out, as if expecting the warrior to lash out. I wasn't even there most of your life, and why's it gotta matter whatcha wanna be called? You can call yerself Deathberry all of a sudden, hey wait. Deathberry is a cool name, too bad the cats 'round here wouldn't like that too much. There are certainly times where he wonders what if he stood with Mottledove. Would they both be in Skyclan or would they have ended up somewhere else? Would she have allowed him to name the kits and what names would he pass down? For one, Storm was a definite no. He hated being named after his father and if he followed the rules, his first born would be named Stormkit. If I had kits, I wouldn't name them after their parents. They shouldn't be our shadows.

Rustling draws his attention away from his thoughts. Geez, guess some cats are too jumpy to sleep. Well, it's not like I'm any different. Beetleback was a night owl after all. He loathed waking up early and quite honestly couldn't understand how some cats like Silversmoke were able to get up before the sun even rose. If only we could have night patrols... To put it simply he was bored watching clanmates sleep or listen to whatever mumblings they uttered. The warriors den was cramped for sure and he hoped Orangestar would work on expanding it soon. Dang, this is getting creepy staring at this couple here. Whelp! And with that the blue tom rises to his paws and exits the den, trying his best not to step on any sleeping warrior.

Muttering. Naturally the warrior is drawn to it and notes Howlfire is all alone and up in the middle of the night. She says something he can't decipher, which only deepens his curiosity. Thankfully he is able to hear the tail end of her words. "Wherever who may be?" The blue tom asks with a tilt of his head. "Don't think I've seen ya up this late before. The den feeling a little warm? I sure hope Orangestar will put in the order to expand it soon with all the new warriors we'll be having next meeting."
𓆝 . ° ✦ Sorrelsong is no stranger to the night. She'd always been a night owl, even before her dreams were hounded by foxes and rogues. She was a stranger to her clan mates, despite trying to over come her shy nature. She was stranger still to others in the moonlight. Bones a bit stiff, the molly watches Holwfire from around the warrior's den. Paws heavy with uncertainty, the molly takes Beetleback's forwardness as a silent 'okay' to approach the other molly.
"Hopefully so, it's hard to sleep when the sun is beating down on you." She smiles softly, making sure her entrance is marked verbally so she doesn't spook anyone.
Holwfire's eyes draw her own blue eyes upwards, watching the twinkling above. Ah.
"Who hunts with them? If you don't mind my forwardness," To much time with the elders had lead the molly's tongue to be to lose around Star Clan, a bolt of shame ran through her, hoping she didn't offend either cat.
✧ ° . ✶ . ° ✧
  • ooc: low muse! Sorry for the short post

    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang
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Howlfire does not find herself alone for long, the voices of two cats also awake at this late hour drifting into her ears. First, comes Beetleback. "It's been a while since I have stayed awake so late," Howlfire confessed when Beetleback observed he hadn't seen her up at this hour before. "It's not the warmth that kept me up though. I was thinking about Wolfpaw and Coyotecrest." Her addition to her previous statement acts to answer both questions. Howlfire turns away from his momentarily, looking at her paws, before whispering in a low voice, "I do hope he finds her."

At Sorrelsong's question, Howlfire first acknowledged the other warrior with a small look, before looking skyward. If it were any other cat, Howlfire might have found her question a little tactless, but given that Sorrelsong didn't know about the intricacies of StarClan as well as some of their other clanmates she was willing to let it slide. "Many of my fallen friends and kin," Howlfire explained simply. "You would probably only know Blazestar of all those who walk with StarClan. As for everyone else, there would simply be too many to name."

✧ . More often than not, Greeneyes spends sleepless nights outside finding company most in the stars above. Some nights he’s not alone, though — tonight being one of them. It’s a friend he sees cast under moonlight, worries no doubt keeping her awake too. A child missing, a mate gone to look for her; Greeneyes doesn’t blame Howlfire for her restless slumber. He would do the same. He does do the same, really, casting his gaze up to the stars to seek his own family.

Yes, it’s rare to see you out here — “ Greeneyes hums in greeting to her, to the audience she gathers as he rises from the place he’d settled to sit among them. “ The stars won’t let them out of their sight. “ he promises his friend.

Blazestar, Morningpaw, Little Wolf — they would watch over Wolfpaw and Coyotecrest as far as they possibly can, he knows. At Sorrelsong’s question, his ears twitch and his eyes dart back to the stars as his friend answers.

Too many, “ Greeneyes echoes in agreement, a nod of his head following, “ My mother... and my brother. “ The lead warrior finds himself adding — though Sorrelsong will have never met them, though his losses overlap with Howlfire’s, he thinks it might aid in providing an answer to the older warrior.​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    GREENEYES AMAB. He / Him. Lead Warrior of SkyClan.
    ✧ . A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ✧ . Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ✧ . Mentored by Sheepcurl ; Former mentor to Falcongaze
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

There was no one within the stars for Silversmoke to mourn as a friend or family member and amidst those who had known what it was to grieve, it was almost lonely. It meant there was no reason for him to give up fighting for life itself, there was no one up there waiting for him, no soul to guide him to his eternal rest should he ever fail in his mission to keep SkyClan safe, he thought that meant he would become a ghost without a bond up there. Should he have to choose between wandering the forest and wandering the stars, selfishly, he'd choose the stars - he figured they were far enough away to avoid witnessing the betrayal on clanmate's faces once they realised they couldn't be saved from death's cold paws. Equally, he found himself not wanting to mourn, it seemed just as terrifying as the powerlessness that came with one's doom. The conflict in his heart did its best not to reach his taciturn expression as he silently moved closer toward Greeneyes, Howlfire, Sorrelsong, and Beetleback, reclining on his haunches a harelength away from them. Sleep crusted at the corner of his eyes but before his clanmates, the action itself didn't find him.

Wolfpaw and Coyotecrest, Silversmoke winced to himself - he'd chosen a bad time to stargaze, hadn't he? Howlfire and Greeneyes' fallen were cats he knew despite their nameless state before a newer feline, some of the weight of their passing on his peer and warrior found its way onto his heart, feeling it grow heavy the longer he lingered. There was nothing he thought he could add to change things or make them better, the helplessness was enough to make him scuff the earth with a fidgety forepaw. Still, his tongue burned the longer it remained inactive, he had to try. "I do not know a SkyClan warrior, dead or alive, that has not earned a place within the afterlife." It was more than he could say about clans like WindClan or ThunderClan, whom Silversmoke hoped he would not have to interact with should he be found worthy by the deceased to live among them. "They say WindClan has the best view of the stars, but I believe it's here where they shine brightest."

𓆝 . ° ✦ Glad her comment was outright rude, or if it was that no cat had commented on it, Sorrelsong settled into her haunches. Tail wrapped neatly over the warrior's paws she listened to the others, commiting their shared names to memories. Who were those cats? What stories did their names hold? She felt it unkind and to brash to ask, but the want to burned in her chest. She hoped the some day, hopefully not soon, she'd get to ask them in person.
"Blazestar," She nods to Howlfire, "But also my brothers - Shadowfire and Smokefang." She didn't find the need to elaborate more. They were hunting there, she had to hope. Even kittypets had their own Silverpelt so why couldn't she and her kind have one? Even just a little sliver of the sky...Surely Star Clan would be nice enough to allow them that.
She took comfort in Silversmoke's words, allowing them to wash over her like cold wind on a hot day.
"I've traveled..." She hesitates, her life before the clans buried in her throat like fresh kill that wouldn't go down. If she were to make friends maybe it was time she opened up a bit? ",I've traveled to a place like what Wind Clan has - that vast open maw of a sky. It makes you feel tiny. Here is... much more... respectful." She settles on the word unsure if it's really the one she wants to use. Mostly, she was just agreeing with Silversmoke, adding to the conversation more out of obligation then to really add anything to it. Her tail flicks, finding a particularly bright star. Is that you...?
"But no matter where I was - even before I knew of Star Clan - it felt like they were watching over me. There wasn't a place I could hide from their light - not even around housefolk."
✧ ° . ✶ . ° ✧

    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang

Chrysaliswing rarely prayed. It was moreso a matter of Silverpelt not often crossing his mind than a flippant display of heresy. There was little to pray for, anyhow. For a beast with little graces, oft did his words stay mercurial and leaden upon the ground. His verses were not elegant nor ornate - they were usually designed to hurt, in which they mostly did. The half-toned tomcat did not mourn for his father, as though skyward spirit did not remain upon the innumerous speckles of light, or perhaps stole itself away in the solace of darkness. He should, perhaps, grieve Blazestar, but even he did not feel such a familial kindling towards the late leader. He made his stake in the gloom of the long shadows of night, though heterochromatic gaze glanced upwards into the pallid nocturne, imaginary rosaries clutched close to his heart, and prayed for himself. Starclan, I do not know if I deserve your sympathy. But please, help me.

  • short mobile post :'3
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 24 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.