Foxpoppy .

Sweet Angel [08.21.23]
Mar 5, 2023

FOXPOPPY —Smiled with the rising sun

Upon opening her eyes for the first time that morning, Foxpoppy decides that today will be a good day. Dried petals laced in tortoiseshell fur crunch softly as she shifts from her shared nest, casting a still-sleepy glance towards her mate to snored on quietly. Yes, a very good day, the elder confirmed.
Silver-freckled jaw parts in a lengthy yawn before she finally tumbles of her nest, teetering on three paws for a second before her last hind leg would follow, limp from an incident that seemed to have happened ages ago. She gives a small but determined huff as she lifts the top of her leg just a whisker length from the ground, the exercise that seemed to be giving her more and more trouble these days- and moves along with her morning.
Today, she is content to settle at the mouth of the elders den, the suns warmth on her face shaking away any lingering webs of sleep. She blinks as her eyes adjust, golden eyes aglow as she scans the camps clearing. What was little Ragwortpaw up to?


It was a necessary duty to regularly check on the elders; they were the most prone to illness of any cats in the Clan, and it was his job to care for them when they had done so much to aid ThunderClan in their lives. Even though the oak-forest Clan had not existed for as long as the marsh group had, the cats that had gotten to ripe ages deserved to be rewarded for their efforts... such was always Berryheart's opinion, at least.

Light-eyes was first to rise it seemed; he was soon to limp toward her, ambled gait making a comfortable path that he had tread many times before. It was a subtle shift upon askance features, knocked lopsided many moons ago- but, appraised by a keen eye, his smile would be tangible. "Sleep well?" he asked, a purposefully simple question in order to coax from her any admittance of discomfort. Aching joints, bellies, heads... he had, thankfully, learned to deal with the lot by now.
.you want a battle ———


——— i'll give you war.
———————— ————————
THE BLACK-AND-WHITE APPRENTICE HAD BEEN HEADING TO THE FRESHKILL pile when he noticed Berryheart and Foxpoppy. He halted, blue optics crinkling in thought until he decided on something suitable for the elder, carrying it over to the two. He chirped in greetings, setting the fauna near the elder with a timid grin. “I, I thought you … you m, might want so, something to eat!”

Optics flickered to Berryheart, offering the healer a grin, fumbling back a few paw steps, unsure. “S, Sorry if … if I, I interrupted—” Idiot. He’d remind himself with a twitch of his willowy tail.

thoughts speech
sleekpaw | 04 months | genderfluid | he/she/they | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mistyrose
With expectations piled on high and a legacy to live up too, it is not all that uncommon to find sleekpaw joining the elders or queens as part of his daily tasks, though he has no kin in either den. Even as a kit she'd been reared by another rather than her own mother, to busy with her warrior duties to do more than share her accomplishments and leave the girl with a misplaced sense of superiority and pride. Not that sleekpaw can blame their parents for it, but now that they are older - well, it certainly stings. Baby blues are surprisingly soft and kind when they approach the elders den, mouth full of soft feathers and moss to help aching joints sleep more comfortably. "Good morning miss foxpoppy, " he greets quietly once he has dropped his mouthful to the ground, voice soft and lilting. Berryheart and dovepaw are each sparred a respectful nod but not much more - she's never been the most social feline after all.

As sure as a woodpecker in the forest, his snores could probably best it. Deep in his slumber he hardly noticed the shift in the shared nest. It wasn't until he heard voices that the elder awoke with a startled snort. "Mm?" Somewhat dazed from coming out of the sleeping world, he'd look around the den to gather himself. Pale-green eyes were attempting to focus where the light flittered in from the entryway, from there he could just make out a familiar silhouette. A grin was quick to pick up on his maw, like an apprentice with their first crush on a date. That feeling had never sizzled or dimmed for the old tom. He fought for the affection of Foxpoppy since they were young, once he had it there was nothing that could make him give it up.

The cinnamon tabby would rise to his paws, arching his back in a serious stretch with a yawn to compliment it. His gaze would dip to his limbs that were littered with scars, some of which he may have told fibs of their origin to those willing to listen to his outrageous stories. He'd chuckle to himself at his own stupidity before padding up behind Foxpoppy. His tail would brush one of her shoulders before he sat to the other side of her, something he enjoyed to do in jest to make her look the other way. Sometimes she'd know it was him and wouldn't fall for it, that's just what happens after so many moons. — tags