EVERYBODY TALKS // unusual sunning spot


└─── °∘ ❄ ∘° ───┘
Mar 27, 2023

Bored thoughts lead to stupid actions, even for older cats sometimes.
Just getting done with a patrol he wanted somewhere to laze, yet his usual spot was being swarmed by kits... and the warriors den didn't get sun. Pushing through the fern tunnel he spots the boulder that housed the medicine cats den, a playful glint shines in his eyes.

Surely... Berryheart wouldn't mind...?

The tom cat approaches the base of the den, wiggles his rear, and leaps awkwardly onto the large stone. His legs ached, but the warmth coming from the rock assured him the strain on old muscles was worth it. He plops down somewhat slanted, but he had enough natural grip not to slide of the den. He rests his head against his paws but grins when he meets the gaze of a clan-mate, "Who needs sunningrocks, huh?!" The senior jests.

Returning from the same patrol as Blizzard Fang, Cloudypaw stretched as she emerged from the fern tunnel. It had been a long day.

She watched quizzically as he made a beeline for the medicine den, only to have her eyes widen as he settled back against it. Her eyes only widened further when he affixed his gaze to hers. Though his position looked kind of awkward to her, he apparently liked it, judging from the grin that split his maw. For a moment she just shuffled awkwardly, not wanting to just ignore him, but also not wanting anyone to think she was a part of his shenanigans.

"Uh, I don't think you're supposed to do that." Cloudypaw told him nervously, glancing about. While she wasn't sure if she should be the one telling a warrior what to do, the medicine den was like, an important place. Not somewhere to take a load off.​
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Eyes of cold steel follow the senior warrior as he ambles atop Berryheart's den, tail flicking in quiet contemplation as the rays from above warm Blizzardfang's body. It was a strange place to lounge, certainly but it looked comfortable nevertheless. "Perhaps not." Silverlightning states, somewhat agreeing with the youth he came to stand beside. However there was no rule stating otherwise. "Was it worth the climb?" Turning his attention from Cloudypaw he focuses upon Blizzardfang once more, questioning him. He recalled a time when he sunned himself upon high rock. Emberstar's response was nothing but kindness, a smile instead of chastisement.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road
Dewfang broke out into a loud purr seeing his fellow senior warrior in such a position. He immediately padded over, standing next to the worrying Cloudypaw and the much more stoic Silverlightning. Dewfang stretched his neck out, curiously poking his nose to the stone. It was in fact quite warm. "How creative." He murmured with a smile. The little detail that this boulder housed the medicine den was to be ignored by the older warrior. "Maybe Berryheart's patients would have their spirits uplifted seeing such a relaxed, noble warrior guarding them from above." He snorted.


He grins almost rebellious at Cloudypaw’s advisory against lounging atop the den. Truthfully, Blizzard Fang felt it didn’t hurt anyone… it wasn’t like the den would collapse under his weight- and well, if the stone did, that’d be one way to tell he needed to lay off on the mice. ”Why not?“ He plays and inquires before Silverlightning asks if the climb was worth it. He nods and bears his signature grin, ”Why yes it was! The warmth soothes my bones… and the trip to sunningrocks takes much longer.”

He scans the top of the den he laid on, ”If any of you fella’s… or little lady want to join… I think there’s room for a few more cats even!” Considering their reluctant looks and words he doubts any would join him, but until Berryheart barks at him he has no intent on getting down... and Dewfang? He likes where this Tom is coming from, with a wheeze he agrees, ”Percisely, Dewfang! Suppose it makes sense only us elderly would be able to understand each other.” He jests before laying his chin back down onto the stone.
