private everybody talks & . emberstar

− ♱ ABOUT : they had been there long enough. the crowd had begun to ring shrill in his mind, pin and needles digging deep into the caritlage of his ears. tinnitus brings said audits to a low slant, pallid luminaries drifting slow over the sea of cats bustling around him. he'd not been able to find the newly - dubbed bonejaw, but he supposed her time with him in riverclan had sufficed enough. the disappointment that pulls at his ribcage wraps taut, aching to his very marrow. he grieved, still ; for the marshlands, for the relationships he'd held then. the mollies had grown up with him ; he, bone, briar, soot, salamander . . history lie deep between the now star - touched felines. there was little to show for it now, and the tortoiseshell chimera wasn't sure how he felt about that just yet. he had considered the silver molly a friend until she'd burst into the marshes, shouting blame, frothing wildly with grief and loss − just as the rest of them had been. the scuffle between bone had been short, quick ; he'd shoved himself between the two before thinking twice of it, and salamander had disappeared after a vitrolic exchange. she'd never spoken to him again. a lifetime of friendship, discarded. the tall tom cat sniffed ; call him a gossip, the mottled tom would now dub himself more concerned than anything.

his sloped muzzle lifts where he is lounging beneath the great oak, awaiting a familiar cinnamon tabby to return from where the medicine cats now spoke amongst themselves. the river phantom waits, settled amongst the shadows of dew - studded flora, his gaze drifting towards the stone he had towered upon what seemed like moments prior. the small pointed molly had taken her leave as well, and his coat prickles with an agitated excitement, paws fidgeting idly to his front. cicadastar had offered for her to come find him once she made her descent, but whether or not the thunderclan leader would was yet to be seen. with one last glance towards where his medicine cat sat huddled amongst the others, the man stretches, beginning to groom at the still - healing, windclan - inflicted scabs that litter his bicolored forearms. if she doesn't show, he supposed he couldn't make her . . but it would certainly would be disappointing.

  • @emberstar i hope this is okay!!
  • CICADASTAR ; he / him. roughly thirty seven months old, riverclan leader
    − handsome, lanky black smoke tortie chimera with curly fur and icy blue eyes
    − gay. speaks with a thick german accent, former marsh cat, penned by antlers

  • none.

Emberstar's mind was abuzz after all she had heard today. Only her first gathering as leader, and already it felt like so much had happened! She had needed to take a moment to gather her thoughts. Each and every clan seemed to have their own fantastical announcment, and a number of them she was already eager to impliment in her own clan. The talk of borders, however, troubled her. With her own clan trapped in the center of the other four, all of whom seemed determined to draw borders, it seemed their borders would be decided for them in mere days. A fact made all the more worrying by the fact that she hadn't really gotten a chance to talk with any of the other leaders, and none of them seemed to want to talk with her.

Well, aside from Blazestar.

Balzesstar was nice.

That was why, when Cicadastar had asked for a moment of her time, she had been glad for it. She wanted to make certain she was friends with as many of the other leaders as she could manage, to better keep the peace between the clans. Espesually with all this talk of borders. This seemed a great opportunity to build a relationship with another clan.

"Heya Cicadastar!" she greeted brightly, shooting him a brilliant smile. "Whatcha wanna talk about?"
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− ♱ ABOUT : heya, cicadastar! sing song — her voice rings bell - like over orbital ears, skull tipping upward to focus on the approaching point molly. shes bubbly. bright, a burning hand of midas shining golden upon his shaded spot as she trots closer. it had been a moment since he’d been greeted so cheerfully, and despite himself, suspicion draws tight beneath his ribcage. it’s a knee - jerk reaction, the way his forelimbs begin to tense, making a conscious effort to keep his curled fur lying still. the thunderclan leader had no reason to be against him, he knew — with a deep, practiced breath, the man allows his features to mirror the thunderclan leaders own. it was easier, with her beaming at him, “guten tag, emberstar. “ cicada meows, accented vocals warm despite the tiredness that lingers just beneath its purring trill. whatcha wanna talk about? in the brief moments he had to mull his thoughts, he still wasn’t quite sure what to say — so he scoots, only slightly. enough to make room for the other leader, as his voice lowers to remain unheard amongst the population, “how are you faring? it's . . been quite a night. “ the man chuckles, looking out over the clanners bustling before them. a gathering. they would speak over these cats for moons to come. what a peculiar thought.

finally, he clears his throat, turning back to emberstar with a smile, " i first want to thank you for joining me. this is . . a personal matter, so please forgive me if i pry. " his eyes are warm as he speaks, despite his apprehension, " you said. . a cinderfrost was thunderclans medicine cat. i was under the impression that it was salamander . . " the name falls odd from his maw, bitter and scorned. the shecat had hurt him, moons ago, but only his feelings, " she was . . a friend of mine, back in the marshlands. we had a falling out of sorts, i suppose. i'd just like to know if she's . . " his voice trails off, brow furrowing and maw dipping finally into the ghost of a frown. he didn't know what he wanted to ask, really. why did she leave? did she say? what had happened? was she now this ' cinderfrost '? instead, he clears his throat, looking up at the molly finally, his eyes imploring, " why did she not attend tonight? "

  • CICADASTAR ; he / him. roughly thirty seven months old, riverclan leader
    − handsome, lanky black smoke tortie chimera with curly fur and icy blue eyes
    − gay. speaks with a thick german accent, former marsh cat, penned by antlers

  • none.

Cicadastar scooted over to make room for her, and she eagerly jumped upon the silent invitation. Taking a seat right beside him as she waited to hear what he had to say. As she did, she appraised the man that sat next to her. There had not yet been time for her to be properly introduced to him, and of the five leaders it was between him and Sootstar for who she knew the least of.

Briarstar she had at least caught a glimpse of, during the scuffles between marsh and pine groups before the battle. Her opinion of the molly was, mixed, to say the least. Though she tried to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Him, however, she knew nothing of aside from that he too had been apart of the marsh group. Though in her mind that told her nothing, as though they had once been enemies, nowadays she had innumerable friends that were from there. Of course, she also knew what little she had heard him say at gatherings. That, at least, had endeared him to her, if only a touch. Moreso than Sootstar had endeared herself, at least.

Emberstar hoped they could be friends.

She blinked as she asked how she was faring. Then laughed. Had this been all he wanted to talk about? Here she had been worried it might be something serious! "Oh, I'm doing great!" she reassured him warmly. "All is well in Thunderclan, and nothing said here tonight is gonna change that. If anything, all the good news about their friends and family in other clans will only serve to brighten my clanmates spirits!" Another laugh. "What about you?"

Cicadastar cleared his throat, apologizing for possibly prying. She cut him off before he got to his question. "Oh, I don't mind at all!" she told him confidently, flashing a briloliant smile. "My business is your business, ask whatever ya like!" That was, after all the best way to keep the peace. Be open and kind and friendly with each other. She was certain of it.

The name of Cinderfrost dampened her enthusiasm.

It was only for a moment, but her smile flickered. Her eyes darted away. Then she was herself again, listening attentively to her fellow leader's every word. She did not interrupt him again. Simply waited until he had said his piece in it's entirety. "You were right, Salamander is the Thunderclan medicine cat. As we leaders did, she simply received a new name from the stars. No need to worry about her either, she's fine, well even!" Emberstar told him, eagerly avoiding the point she didn't wish to discuss.

She didn't want to just ignore his questions forever though, and she paused for a moment to consider her answer to his last. "As for why she didn't come..." A hesitation. Small and uncharacteristic. An apologetic look in her eye. "She made a comment about friends who betrayed her?" Emberstar told him uncertainly. Then she glanced away. "A lot of the clan also... didn't want her to come." She didn't want to elaborate.

Why had it been this he wanted to talk about? Why not anything else in the world?
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